Anatoly only felt like a rooster waiting to be slaughtered, his eyes and mouth were blocked, and the whole person could only helplessly arch in the cabin, but then he was pressed by several pairs of hands and could not move at all.

Then, there was the sound of the propeller starting, Anatoly guessed that these guys were ready to throw themselves into the uninhabited jungle to destroy the corpse, and he could only silently wait for his last moment, and then, with a slight shock from the helicopter, he understood that his final moment had come.

“Bye bye, brother!”

Then, Anatoly felt that his butt was kicked violently, and he himself flew out directly, and then the smell of dirt came to his face. Then, the

roar of the propeller disappeared, leaving him struggling desperately in place, until dozens of minutes later, he was almost asleep, and suddenly several pairs of hands appeared to touch him.


Anatoly, who didn’t know what was going on, began to struggle again, and then his blindfold was ripped off.

Several shirtless black uncles smiled at him with a mouthful of white teeth, and then Anatoly saw Ivanov, who was also tied up by flowers next to him.

“These damn guys!”

Anatoly was angry and annoyed at the moment, but fortunately, the mission had been completed, all the captives were released by the Shadow Company, even those who lacked arms and legs, and even the Shadow Company prepared stretchers and medicines for the wounded very intimately, which made Anatoly not know what to say.

And Ivanov still thought of finding an opportunity to take revenge back, but was stopped by Anatoly.

“Think about your own problems first, Ivanov, and figure out how to go back and explain to the major general!” As for the Shadow Company,

Anatoly dared to guarantee that they might have to deal with the Shadow Company in the future, but at that time, who everyone arrested, it may not be!

But Shepard didn’t want to deal with the Russians anymore, at least not with these guys for now, after all, he extorted so much money from the other party in one go, you must know that at this moment the Bretton Woods system has not completely collapsed, and the 1.7 million in this period is very valuable. This money is

enough for an ordinary family of three to realize their American dream, and it is a huge amount of money in an economically underdeveloped country, but for Shepard, especially after he calculated his daily expenses, he found that 1.7 million is actually not much. At present, the entire employees of the Shadow Company are more than two

hundred and sixty people, half of whom are currently crazy about the subsidies of the white Navy, not only do not need him to pay for it, but even save hundreds of thousands of expenses, but the Vietnam War is a little more than two years away, and after the war, the Navy will definitely not be the main culprit, and even so, the daily expenses of the remaining more than 100 people are a lot of money.

As a passer-by, Shepard naturally knows what is the end of owing wages, especially for contractors, so the salaries of the company’s employees are settled on time every month, and the basic salary plus the war zone subsidy is 50,000 yuan per month, in addition to eating, drinking, Lasa, helicopters and car maintenance, the monthly net expenditure is about 100,000.

“So, you still have to find a way to make money!”

Shepard glanced at the map hanging on the wall, Katanga Province because of the geographical location and environmental factors, in fact, the industrial structure is very single, the entire province basically relies on selling resources to make money, oil, copper, iron, and even wood are export commodities, and this is why there are many mercenaries in this province, because of the narrow terrain and harsh natural environment, someone must protect it.

Growing demand naturally leads to a growing market, and Shepard did a cursory research before coming, and the value of armed escorts in Katanga Province alone is worth millions of dollars a year, and this money is divided up by large and small mercenary security companies.

Such a market Shepard will certainly not ignore, but there is a very serious problem, the shadow company has a very strong American label.

This label may be useful when dealing with governments, but it is not very useful when dealing with private companies! The DRC is a former Belgian

colony, so European companies, especially Belgian and French companies, have taken root here very early and have a very solid foundation, as an old Europe, everyone actually does not like the United States very much, if not the other party has money and can fight, is the free world to carry the handle, Europeans take the United States to play strange!

Bifa’s company has been operating here for many years, and then the Americans came to insert a kick, came to the pot to grab food, naturally did not get any good face, just like Jean Leso, he is obviously a Frenchman, but the local French party does not call him at all, saying that it is good is to squeeze out, and the security services of these European companies, naturally the priority is their own.

The Shadow Company does not have crushing strength, nor does it have a strong local network, it is quite difficult to enter the market, but this is also an opportunity, the influence of the old colonial empire on Africa is gradually fading, as long as he can seize the opportunity, he will definitely get the biggest piece of the cake.

But at present, Schappard can’t think of any way, the poor relatives in Europe are really a little malicious to the Americans, it’s been so long, and no one has called Shepard to open a silver party or something, obviously he is so experienced.

“So, there’s no banquet or something?” Don’t want a developer conference, just eat and drink! While Shepard

was struggling with this every day, Colonel Senario finally gave Shepard a big surprise, and on the sixth day after Shepard received the ransom, the former’s herald sent him an invitation to attend the eighteenth birthday of his seventh mistress two weeks later.

“This guy eats Arabian blood oats every day, right?”

Shepard remembered that the guy should be forty-nine, and he also had diabetes and high blood pressure, and he usually ate, drank and gambled constantly, and he could have a seventh mistress, which was really a little too hardworking!

But this is a good opportunity, Senario as a land snake, must also have a relationship with European companies, Shepard felt that he needed to see, at least to be familiar with everyone, moreover, he actually wanted to see what Senario’s seventh mistress looked like, which can make the old guy rejuvenate the second spring, it must not be bad!

“So what gift are you going to give him?”

Plomri, who also saw the invitation, was curious.

“Well, I really have to think about it!”

Shepard thought about it, although he didn’t know what to send, he had to send one that could have the characteristics of the Shadow Company!

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