Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 899: Swordsman Li Bai

Time is ample for Lin Yi.

It only took him more than 200 years to fully tour almost every corner of the earth.

From the 300th year, he began to concentrate on cultivation.

Whenever he goes to a place, he stays for a while if he likes this place.

Practice in this place and practice your own skills.

After waiting for a long time and getting tired of living, I will live in another place.

In the first 1000 years, that is, to 2000 BC, he had been promoted to the 21st level of evolution through continuous cultivation and devouring a large number of creatures.

Although each creature has very few evolutionary points, the amount he has devoured after 1,000 years is quite considerable.

In the third 1000 years, around the first year of the AD, he was promoted again.

Level 22 evolutionary.

This made him quite happy.

Originally, he thought it was pretty good to be promoted to level 21 in "X-Men: Apocalypse".

Unexpectedly, after three thousand years, he has reached level 22.

At the same time, it also made him full of expectations.

There are still the last two thousand years. If he works harder, after 2000, can he be promoted to level 23 evolution?

In 723 AD, China was the Tang Dynasty.

At this time, the Tang Dynasty was already the world's largest dynasty.

Whether it is politics, economy or culture, other countries simply cannot compare.

It was at this time that Lin Yi came to Chang'an, the capital of Datang.

Here, he accidentally encountered someone.

This person is about 20 years old.

Dressed in white, with a long sword hanging from his waist, he looks like a young swordsman.

He is obviously very famous in Chang'an, and many people who pass by on the street know him and will greet him.

But he seemed very free and easy, with an unruly look.

This person is Li Bai.

After finally meeting Li Bai, Lin Yi naturally wanted to date him.

And Li Bai belongs to a person who is talented and proud.

No matter how powerful or powerful you are, he won't care about you very much.

But for those who are truly talented, he is willing to associate with them—of course, truly talented. With Li Bai's talent, there are only a few people who can enter his law.

Since Lin Yi wanted to associate with Li Bai, he naturally wanted to show some talent.

This is easy for him.

He chanted a few famous poems by poets and poets from this era.

What's the big river going east, what's the time of the moon, what's the journey of mountains and rivers;

There are also withered vines and old trees, what silent spring eyes, what Taohuawu...

Lin Yi's poems, lyrics and music are not only numerous, but also changeable in style.

Graceful, unrestrained, idyllic, desert...

No matter what style he is, he is easy to come by.

Hence, in just a few months, Lin Yi was already a celebrity in Chang'an.

There are so many powerful people who want to associate with him.

But he knew that these people wanted to associate with him just to show their identity.

So he ignores all these people.

He will treat them sincerely if those literati and mosques want to associate with him.

So far, Lin Yi went to visit Li Bai.

Li Bai has also heard of Lin Yi's name for a long time.

The two hit it off and talked happily.

Lin always thought that Li Bai was just a poet.

But after the interaction, Lin Yi was actually a swordsman.

Moreover, his swordsmanship is quite clever, and he is known as the second swordsman in the Tang Dynasty.

And his master is Pei Min, who is known as the number one swordsman in the Tang Dynasty, who is recognized as a swordsman in history.

It is impossible to associate with Li Bai without alcohol.

Lin Yihui often brings a pot of good wine to Li Bai.

When the wine is hot, the two will talk and talk, from ancient times to the present.

It is really a pleasure to interact with such people.

One day, Lin Yi looked at Li Bai's sword dance after being drunk.

In the courtyard, peach blossoms fell one after another.

Li Bai's sword wind stirs these peach blossoms. This scene is as romantic as a dream.

While dancing the sword, he chanted the "Xia Ke Xing" just written in his mouth:

"Zhao Keman and Hu Ying, Wu Goushuang Xueming.

The silver saddle illuminates the white horse, madly like a shooting star.

Kill one person in ten steps, never stay for a thousand miles.



Who can book your Excellency, the Baishou Taixuan Sutra. "

After the dance, Li Bai took the sword and stood.

Amidst the colorful fall, the whole person is like a sharp sword piercing the sky.

This reminded Lin Yi of the pesticides he had played with in the real world. The assassin Li Bai in it was based on the person in front of him.

Elegant and unrestrained, come and go like wind.

He also remembered that he had read a book about Li Bai by an internet writer, Yi Jiang Qiuyue.

That book is quite wonderful.

Li Bai's unrestrained, unrestrained, ten steps to kill one person, without staying for a thousand miles, fully interpreted.

Lin Yi couldn't help saying: "Good sword, good poetry! They all say that Li Taibai, the three best poetry and wine sword, really well-deserved. No matter how hard I try, I am afraid I will not be able to keep up with your swordsmanship."

He raised two glasses of wine and handed one to Li Bai.

Li Bai drank it and laughed loudly: "If you work hard to be useful, what can you do with genius?"

Although it is a joke, it also reveals a sense of unruly and pride.

Lin Yi couldn't help but jokingly said: "Your character, if used as the protagonist of a book, is really wonderful."

"Oh? Brother Lin, didn't you write poetry? When did you learn to write books?"

Lin Yi said: "It's just an It already has it at the beginning, listen."

Li Bai leaned on the pillar of Shiting, drinking and listening.

Lin Yi searched his memory and read the beginning of the book by Yi Jiang Qiuyue:

"Under the blue sky, beside the clear water, there is a hill.

The mountain is not high, but it is full of green bamboos.

In the bamboo forest, a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy in white clothes is lying on the ground full of bamboo leaves.

A dilapidated wooden sword rested on his head, with a small bamboo stick in his mouth.

There are two green bamboo leaves hanging on the bamboo branches.

He closed his eyes slightly, looking very comfortable.

"Li Bai...Li Bai..."

A voice slowly turned from behind the mountain.

After a while, a slightly fat boy walked through the bamboo forest panting and came to the boy in white.

The fat boy took two breaths and wiped his sweat.

"Li Bai... you really are sleeping lazily here again..."

The white-clothed boy slowly opened his eyes, not looking at the boy, but looking at the blue sky through the bamboo forest, seeming to say to himself: "When you think I am sleeping, I am actually thinking."

Before the fat boy breathed, he took a few breaths and said, "What are you thinking about? My husband is about to enter the village. He also brought a master swordsman from the town to test us. What should I do? ?What should I do?"

Li Bai didn't seem to hear the fat man's words at all, staring straight at the blue sky in a daze.

After a long while, he asked for no reason: "You said... the sword is going to the extreme, what effect will it have?"


When Lin Yi said this, he glanced at Li Bai.

Seeing Lin Yizheng listened intently, he continued speaking.

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