Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 876: escape

Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing fled to the wild area at the fastest speed.

At the same time, on the streets of Manhattan, a team of medical staff appeared.

They came to the Shalu star and carefully checked the Shalu star's body.

One of them said: "There are no wounds on the body."

One person asked: "Is it a loss of internal organs?"

"After our initial inspection, there was no damage to the internal organs."

"Looking at how painful he is, it may be that he has suffered a head loss. We need to take him back first for further inspection."

"It seems that this can only be done."

The few medical staff carried the Sharuxing into the car and disappeared into the street.

At the same time, at the headquarters of the Tatung Association.

In the president's office.

Zhang Wenjing was taken into the office.

His brow furrowed slightly.

This office is the last place he wants to come.

Since childhood, the mother he remembered always seemed to be in the office.

The mother hardly appeared at home.

So he hates this office.

In the office, there is one person, Zhang Xiaohong, Zhang Wenjing's father.

When Zhang Wenjing saw her father, she said sadly: "Dad, I'm sorry, I don't want to kill my mother, I just want to bring them in to get the detergent. I didn't expect... it was a complete accident."

Zhang Xiaohong gave a wry smile, but did not speak.

"Dad, mother is gone, don't you...sad at all?"

Zhang Wenjing felt a little strange.

Zhang Xiaohong smiled bitterly again.

At this time, the swivel chair suddenly turned around.

Zhang Wenjing looked there and saw that the person sitting on the swivel chair was her mother, Zhang Xiaocui.


Zhang Wenjing was a little unbelievable.

Zhang Xiaocui looked at Zhang Wenjing with a mocking smile: "What? I'm not dead, is this disappointing you?"

"No, I..."

Zhang Wenjing wanted to explain.

But Zhang Xiaocui did not give him the opportunity to explain at all, and interrupted him directly: "In fact, we have already begun to study cloning technology a few years ago. Now our cloning technology has initially matured. The one you saw on the street today , It’s just a clone of me. Your mother, I won’t be so stupid, knowing that there is a guy outside who is staring at him and ran to death on the street."

The sadness in Zhang Wenjing's heart completely disappeared at this time, and said: "Actually I..."

Zhang Xiaocui interrupted Zhang Wenjing's words once again-in Zhang Wenjing's impression, his mother almost never gave him a chance to explain, or even a chance to speak. That's the way he can remember.

This time too.

Zhang Xiaocui once again said Zhang Wenjing: "My son is not too ugly. But my son colluded with an outsider to want to kill me. It's so sad. It's okay... I still had a hint of concern for you before. But now..."

When Zhang Xiaocui said this, he was heartbroken and said, "From today on, you are not my son, and I am not your mother. Today is the last time I tolerate you. If you come again next time, Datong will make trouble, and I will only Treat you like all other troublemakers."

When she said this, Zhang Xiaohong's heart was stunned next to her.

He knew that all other troublemakers would basically end up with death.

Zhang Xiaocui's words, that is not to say.

She has always said one is not two.

If Zhang Wenjing really came to sabotage next time, she would really kill him.

He quickly persuaded: "Xiaohong, the child just didn't want to understand for a while. After all, we are a family..."

"Which family will have a son harm his mother?"

Zhang Xiaocui said angrily suddenly.

"Xiao Cui...I believe his original intention was not to harm you."

Zhang Xiaocui said: "This is the end of the matter, it's useless to say anything, you go."

She waved to Zhang Wenjing.

Zhang Wenjing's eyes were slightly moist.

This has been the case since childhood. From the perspective of outsiders, my mother is a successful person. But when the mother came home, she was always so bossy.

She never listened to herself or her father.

Take this time as an example, she didn't want to think about what she had said or done behind her back.

Although I wanted to get the evolving agent, I asked Lin Yi to promise that it would not hurt her life.

But the mother didn't think about it at all.

She can only see that she is against her.

Thinking of this, Zhang Wenjing shook her head sadly, her voice a little choked: "Okay."

After speaking this word, Zhang Wenjing turned around, walking out with some wobbly steps.


Zhang Xiaohong called twice.

But Zhang Wenjing didn't seem to hear it at all, and his thin back slowly disappeared outside the office door.

Zhang Xiaohong sighed heavily: "Hey..."

Zhang Xiaocui said: "What? Even you want to betray me?"

Zhang Xiaohong shook his head and said: "No, it's not that I want to betray you. Just came out of the countryside, how many friends do you have? But now you look again, besides me, are there anyone around you besides me? You Don't think about why this is?"

"Because other people are ungrateful, there is no reliable person in this Zhang Xiaocui said.

Zhang Xiaohong shook his head: "Xiao Cui, don't be obsessed anymore. It is not so much that the people around you betrayed you, it is better to say that they were driven away by you. In order to rule the world, think about what you have done. You killed your first boss... You framed your best friend... You even divorced me to seduce..."

"I don't want to hear this."

Zhang Xiaocui seemed very calm.

"Everyone has an ideal. For the ideal, pay any price that can be paid. Is there anything wrong with this?"

"But your price is too high. And many times, you are paying for the lives of others. Do you think this is right?"

Zhang Xiaocui sneered: "Those people are insignificant. Rather than live humble, it's better to become a stepping stone to my dream. Isn't that better?"

"But you even sacrificed your own son. Sending him to the Shadowmoon Group caused his body to become like this. Don't you feel ashamed?"

"There have been, but since he dared to harm his mother, then I can't be too much to him? And you didn't see, did I just let him go?"


Zhang Xiaohong sighed heavily again.

He has argued with Zhang Xiaocui many times on this issue.

But every controversy ended in his failure.

Zhang Xiaocui has gone crazy in order to rule the world.

Especially today, she personally drove her son away, and even threatened that she would not be merciful if the son destroys him next time.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaohong felt the same sadness as Zhang Wenjing before.

At the same time, Lin Yi was taken by Shui Ruobing and continued to rush towards the depths of the wilderness.

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