Divisional blow is not a difficult word for Zabi, as a rare awakened person who has studied in Europe, Zabi has always been dismissive of tribal vendetta and tribal conflict.

Even before joining forces with Shepard, he tried to unite other tribes, hoping to join in the grand feats and achieve great things, but it was clear that the tribes he was looking for could not achieve great things one by one, either they were frightened by the sweep, or they rebelled against the cause and became lackeys of the Portuguese.

And now, his joint cause seems to have some new hope.

“So what should we do now?”

“Pull a faction, fight a faction, kill chickens for monkeys to see!”

Shepard’s target was first and foremost the Bacong tribe in the central oilfields, who were closely associated with the Portuguese, the chief was a middle-aged man in his forties with six wives, and almost two-thirds of his tribe’s young men served in the servants, and the rest worked in the oilfields.

Of course, although it cooperated closely with the Portuguese, the tribe was not necessarily very good, except for a few middle and high-ranking people, most of the commoners were equivalent to abject poverty, although they owned oil fields and could get a dime a dime, but these money were all used by the chiefs for their own luxury.

At a young age, he already owned a luxurious European villa of 400 square meters, as well as a limited edition sports car from Europe, and the Portuguese army even sent guards outside his villa to protect this model of cooperation.

With guards from the suzerainty, it is still a little difficult to directly take his dog’s life, not that there are no elite snipers or demomans under Shepard, but that this guy lives in seclusion, and on weekdays either enjoys life in his own territory, or goes to the developer conference organized by Portuguese officers, in addition, there is basically no time to throw his head.

However, since there are big ones, there are small ones, and the tribal chief cannot solve it, but the low-ranking officers under him who usually receive gifts can still be beaten.

Zabi first sent scouts to photograph the guys, and then issued a death notice about the guys, in which Zabi, as a patriot, condemned the guys’ crimes and sentenced them to death.

These printed circulars were then distributed by contact points and informants set up in various towns, and one daring guy even threw a bunch of notices across a high wall into the Portuguese barracks.

Such an arrogant and domineering approach naturally made these guys frightened and angry, shocked that they were rewarded, angry that those guerrillas dared to offer a reward, but no matter what, as soon as the announcement came out, a considerable number of guys became frightened birds, and they did not dare to come out in the camp all day long.

Of course, it is not a guy without an iron head, an iron-headed baby who thinks that he has practiced a good martial art since he was a child, and has learned a good marksmanship in the barracks, disdains the announcement, still drinks and dances, drinks high and urinates everywhere in bars, and shouts while dumping the little brother.

“Lao Tzu is here, come and kill me!”

Then, on a pleasant weekend evening, as usual, the iron-headed baby was ready to go for a drink, a dirty pickup truck leaned over.

Without waiting for him to react, three assault rifles stretched out from the carriage, beating this guy almost like a man.

In addition to him, there are some guys who do not believe in evil, and they also quickly lost their lives for various reasons, some were hit in the head by a mysterious gunman with a semi-automatic sniper rifle three hundred meters away on the road, and some people were smashed by explosives that broke through the window when they were doing big health care with the technician.

And these are actually quite trivial, because the biggest assassination carried out by Zabi’s guerrillas and Shepard’s black mercenaries was to send a border police station and a dozen colonial policemen sleeping inside with a full twenty kilograms of explosives in the middle of the night.

One thigh flew 300 meters away, smashed the roof of the family’s house, and then fell on the thatched pile where the family slept.

The hostess fainted from the bloody thighs on the spot, while the man was calm, he threw his thighs out the door, and then went back to sleep.

The assassinations one after another put the colonial officials who cooperated with the Portuguese at risk for a while, and the grape tooth garrison tried to retaliate equally, but they couldn’t find anyone at all, their opponents at the moment were not those farmers in the past, but those monkey spirit guerrilla veterans and mercenaries, these guys don’t say anything else, the ability to run is first-class! And in order to support the activities of the

guerrillas, Zabi began to set up secret storage points in Portuguese-controlled areas early on, stockpiling compressed biscuits and canned food here, so that even if the guerrillas could not evacuate to the border in time, they could manage to live in the jungle until the end of martial law.

In the past, they could still rely on aircraft and tanks to give the guerrillas a little color, but now, under the leadership of Zabi, the guerrillas in Lunda Norte did not clash head-on with the Portuguese at all, but were happy to indulge in small actions such as laying mines on the highway, digging water pipes, cutting power poles, and kidnapping the Portuguese alone, and the Portuguese army retaliated, and each village dug tunnels and bomb shelters. This minimized the damage, and whenever a village was attacked by the Portuguese army, the guerrillas would always rocket the Portuguese checkpoint or outpost in the shortest possible time.

Although this method of using civilians as shields is very despicable, but the effect is really good, the Portuguese army and the servant army are increasingly divorced, and there have even been cases where the Portuguese army stationed at outposts or checkpoints has begged large forces not to attack civilians, because every time the regular army finishes doing this, the guerrillas retaliate and beat them!

And Shepard saw that this fire was almost burning, so he chose to end the scene, ready to stimulate the bilateral relationship that was already a little tense.

“Although I may die a terrible death if caught, I still can’t help but do it!”

Under Shepard’s orders, the Apple detachment, which had long been conducting targeted training, boarded the Huey fleet, which had undergone many cruise trainings, on a dark night, and they had to fly a distance of more than two hundred kilometers at night deep into Angola, and then carry out the second and most important step of Shepard’s division plan.

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