This man!

Who is he!

Why was he able to command the Four Emperors Pirates.

That is the emperor of the new world, and even the world government can only ruin to the ruling power of this group of monsters.

What the hell is he for!?

At this moment, countless questions flashed through Hancock’s mind.

Not to blame.

This woman’s hard-hearted and selfishness!

Even now, she was still only shocked by the fact that Zuo Yimu could command the Four Emperors Pirates.

As for her own Amazon lily kingdom, it seems to have been ignored by her.

Hanging up the phone, Zuo Yimu looked at the female emperor Han Cook again.

This glance made Hancock feel extremely cold from the bottom of his heart.

“Trust me, soon, it won’t be long before you’ll be homeless.”

Chill all over the body!

This is Hancock’s personal portrayal at this time.

Devil! This is that the man is a devil!

Wouldn’t he have any pity for Xiang Xiang and cherish jade?

“Hmph, the concubine body will not let you go.” Pretentious arrogance made it impossible for her to accept the embarrassment of being threatened.

Rise up and resist!

Hancock flew up a kick, but unfortunately, this kind of routine counterattack is still so ridiculous in Zuo Yimu’s eyes.

Reach out and grab it!

Then, he domineeringly removed her joints, put her on his shoulders, and walked out of the slightly open door.

Men, how can they procrastinate like women!

If you don’t obey, you will obey!

It wasn’t until Zuo Yimu left and crawled in the corner that Wugang took a long breath.

Secretly cursed himself: Isn’t he a woman, almost lost his life.

Looking back, he decided.

If he can safely return to the Reincarnation Square this time, he must exchange more than a dozen women to temper this concentration.

Otherwise, he is afraid that one day he will not be able to stand the temptation, bad things!

At the same time, in his heart.

I was shocked by the momentum that Zuo Yimu and the two had erupted just now.

It’s terrible!

The big guy is angry, and he is covered with blood!

However, I have to say that the big guy is called domineering, and he directly carried the pirate female emperor and left.

What the is what a man should look like!

If you don’t comply, just do it!

Then, his eyes focused again, and he found the coordinate location provided by Neil through the scope.


Expressionlessly, he pointed at the head of a certain reincarnation and brazenly pulled the trigger.


One shot into the soul!

The bullet directly passed through the skull of the reincarnator and burst out countless red and white things.

“The 38th!”


Killing so many people has long numbed Wu Gang.

At this moment, he no longer paid for the twisting and panic he had before.

Some are just focused and focused.

It was as if that Gou’s youth had returned to him again.

The breath is stable, the expression is focused, and it blends into heaven and earth!

On the other side, Zuo Yimu carried Hancock and pushed open the door to the far right.


When the door opened, the elongated sound was so harsh.

The room is brightly lit.

The décor is very simple.

A bed covered with fleece blankets and two girls shivering in a corner.

“Hey, aren’t you welcome, this beautiful lady, but I’ll be with you later.”

Putting down Hancock, Zuo Yimu’s gaze swept over the girl in the corner and continued to speak.

“Robin, Nami, if you don’t behave, I’m going to be angry.”

Having said that, Zuo Yimu’s face was full of smiles.

Look at the rope, chain, collar that is placed in the corner….

Gently, Zuo Yimu closed the door.


On the battlefield of Marin Fandor.

This place is full of crazy killing intent and gunsmoke.

The war has continued until now, and it has long become more and more chaotic.

If it weren’t for the green pheasant general, who expanded the scope of the sea freeze, the chaos of the possible war would have already spread to the bay.

After all, these are all monsters!

One person is compared to the monster of a country, their attack power, there is a Marin Fandor can withstand it.

The scorching on the battlefield can be seen everywhere with gunsmoke.

Hancook’s betrayal didn’t cause much trouble with the Navy.

It was only at the moment she was taken away from the battlefield that Luffy on the execution table collapsed.

Once again, that painful memory came to his eyes.

“Robin, Nami, Hancock!”

It seems that the women related to him will be affected.

Their smiles gradually disappeared in Luffy’s mind, and when he closed his eyes, tears flowed helplessly down his cheeks.

He didn’t dare to think about it.

Nami What terrible things will happen to them.

The heart was dripping blood, his face was hideous, and his eyes were shrinking to the extreme.


Qingji agitated in his face, but there was nothing he could do, and at that time he could only watch the desolation left by Hancock when he was taken away.

It stung his heart deeply.

“Ace, Ace, I’m so scared, so scared!”

Luffy cried hysterically to Ace beside him.

Ace did not speak, just looked at his brother in front of him, equally sad.

There is nothing they can do!

Just because they are prisoners now!

ps: I want to collect fresh flowers, I want to collect, can the big guys give me a monthly pass, if it is a reminder ticket, it will be better!!!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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