Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 875: Terrible physical strength

This is the power of sword twenty-three.

Lin Yi had no chance of winning against Nasharu Star.

Because the speed of the Sharu star is too fast.

So when the Nasharu star first appeared, Lin also used the twenty-three sword skill pack he won in the lottery.

Since your speed is too fast, use the twenty-three sword to stop all the surrounding space, so that you can't show your speed at all.

The Sword Twenty-Three Stagnant Space is not the principle of using a certain space technology.

It was originally a sword skill realized by the Swordmaster, it was similar to a skill in the fantasy world, and it couldn't be explained by technology at all.

It was impossible for the Sharuxing people to use their Sharuxing space technology to crack.

At this time, in the aftermath of the twenty-three swords, the evolutionaries who protected Zhang Xiaocui had been cut into two or three stages.

Even Zhang Xiaocui himself was directly cut into three sections.

Zhang Wenjing exclaimed: "No--"

Although he knew before, his mother might not survive.

But I didn't expect to die in this tragic way.

Although Zhang Xiaocui did a lot of evil, although she killed billions of people, although she didn't care much about Zhang Wenjing.

But Zhang Wenjing, as her son, still didn't want her mother to die like this.

Shui Ruobing didn't have time to care about Zhang Xiaocui. She looked at the center of this shock wave for the first time.

At the center of this shock wave, Lin Yi had already lay on the ground, not knowing whether it was alive or dead.

Looking at the Sharu star, he was lying on the ground, holding his head in both hands, screaming constantly.

Sword twenty-three, the most important thing is mental attack.

Although when attacking, there will be physical damage, but for the stronger the individual, its mental attack is the most terrifying.

This Sharu Xingren's body is too strong, and even the physical attack of the twenty-three sword can not cause him damage.

But the mental attack was beyond the ability of the Sharuxing people.

At this time, his spiritual world was about to collapse.

He didn't know anything, he couldn't feel anything—if he had to say what he felt, there was only pain.

His entire spiritual world is extremely painful.

He held his head and kept rolling on the ground.

Seeing this, Shui Ruobing hurried towards Lin Yi.

When she came to Lin Yi, she asked: "Lin Yi, how are you..."

Lin Yi gasped extremely weakly, and his vital signs seemed to disappear.

Although he didn't suffer any injuries, he had to get out of his body if he wanted to use the twenty-three sword.

And after using the sword twenty-three, the primordial spirit dissipated and died directly;

In the slightest, the vitality is severely injured, and in the future, even ordinary people will be worse.

And now Lin Yi, except that his physical strength is far stronger than that of ordinary people, he is indeed inferior to ordinary people.

Lin Yi seems to be dying.

But what he cared about most at this time was not his physical state, but the Sharu star not far away.

"His spirit has been greatly damaged...has been unable to resist...kill"

Lin Yi said with difficulty, but hurriedly.

Shui Ruobing heard it and immediately nodded and said: "Don't worry, I will go now."

After saying a few steps, she came to the Shalu star one hundred meters away-she was not too close.

As a killer for many years, she has developed the habit of being able to kill people from a hundred meters away, never getting closer.

She knew that the physical strength of the Shalu Xingren must be extremely powerful, even far beyond Lin Yi.

So when she shot, it was Moon Shadow Three Thousand.

The energy in her body condensed a huge black moon shadow as high as tens of meters.

Then, the moon shadow turned into thousands of black crescents, and they all attacked the Sharu star people who were still struggling on the ground.


These thousands of moon shadows, like a thousand bats, wrapped towards the Sharu star.

However, what surprised Shui Ruobing was that every moon shadow drawn on that guy had no effect.

Thousands of moon shadows struck that guy, only a thousand sparks came out.

Ding ding ding ding ding-

It was like a burst of fireworks.

Shui Ruobing was shocked when she saw this scene.

This guy was struggling on the ground, unable to resist, even unable to use any defensive means to defend.

To put it bluntly, it is the meat on the chopping board.

As a result, his strongest ultimate move, Moon Shadow 3000 passed, this guy didn't even have a trace of injury.

His physical strength is also terrifying.

Lin Yi was also stunned.

He had thought that the Sharu Xingren's physical strength was very strong, but he didn't expect it to be strong enough to directly bear the moon shadow.

"Hurry up..."

Lin Yi said to Shui Ruobing.

The spirit of the Nasharu Star was attacked, and could not fight back at this time.

Once he came back to his senses, all of them would be finished.

Shui Ruobing naturally understood this, and immediately helped Lin Yi and shouted to Zhang Wenjing next to him: "Go!"

Then ran toward the street on the other side of the ruins at a very fast speed.

Zhang Wenjing looked at the car where her mother was from a There was already blood flowing there.

There was a trace of sadness in his eyes.

Shui Ruobing ran back and called to him, "Don't you go?"

Zhang Wenjing got up and ran forward with Lin Yi and the others.

Lin Yi and the others rushed directly to the edge of the high wall.

Naturally, someone stopped by the high wall.

But in front of Shui Ruobing, a 20th-level evolutionary, these people are completely vegetables.

After Shui Ruobing killed dozens of people with ease, he quickly left with Lin Yi.

But when they were about to leave, Zhang Wenjing stopped, as if she didn't mean to leave.

Shui Ruobing asked, "Why? Are you not leaving?"

Zhang Wenjing said sadly: "I have to stay, now my mother has... If I have a chance to get the detergent, I will do it as soon as possible."

Shui Ruobing did not speak any more, leading Lin Yi, turned and left quickly.

Zhang Wenjing quietly ran towards Manhattan's Central Park before the others arrived.

However, he just walked less than a few hundred meters before being stopped by several people.

"The president asked us to take you back."

Zhang Wenjing said sadly: "Don't you want to lie to me again, she has already..."

"The vice president asked us to come."

One person replied.

Zhang Wenjing listened, then nodded: "Okay, I will go back with you."


After Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing escaped from Manhattan, they ran across the wilderness without any intention of stopping.

"Jarvis... continue to block our signals."

Lin Yi said.

"Okay, sir."

Jarvis replied.

As long as the satellite signals are blocked, Datong will not find them.

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