Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 356: 1 Yang Finger VS Sonic Power

Lin Yi looked at his fingers, and it turned out that a yang finger could restrain the sound wave power.

In fact, Lin also has another method, let alone restraint, that is the rhythm of directly shooting the two singers to death. That is the majestic, strong and yanglong eighteen palms.

But this can be regarded as Lin Yi's life-saving trump card on this plane, and it will not be used if it is not a last resort.

Taking advantage of Lin Yi's strike now, he ran away to the singing duo at an extremely fast speed.

The fat man had suffered internal injuries, but he couldn't dodge in time and was directly pierced into his left eye by a sharp claw of Lin Yi's.


The fat man screamed again like a pig.

The thin man flashed quickly, passing Lin Yi's blow.

Lin Yi jumped up again and went straight to the thin man.

Apart from Guqin, the thin man has no other weapons.

Seeing Lin Yi waving eight sharp claws at this moment, he could only dodge.

The body quickly flashed to the left.

But just as he flashed five meters, Lin Yi in the air suddenly folded a sixty-degree angle without warning, and rushed toward the thin man.

This was a surprise to everyone.

Just imagine, who would have thought that someone could suddenly change direction in the air without using any force?

The thin man couldn't dodge this time.


Lin Yi is three claws directly.

I saw twelve **** claw marks appeared on the thin coat, and bones were deeply visible in each of them.

Moreover, the huge force carried by the claws directly blasted the thin man out of five meters.

Lin Yi did not let this thin man go because of this. When the thin man was struggling to get up, Lin Yi stepped on the thin man's chest.

The thin man was naturally unwilling to be stepped on, so he swiped his claw and grabbed Lin Yi's leg.

Lin Yi slammed his right paw down, pierced the thin man's left hand directly, and nailed him to the ground.


The thin man's left hand trembled.

But his right hand grabbed Lin Yi's left leg again.

Lin Yi did the same with his left claw and nailed the thin man's right hand to the ground.


The thin man screamed bitterly again.

Everyone at the scene saw each other with fear.

No one of them could have imagined that this young man who seemed to be harmless to humans and animals was so cruel.

At this moment, they were all a little scared. If they really offended this Lin Wu Master that day, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Especially Ah San, he really did not expect that this young man who was twenty years younger than him would be so powerful and so cruel and ruthless. If he did make a move at the martial arts exchange meeting that day, I'm afraid...

But, ah, but: even more ruthless is yet to come.

Lin Yi pulled out his right paw from the ground, stretched out two of them, and directly pierced the thin man's eyes.

"Ah ah ah——————"

The scream of the thin man was worse than all the previous voices combined.

Everyone present had chills in their backs this time.

From this screaming scream, they could feel the kind of heart-wrenching pain.

At the same time, their cognition of this young man in their hearts has become even deeper.

This young man is no more if he doesn't make a move. Once he makes a move, every move is tougher than the other.

If someone else makes a move, after defeating the chanting duo, at most they will be killed.

And this Master Lin was torturing them directly, making them worse than death.

Gongsun Lue couldn't bear to look again at this time and turned his head.

But she didn't have other bad thoughts about Lin Yi because of this. She knew that Young Master Lin was so cruel to the wicked, so that the wicked would not dare to do evil in the future. This is equivalent to saving more good people.

Although she is kind-hearted, she can't bear to hurt others. But she knew that Lin Yi's actions at this time were right. She was a bit too kind, so when she was in the Valley of Unfeeling, she would have been bullied by Gongsun Zhi, but she didn't dare to say anything.

People are kind and deceived.

We do not bully, but we will never allow others to ride on us.

Lin Yi's two claws in his right hand were still stuck in the thin man's eyes at this time, and a bloodthirsty smile flicked across his mouth.

At this moment, he couldn't help but swallow the skinny guy, and with his temperament, he wanted to swallow them ruthlessly.

But he knows that these two blinds are also the key figures to promote the plot, and they cannot be killed yet.

So he just smiled coldly, his voice as cold as frost: "Do you dare to do evil in the future?"

"No... I dare... I dare not..."

The thin man screamed.

"Your heads will be stored on your necks. If you dare to do evil, I will take your dog's life at any time!"

Lin Yi said coldly.

"Understand... Never dare anymore... Never dare anymore..."

How dare to resist when the thin man is in extreme pain?

The fat man was also blinded by one eye, naturally he dared not say anything.

Lin Yi suddenly pulled two paws out of the thin man's eyes.


The thin man screamed again.

Everyone was horrified at this time.

On the tips of Lin Yi's two sharp claws, there was an eyeball on each.

Lin also didn't look at those two only coldly said: "Go away!"

The fat man quickly got up, clutched his left eye, walked over with difficulty, and lifted the thin man who was scratching the blind all over the floor.

In the process of supporting him, he encountered the injured left hand of the thin man, and the thin man screamed again.

Then these two talents walked out the gate step by step.

When the two came in, they looked majestic, but when they went out, they looked so embarrassed.

At this point, everyone also knows why Lin Yi had peddled these two people before, and only then did they know why Lin Yi said that sentence before.

"It is natural to be polite to the disabled."

It turned out that Master Lin Wu had made up his mind at the beginning to blind these two people.

Ah San saw that Lin Yi had defeated these two and blinded them. He was really happy. But seeing Lin Yi let them go, he said anxiously: "Master Lin Wu, why let them go? Kill them and avenge Master."

Lin Yi put away the murderous face at this time, and sighed: "Hey, when is the grievance reported. Killing can't solve the problem. Just give them a chance to reform."

His image suddenly became much taller.

Obviously he has the ability to kill the opponent, but in the end let him go. This is the real master style.

In this battle, Lin Yi defeated two super masters with one enemy and two.

This made him instantly famous in the entire Shanghai-hai martial arts world.

Even in the entire Shanghai-Hai, no one does not know the name of Master Lin, no one does not know the name of Wudi Wuguan.

Invincible Wuguan, it sounds very arrogant, very undue beating.

But no way, Lin also has such strength.

As a result, the Wudi Martial Arts Hall became popular again.

And not like the last small explosion, but a big explosion.

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