“So, I’m going to see how our people are doing first!”

“Of course, of course, you can rest assured that we, as regular military contractors, will never do anything to persecute prisoners of war!”

Anatoly then put on a blindfold and then rode in a car to a construction site a few kilometers away after making a large circle around the camp.

Shepard was going to build a four-story CQB training building here, so most of the captives worked here, and Ivanov, who was captured, was no exception, and when Anatoly saw the other party, Ivanov was sweating bare-chested in the sun with a sledgehammer.

“Go and bring the Russians here!”

A heavily armed PMC immediately walked into the crowd and brought Ivanov out.

When he saw a familiar comrade, Ivanov, who had already been unkempt because of several weeks of labor reform, immediately had red eyes, and Anatoly didn’t know what to say when he watched the originally white and clean Ivanov turn bronze, at least it seemed that this guy didn’t seem to have any problems except that he was dyed and thinned.

“I’m here to take you home, Ivanov!”

“Well, I know!”

“You’re not hurt, are you?”

Anatoly didn’t ask if it was okay, as soon as he asked Ivanov that grievance, as an officer, he did not enjoy any officer treatment here, but was required to do more work than Uncle Hei, otherwise there was no food, Uncle Hei The three people could get half a chicken every week, but he only had chicken paws to gnaw, and once he protested, the guards were still there yin and yang weird.

“What’s wrong with Big Brother if you suffer a little harder, Uncle Black has been hungry for hundreds of years, it doesn’t matter if you are hungry!”

“Uh, they didn’t interrogate you, didn’t torture you?”


“That’s good!”

Anatoly nodded and returned to the jeep.

“If you endure it no longer, it won’t be long before you can regain your freedom!”

After confirming that Shepard was not lying, Anatoly returned to the camp, ready for a detailed exchange about the release of the captives.

Then he was stunned by Shepard’s words.

“What, process? What is the process for taking money for people, you send the money, you take the person away, what process do you want? You’re afraid you’re not German, right?

Anatoly is a little confused, everyone is peers, then you should go through the process, pick a neutral zone, pay with one hand and deliver with one hand, and then go back to each house, what is your process, kidnapping and paying ransom?

“No, how do I know if you’re going to backtrack?”

“Then how do I know if you will give counterfeit banknotes?”

“You can bring a professional over for inspection!”

Anatoly is confused at the moment, whether the other party is a colleague of the CIA, why does he seem so amateur and layman? Could it be that these guys are acting?

“I see that you are really insincere, since this is the case, then there is no need to talk, you go, let those guys continue to work here, I am still waiting to open a watermelon field!”

“Wait, so be it, you put half of the people first, and then after confirming the authenticity of the money, what about the remaining half?”

“Then you have to stay here too!”

“Of course, so, how are you going to release people?”

“Get out of the doorway?”

“What are you kidding?”

Anatoly was simply, it took almost six hundred kilometers from the camp to the guerrilla camp in Uganda, these people did not eat or drink, how could they go back?

“You must send people out of your actual control zone!” “In that case, you will have to

pay for fuel and freight, and you will have to add money!”


Anatoly is very sure at this moment that their counterparts must have come to fight the autumn breeze, otherwise why do these guys only mention money and nothing else, it would be better to only mention money!

“Yes, but I have to choose the place!”

“That’s even worse, what if you set up an ambush?”

Shepard shook his head, he hadn’t forgotten the bullet in the ass.

“So what to do, you don’t trust me, I don’t believe you! It’s hard for us to do that!

“Then it’s better like this, your people drive away by themselves, wait for them to be safe, notify you, and I’ll release the rest!”

“Okay, then that’s settled?”

“Fixed, this is the list, you take a look!”

Shepard then handed the other party a list, which was the daily expenses of all the prisoners, as well as the fuel he added, according to each black uncle 5,000 yuan, non-commissioned officers 10,000 yuan, officers 50,000 yuan, Ivanov and his Cuban friends 200,000, the final price was 1,687,004, Shepard also very intimately wiped a zero for the other party, a total of 1.7 million!

After reading this number, Anatoly was not surprised, the KGB family has a big business, there is no shortage of this money, as long as the matter is solved, it will be easy to do! With the list, he

immediately left the Shadow Company’s station, he thought that he would be followed, but he didn’t expect that the other party didn’t care about him at all, let him wander the street for three hours, completely unable to understand the other party’s thoughts, he finally disappeared silently on the street, and when Shepard saw him again, it was four days later.

Anatoly, still alone, arrives at the Shadow Corporation’s camp.

“The money is out there, what about the people I want?”

Shepard pointed to the phone on the desk, on the other end of which were Ivanov’s little Cuban brothers, both of whom had been ambushed in the exploration camp, which had been abandoned but still worked.

“Sir, we are safe here, I have surveyed the nearby area, it is safe!”

“How many of you are there?”

“Everyone is here except Ivanov! We’ve been dumped here for days!

After listening to the call, Anatoly was immediately relieved, he was really afraid that these peers would not keep their promises.

“Man, I put it, so, what about the money?”

“Let your people go to the big tree opposite the gate and find a wood buried in the soil, the money is there!”

Anatoly told the truth, and then, before he could react, a black hood was placed over his head, and then his mouth was gagged.

Anatoly’s heart hung up again, he tried to resist, but several pairs of big hands pressed him deadly, and then he was tied up and sent to the helicopter.

Shepard waited for the banking experts he had called in Kinshasa to confirm the authenticity of the ransom, and when the latter carefully spent hours confirming the authenticity of the banknotes, Shepard was relieved.

“One and a half million!”

After sending off the expert, Shepard was satisfied and picked up a roll of banknotes and smashed it in his hand.

“Lao Pu, send that guy on the road!”

Anatoly, whose ears were not blocked, suddenly felt like ashes, these damn guys!

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