Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 620: Depression of the Lich King

nbsp; As the saying goes, every family has a hard time.

The Lich King felt that it was not easy for him, especially after staging an opponent like Galin Torbane.

Eternal Dragon took the initiative to find the door, willing to be its ally, it felt quite unexpected.

The Lich King is very aware of how infamous he is outside, which makes him feel that the Eternal Dragon is digging it.

But think again, since I have this psychological preparation, I don't believe anyone can take advantage of me.

It has this confidence, not only because it has confidence in its own wisdom, but also because of the father of the Burning Legion.

Although such a dad would be angry, he also has a good side, such as leaning on, or being bolder, to let him back.

The eternal dragon, which has the power of time and has the prophet ’s message, is indeed a bit irritating, but it believes that the eternal dragons may not be able to provoke the Burning Legion.

As a result, it approached the other party carefully, only to find that the smells were similar, and there was so much sympathy.

It turned out that these eternal dragons were also exiles in distress. Like it, they lost their clan and were enslaved by powerful forces.

The Lich King also has dreams. It wants to get rid of the control of the Burning Legion and return to Draenor as a god, so that the orc can become a higher race known as Eredar.

The Lich King and the eternal dragon's relics and young people soon had a good interaction like the love of rape. In order to win the trust of the Lich King and also to prove the value of their allies, Eternal Dragon sold a batch of information to the lich king.

Only then did the Lich King know that after a long time of trouble, the biggest stumbling block in its career development was this Galin Torbane.

Not to mention anything else, the fact that the Freemasonry ’s behind-the-scenes master is enough to make it feel startled and angry, like a man in the back.

You should know that Freemasonry seized Northrend ’s most suitable site for building a good port, and the chain of port plugs formed almost locked its main force on the Northrend continent.

In a situation where the situation is very reluctant, it sent a fleet to the south expedition. In addition to the Burning Legion **** it behind, there is another important reason. Looking into the future, the future of natural disasters is very optimistic.

Freemason has gained a foothold in recent years. Farming has begun to have a tendency to flourish, and military operations have become increasingly proactive.

Today, the Solacha Basin has basically fallen into its hands.

Dragon bone wilderness dragons are powerful, and they can only rely on spiders to detect claws, and surface activities are very limited.

The main residents of the Howling Fjord, the Vukus, have been divided into three. The most dominant one is the inclusive Vukus who work closely with Freemasonry. The second is the traditional Vykus who refused to be sent abroad, and finally the bloodthirsty Vykus who were enslaved by it. They have basically been rushed to the Grizzly Hills. There's some left.

The racial environment of the grizzly hills is relatively complex. There are frost veined dwarves, moon stream werewolves, grizzly-throated bear monsters, and trolls and Vrykuls. Now they have added Freemasonry.

Further north, Zuldak, the place where the Dakarai trolls lived for tens of thousands of years, the entire area can be said to be a magnificent fortress, except for the sturdy Dakarai trolls and various The fierce beast, there are more than one gods enshrined by the trolls for generations.

Regarding the Raider Zuldak, the Lich King himself is also more inclined to the suggestions of the fear demon kings. The attack is the supremacy, and the opponent is disintegrated from the inside. Otherwise, even if it can be attacked, it will cause great losses to your own side.

The northwest of Zuldaq is the area of ​​storm cliffs. There is the most concentrated area left by Titan. Even the Burning Legion was very cautious about it, and after conquering the other territories of Azeroth, they finally dealt with it. The Lich King did not dare to make it, but there was only an old way to corrode its peripheral races as much as possible and fight for the burning invasion Forward-looking.

Counting from one region to another, the Lich King suddenly found out that what he really owned by him and his Scourge Army was only the Ice Crown Glacier.

There is also a crystal song forest in the north of the dragon bone wilderness.

But there

The disordered arcane effect even crystallized and even cracked the trees. It also has no resources and does not have much strategic value.

