Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 898: Reincarnation (Part 2)

On the stone platform, many tiny tentacles were born, which held Lin Yi tightly, making him unable to move.

Tianqi’s cold voice came: "Now you understand?"

Everyone present was dumbfounded at this moment.

No one thought that Tian Qi was actually trying to transfer his consciousness into Lin Yi's body.

It was only at this moment that Lin also understood why Tianqi had been pampering himself for so many years.

It turned out that this old thing didn't have any good intentions at the very beginning.

The death knight said quickly: "Pharaoh, he is a plague knight. He has been loyal to you for so many years..."

"Because of his loyalty to me, he certainly has to sacrifice for me when I need it."

Apocalypse said naturally.

After the initial surprise, the war knights and the famine knights were secretly happy.

After so many years, the two of them have long been uncomfortable with Lin Yi.

Now Lin Yi was suddenly caught by Pharaoh and wanted to be transferred to his body, which was a surprise for both of them.

When the craftsmen not far away met, they were shocked.

They had to rely on the Plague Knight to fix the Apocalypse, but now it's better, the Plague Knight was caught first.

Then their plan will probably be shelved forever.

Hundreds of thousands of Egyptians are still living in dire straits.

Tianqi's eyes have turned white.

He said to the remaining three knights: "Keep the passage and don't allow anyone to disturb me."


The famine knight and the war knight responded and held two passages respectively.

The death knight glanced at Lin Yi, shook his head sadly, finally sighed, and said, "Yes."

Also went to guard another passageway.

Although she admired Lin very much, she was more loyal to Pharaoh.

She still had to carry out Pharaoh's orders.

Seeing that everything was ready, Tianqi controlled the two stone platforms and slowly floated in the air.

Below the stone platform, many small stone pillars were born, connecting the ground below.

On the ground, there are many small dents extending from the ground to the entire pyramid.

At the same time, it also connects Lin Yi's stone platform with that of Tianqi.

Then, Tianqi's body began to change, as if the water gradually disappeared, and his body began to dry out.

And Lin Yi's skin color began to change, gradually turning into the blue-black skin of Apocalypse.


Lin Yi wailed in pain.

His eyes quickly became blood-red, and eventually became blood clots.

In the end, both eyes turned blood red.

The war knight and the famine knight heard Lin Yi's screams, and a smile appeared on their faces.

Although the death knight was sad, he couldn't do anything.

The craftsman at the vent did not wait for a signal, but waited for Lin Yi's scream.

This made him extremely anxious, but he couldn't do anything.

A part of Tianqi's consciousness had entered Lin Yi's body.

He said to Lin Yi: "I have acquired a lot of abilities, but like your Hellfire ability, I have never obtained it. However, from now on, I will have this unprecedented ability. You can die with peace of mind. Hahahaha..."

Apocalypse, which has always been cold, burst into Lin Yi's mind at this time with a loud laugh like crazy.

However, the next moment, his laughter suddenly stopped.

"No, how is it possible!"

As Tianqi spoke, the consciousness wanted to retreat into his own body.

Lin Yi sneered: "Want to go back? It's too late!"

"Do not----"

Tianqi made an unwilling voice in Lin Yi's mind.

At the same time, at the vent, Lin Yi suddenly appeared here without warning, startling the craftsman.

Lin Yi said, "Do it."

After the artisan reacted, he quickly raised the hammer in his hand and slammed it against a wooden pillar supporting a stone.

The stake broke in the middle.

The boulder fell to the ground and quickly slid down the slope.

During the fall, several stone pillars were broken.

These stone pillars broke, causing a chain reaction, and the entire pyramid began to collapse.

At this time, Lin Yi was teleporting, and he had come to more than 500 meters away, looking at the collapsed pyramid from a distance, secretly happy in his heart.

It turned out that he had long felt that Apocalypse was a bit abnormal.

Apocalypse, which has always been gloomy, rarely listens to the opinions of his subordinates, but listens to most of his own opinions and suggestions.

This made Lin also secretly guarded while he was puzzled.

Today is the day of the reincarnation of the apocalypse, Lin Yi was afraid of any changes, so he condensed the clone in advance and let the clone follow the apocalypse into the pyramid.

When Tianqi was reincarnating just now, when he discovered that he had spent so much thought and invaded only a body formed by energy, he yelled out unwillingly.

At this moment, under the crowd of tens of thousands of people, the huge pyramid that took decades to build just collapsed.

The Apocalypse was really buried under the pyramid.

I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

And this breath One loose is 5000 years.


Next, as Lin also expected.

The apocalypse is buried behind the pyramid, and a new pharaoh replaces the apocalypse.

But this new pharaoh was also praised by Lin Yi, so he followed Lin Yi's words.

The lives of the Egyptian people have since undergone tremendous changes.

In fact, Lin Yi could have been a pharaoh himself, but firstly, he was not expected to be a pharaoh. Secondly, he had to spend a lot of time to cultivate every day. How could he have time to do all the messy things?

In the Gedal tribe, those people were all rejoiced when they heard the news that Apocalypse was "dead".

The big leader couldn't help tears in his eyes at this time.

He recalled that ten years ago, the young man who came to the tribe to negotiate alone.

Ten years later, what this young man said has really become a reality!


Besides, after Lin Yi helped the new pharaoh to rise to power, he no longer participated in anything big or small.

He can't let the plot change much.

He found a quiet place and lived in seclusion.

Every day is to practice and practice various skills.

Although up to now, these skills have been difficult to improve.

But he has a full 5,000 years to improve his strength.

In these 5,000 years, couldn't he still practice these skills to the point of perfection?

In this way, Lin has been practicing and practicing these skills for more than 100 years.

After 100 years, he felt that it was too boring to stay in one place to practice, so he started to travel the world again.

This time for a full 5,000 years, he can visit every place in the world in detail.

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