If the previous attack was just a small test knife for Shepard to create a split, then the next step he dispatched was to put a match in this tense powder keg.

What happened to the Angolans, Shepard did not care, he only cared about the control of the central oil region, and if he wanted to get control, he had to do something!

The Huey fleet, which began to be prepared very early and carefully studied and simulated with the route, flew more than 200 kilometers in one breath loaded with personnel and materials, and was placed elsewhere, this blatant invasion of other countries’ airspace may mean a few rounds of surface-to-air missiles, but the Portuguese Air Force has only about 150 combat aircraft in Angola, and the territory to be responsible is as large as Western Europe, so the sky like the northern border is basically equivalent to a big road, and others can walk and come whenever they want.

The mercenary who had been lurking in the target area had long been marked on the Great Plains, and when he contacted the helicopter fleet by radio and heard the sound of the rotors in the dark, he immediately lit the huge guidance mark on the ground.

Several huge flame arrows appeared like galloping wild horses on the grassland, and the huge signs even illuminated half of the sky, but although the fire was raging, there was no risk of spreading, and the mercenaries had already cleared the separation belt.

Guided by ground markings, Huey’s fleet flew in a column and landed quickly, followed by teams of heavily armed PMCs jumping out of the cabin before unloading the bundled supply boxes in the cabin.

In a few moments, the entire Apple detachment had completed the landing, and when the weapons and ammunition were unloaded, the helicopter fleet immediately climbed and returned along the same road, while the Apple detachment quickly erased the traces, and then quickly disappeared into the hilly area under the leadership of mercenaries.

“Call the castle, alpha is in place!”

“Did something happen?”

“No, we are proceeding according to the scheduled plan, and we expect to arrive at the target area in an hour!”

“Then go according to plan!”

As the first combat detachment established by the Shadow Company, the particularity of the Apple detachment is self-evident, just like a certain first legion, the first brigade, they have the best equipment in the company, and the ratio of snipers is also the highest in the company, dispatching them is enough to show Shepard’s determination.

The apple detachment ran more than 20 kilometers overnight, passed a forest, stopped at the edge of the forest, and then the commander of the detachment picked up a telescope and looked into the distance.

I saw a brightly lit station on the other side of the horizon, which connected to the central oil field, where the heavy oil extracted from the ground was loaded onto trains and transported to the seaport.

Although the black uncles are usually reluctant to eat and drink, but they are quite serious in the matter of oil extraction, relying on the black uncles’ day and night work, and the advanced mining equipment purchased from the UK, this seemingly small oil field can extract nearly 100 tons of crude oil per day, although it is not very rich, but the profit is enough to make people lie down and eat for a lifetime.

It’s a pity that now this golden rice bowl is going to be gone!

Shepard was not prepared to attack the oil fields directly, which would destroy the extraction facilities, and if the oil wells were destroyed in the battle, it would be a lot of fun, and he wanted to destroy the channels.

The previous blow to the servant army was just a starter, if you want the Portuguese and the servant army to fight themselves, you have to start from their common interests, after all, the brothers will die and live for three points, not to mention the two sets of people who are separated from Germany!

At the moment, it is still early, the train has not yet entered the station, the train station is busy, are also those oil workers and servant soldiers, the Portuguese set up two cordons around the railway station, the first is an ordinary iron fence, and set up warning signs, but there are no patrol personnel, after all, this kind of place, ordinary people dare not come.

And the second cordon is a two-meter-high cement wall with a watchtower, and there are searchlights on the watchtower, but these facilities are just decorations, because for so many years, no one has come to fight the idea of this railway station, so the guards responsible for guarding here are used to perfunctory, as long as the officers are not there, then everyone begins to touch the fish and compete for the swing.

These useless security facilities are like false gates, which can be guarded against gentlemen, but not against villains, let alone military contractors carrying recoilless guns and anti-tank rocket launchers.

But the Apple detachment was not strong enough to launch a decisive charge on the plain, rushing through this unconcealed two-kilometer flat land in ten minutes or more, and then killing the prepared black uncles.

No one will do this, the guns in the hands of three-year-olds are as powerful as the guns in the hands of thirty-year-old adults, although these servants seem to be scumbags, but they are also rare elites who take on the enemy, although it is impossible to fight with contractors to the end, but a few shots are worthy of the salary and silver given by the Portuguese.

What’s more, Uncle Black still has fortifications, and although those watchtowers and shooting bunkers are not on guard, the speed of people in these positions is much faster than the speed of sprinting across the plain.

What’s more, attacking fortifications was never Scheppard’s choice, and engaging the enemy in a brutal flesh and blood mill-like battle was a nightmare for all commanders, not to mention that it was Captain Lee, who was from the special unit, who led the team.

Unlike most Vietnamese troops, the South Vietnamese Special Forces are a rare firefighting team, with many bright results, but unfortunately the teammates are too dish, and they can’t be brought at all, but after coming to Africa, Captain Lee is like a fish in water, after all, the battle environment here is simply heaven compared to Vietnam.

“These guys, if I can contact an artillery regiment and use it to do this, I can get them all to the sky in five minutes!”

“But we don’t, do we want to try those two guns?”

The squad commander on the side pointed to two recoilless guns in a disassembled state, since the battle of the river valley, PMCs have been in love with this powerful big treasure, so Shepard got a few more back, in addition to 106mm high-explosive shells, he even got a dozen small yellow bullets used to hit tanks, which is commonly known as armor shells, but those ammunition currently have no chance to be used.

“I’ll throw you over with a slingshot!”

Captain Lee slapped his deputy on the butt, knocked the beret on his head away, and then said angrily.

“Notify the captains of the detachments to come and assemble for a meeting, we are ready to act!”

Immediately the deputy took the radio and began to call the detachments.

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