After the Freemasonry, the rise of the Scourge, but through the Scourge, conquered the districts, bought them together, and simply unified a country, occupying multiple hotspots, and possessing a rich territory, more than two months ago, even the north wind tundra It also basically fell into its hands and established land transportation with the Solacha Basin.

The Lich King admires this self-made organization, and the Demon King also wants to find his boss behind the scenes to see if he can control it.

Unexpectedly, the backstage turned out to be Galin Torbain.

At the time, Kel'Thuzad did not say that they were playing the Lordaerons in the Dalong area, and they played it vividly, until the Knights Templar 300 re-ridden on the King's Avenue near Andorhal Kel'Thuzad suffered a serious loss of combat power before the war entered a new stage.

Afterwards, it was this Torbane who made a stab at it, leaving Arthas and his team without a chance of a battle, and was disarmed.

Now, he is still actively operating, not only supporting the Kingdom of Lordaeron military and economically, but also forming a volunteer army and sending troops to the Silver Pine Forest, making the strategy of the South Expeditionary Fleet directly inserted into the Kingdom of Dalaran become a dangerous move.

It is for this series of reasons that when Tyranus proposed to take advantage of the unheard of the Volunteers and launch a sudden attack, the Lich King only made Tyranus not to be arrogant and the enemy should not be underestimated, but did not stop Tyranus Sibu attacked.

Originally in the Department of Tyranus, the Lich King was prepared to be a killer.

Possibly, the Southern Expeditionary Force landed from the barren beach north of Tirisfalsh Lake. When the Lordaeron army faced the front, the Tyrannus Division attacked the King City from behind the Lordaemir Lake. And there are so many types of units that hate, and the following water channel is a surprise attack channel, rushing into the city and slashing and killing, the Lordaeron outside can still have a mind to fight?

And what would happen if it returned to Chishang and drove the people to attack its position?

As long as the Department of Tyranus can take advantage of the chaos and fight against Lordaeron for a quarter of an hour, the troops of the landing Nanzheng Fleet will arrive at the battlefield one after another. By then, it will really be a back-and-forth attack.

It doesn't matter if he chooses to avoid, the expelled Lordaerons are all in their pockets, and with this heavy blow, the Kingdom of Lordaeron can basically call the curtain, at least the Menethil dynasty comes to an end.

Without the strong leader, the Kingdom of Lordaeron becomes a piece of fat that is easy to swallow.

Probably two, the Southern Expeditionary Fleet landed near Shadowfang Castle, then drove straight in, captured Ambermere, and created momentum. After attracting Dalaran ’s main combat power, the Department of Tyranus went south from Fenris Island and was led by Dalaran. The army's flanks attacked.

It's also a pinch. Although Dalaran has a magic field, it has a very good tolerance to abhorrence, and it's suitable for driving hard against the damage. Dalaran may fall short of reinforcements.

The Lich King feels that his strategy is not bad, the key is that the Department of Tyranus has been lurking for so long, and it has developed quite well. This move is very god.

As a result, Eternal Dragon told him from the perspective of the prophet's message that no matter which way he chose, he would win first and then lose, just like the original military operations in the Dallon region, and this time he lost even worse.


Because Galin Torbane holds a strong card in his hand, whether the Scourge destroys Lordaeron or Dalaran, Galin will eventually clean up the mess and swallow the two countries. Get stronger.

As for eating a large population of Lordaeron, or assaulting to win Dalaran to obtain the book of Medivh, that is a dream.

After the Kingdom of Lordaeron experienced the disaster of Stratholme, the prevention in this respect is very sufficient, and the place of the Holy Light faith established in the king city is not to eat dry food.

Don't look down on ordinary buildings that are only civilian facilities, you have to first look at the attributes of your own combat power, and then joke people.

Once those sanctuaries have activated the light barrier, like ghouls, evil spirits, skeletons and the like, they will die if they rush in. The flow of abomination can last a little longer, but dragging will also be consumed. The imaginary difficulty is overcome.

