Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 355: Zheng Feng

This guqin is different from the general guqin. It is about two meters long and looks antique.

When other people saw this guqin, they were all puzzled.

This fat man can't beat Master Lin Wu, what is the thin man doing with the guqin?

Is it possible to fight with Guqin?


At this moment, I saw the thin man's right leg bent, and it looked like he was sitting on an invisible chair.

The left leg is crossed on the right leg, and the guqin is on his left leg.

The fat man moved exactly the same way he did, placing the other side of the piano on his left leg.

The thin man stretched out a finger that was half an inch long, tuned the strings, and started to play.

What he played was the piece that could kill people-"Zheng Feng".

Everyone didn't know what he was playing, they just thought it sounded pretty good.

But Lin Yi's complexion condensed slightly.

The thin bullet played five notes and suddenly strummed with five fingers, facing Lin Yi.

In the next moment, I saw the invisible voice that had condensed into a flying knife that flew straight towards Lin Yi.

The speed of this flying knife was so fast that Lin also had no time to dodge.

His arms are blocked.


The flying knife was centered on the right arm.

He only felt a strong force hit his right arm.

He took two steps back.

He was slightly surprised.

This flying knife looks inconspicuous, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful.

Fortunately, as an 8-level evolutionary, he has 6 tons of power, otherwise he would at least fly out.

The thin man naturally knew how sharp his sonic flying knife was, but he couldn't pierce his defense.

And he also knew how powerful this blow was, but it turned out to only make this kid take two steps back. He was also stunned, and the rhythm of playing the piano also followed a little faster.


The three Ruoyouruowu flying knives blasted straight towards Lin Yi.

Ding Ding Ding-

With three beeps and sparks splashing in all directions, Lin Yi took five steps directly this time.

Even if he was prepared, he was forced to retreat by this huge force.

In the original "Kung Fu", the sing-singing second blind is very strong, but not so strong. It can be said that they are easily defeated by the charterer and the charterer. How come they are so powerful in front of themselves?

Then Lin also thought that in kung fu, coolie, Asheng, and Agui are all first-rate masters. And this second blind can easily kill them, it is naturally a super master.

But when they encounter the Tai Chi of the charter, close combat is not an opponent;

When they wanted to attack with the sound of the piano, they encountered Charter Bo’s Lion Roar skill, which happened to be restrained. So it was easily defeated by those two.

Now his methods are basically close combat.

But they attacked themselves with the sound of the piano, and they couldn't get close to them at all, so naturally they could only be suppressed.

Everyone around saw Lin Yi's battle with the singing duo, and they were all dumbfounded.

Now the duel between the three is beyond their comprehension.

The sound of the piano was condensed into a flying knife, and they couldn't understand it;

And Lin Yi's arms became so thick and his hands turned into sharp claws, they couldn't understand even more.

The duo saw their continuous throwing knife attacks, and they were all resolved by this kid, and they knew better in their hearts: This kid is not easy, if you don't show some unique skills, you really can't kill this kid.

Thinking of this, the fat man pressed the piano with both hands, and the thin man swept the strings at a very fast speed with his fingers.

Seeing one after another flying knives, they attacked Lin Yi.

Lin Yi had already gradually felt the flying trajectory of this flying knife at this time, and with his speed of 80 meters per second, he could already dodge these flying knives.

You can't hide it, you can block it with your arms.

Seeing this, the sing-song duo didn’t work either, and the skinny voice said without any emotion: “This kid is amazing if we can force us to perform tricks.”

The fat man smiled hard, coughed twice, and only said one word: "Kill!"

The rhythm of the thin piano playing changed again, and his hands swept across the strings, and he saw that it was not a flying knife but three fists that flew towards Lin Yi this time.

Lin Yi dodged two fists, and the third one was really not far away, so he could only block once again with his arms.


The fist hit his arms.

He suddenly flew back twenty meters away as if being pushed up by a madly running bull.

Although he stabilized his figure at the fastest speed and landed safely.

But a rush of blood in his chest had rushed to his throat, and he swallowed it abruptly.

The thin man and the fat man couldn't beat Lin Yi when they saw this. They raised their legs slightly, and the guqin stood up.

The fat man pressed the top of the guqin, and the thin man pulled all the strings with his ten fingers as if he was pulling a big bow.

When these strings had been stretched to the extreme, almost breaking, the thin man suddenly loosened his fingers and let go of the strings.

As the strings rebounded violently, five soldiers in armor appeared in the air.

And the heads of these soldiers looked like skeletons, and their hands and feet were all boneless.

These five armored skeleton soldiers are flying towards Lin Yi with unparalleled power.

At this moment, Lin Yi couldn't hide, he could only use his flying skills to rush forward.

This pounce is not to kill the enemy, but to defend with the invincible state during the pounce.

Seeing the five skeleton soldiers roaring, all the knives in their hands were cut on Lin Yi's head.

But the next moment, their knives all shattered, their bodies smashed into Lin Yi's body, they all broke apart, and disappeared into the air.

The singing duo was shocked when they saw this scene.

You know, the trick just now was their trump card.

In the martial arts, except for the evil **** of fire cloud, there is almost nothing to stop it.

But this kid actually blocked him physically, which is nothing short of a miracle.

In shock, the thin man said: "Come again!"

Saying that his hands are already on the strings.

However, how could Lin Yi give him another chance.

After he landed, he rolled on the spot, and then bounced up, bringing his **** together with both hands and tapping them again and again.


After three consecutive beeps, a fiery red energy struck the two of them.

"not good!"

The fat man screamed and hurried away.

The thin man quickly flashed aside.

But it was too late, the fat man's left shoulder and the thin man's right shoulder were all pointed by Lin Yi's Yang.

There were two bangs, bursting.

The two screamed in pain like a pig.

And the third energy is flying towards their guqin, bang——

The middle third of their guqin was blown to pieces.

Lin Yi landed and looked at his fingers.

It turns out that Yiyang Zhi is also just enough to restrain the effort of singing and singing duo Sonic Kung fu.

Why didn't I think of it earlier?

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