Eternal Dragon also introduced the Knights Templar. They say this: "Not to mention the Scourge, it's the Burning Legion the most powerful.

, The Knights Templar can also slaughter you. In the history as we know it, many powerful warfare groups have challenged it. The result is that the Templars have repeatedly exceeded the imagination limit, and stepped on all those powerful warfare groups. "

This is considered to be too much preaching to the opponent, using the words behind the fear demon Tick Dios: "The **** lizards, with their majestic appearance, have actually been frightened. They have never seen burning. The strength of the legion. "

The Lich King also somewhat agrees with Tikdios. It was once tortured by the Burning Legion, and the psychological shadow area was quite large. In addition, it instinctively refused to admit that the Burning Legion that made its knees called his father was actually so thing. The Burning Legion is not strong enough.

It ’s a pity that Tike Dios is a sarcasm behind it. It ’s going to say face to face. The eternal dragons may reveal more information for the sake of face, for example: “The Burning Legion counts as an egg in the later period. Say it, it will scare your turtle shell! "

I do n’t think Kane and the Knights Templar are as powerful as the eternal dragons, but there are some precautions and concerns.

Both the Lich King and Tikdios are not blind, let alone say, is Freemasonry true? Kel'Thuzad they used to walk around the Dalong area with the monkeys. The result of the good play was that the people killed by the 300 Templars turned their horses over and the corpses were everywhere.

Taken together, this at least shows that Galin Child Bain is a rival.

This is also the reason why the Lich King agreed with Tyranus for the night raid.

He wanted to see the quality of the Volunteer Army, to measure the eternal dragon's rhetoric, how much exaggeration.

In the eyes of the Lich King, it is normal for the Eternal Dragon to exaggerate the enemy's combat power. After all, he was beaten miserably and all went into exile. If the other party was waste wood, what would he be? Slag?

At the same time, Tikdios had other plans.

The group of Nasrezm, in the Burning Legion, belongs to the type that is more lively and deceptive, regardless of the enemy or its own type.

At the same time, it can be called flexion and extension.

When Sargeras did not fall back, Nasrezm cried and called his mother, and the mother star was destroyed. These guys twisted their faces and knelt down without embarrassment, loyal as a dog. Even Sargeras became curious about their shamelessness, and then they were curious about their inferior and insidious characteristics, and the degeneration also entered a substantial stage.

This is Qu, there is a stretch.

As the so-called success is rampant, the Nasrems are so capable, when it is their turn to be dads, they can definitely judge the worst bss.

As the head of the army, Tikdios actually saw the licentiousness of the Lich King. It did not report in time, but intended to draw benefits from it.

It is not blind, and the pros and cons of the Lich King technical system are all seen in the eyes.

Although it always believes that attacking the mind is supreme and confusing control is the king, it also admits that the undead system is used to attack the living planet and is a weapon.

So he has been working with the other two, Marganis and Banazare, to secretly acquire the technology of the Lich King. At the same time, I also seized the opportunity to do some practical tests ~ ~ others' stage, other people's supplies, other people's personnel, do their own things, this is also very cool.

But there are also discomforts, that is, the power is proportional to the power of speech, and the power of the Lich King's speech is becoming more and more important. The three of them can feel the pain that is difficult to restrain.

When the Scourge Fleet went south, the dreadlords thought that their opportunity had come, and they could get their hands up and down during the war and control part of the Scourge forces into their own hands.

Tyranus confessed to attacking the Volunteers, and the Lich King agreed.

Tikdios felt this was an opportunity. He instructed Marganis to carry out military operations in the name of coping, and at the same time demanded soldiers from Kel'Thuzad.

At this point, the past behind the Scourge was clear. Tyranus wanted to make a contribution. The Lich King made a fortune. Unexpectedly, the loss of the Tyrannus Department would be so great, while the Demon King was responding to the Southern Expedition, saying that he would initiate A war of evasion and fiction.

The results are all messed up.


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