Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 621: Lich King's anger

The Lich King hated Tyranus and hated his indisputability.

But anyway, Tyranus is more obedient.

And although that night battle suffered heavy losses, it did not lose its old capital.

The lair that made the Lich King jealous was not exposed. Also, the night warfare gained the power to clean the battlefield. Tyranus reported that as long as one month, the lost combat power could be restored by 30%.

It doesn't sound like a lot, but it's actually quite a lot. You have to know that thousands of abominations have been wiped out at night. 30% represents a thousand abominations. As long as you avoid Torbain ’s special combat power, you can still play an important role and influence.

Most importantly, although Tyranus lost, the troops in his hands were still sufficient to carry out the sewer raid in the Lordaeron city, thus cooperating with the series of operations of the Southern Expeditionary Forces.

In comparison, Marganis was very damn.

What the Lich King hates most is that it swindled Kel'Thuzad and transferred elite undead power from Kel'Daroon.

The terrain of Keldalong is quite special. It was hit by meteorites in ancient times, forming a four-sided depression and a raised central terrain, like the reduced version of Un'Goro Crater.

Ten thousand years later, the pit became a lake, and the raised Barov family in the center used it to build a castle.

After Barov secretly surrendered to the Scourge, the surface structure did not change much, and the underground changed a lot.

The terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the main facilities are all underground, supplemented by a large number of casters and deadly shooters, and the material grain is not lacking because of early preparation.

This series of factors contributed to Keldalong's solidity.

Of course, if the coalition forces fill their lives at any cost, they can still be captured.

But whether it is Terenas, Uther, or the decisive influential BOSS Kane, there is no such intention.

So, the elves took the initiative to jump out and said that they could use prisoner tactics, supplemented by earthwork tactics, and gradually transformed them into an experimental base and training ground.

The basic point of the prisonership is that while Kyle Dalong is difficult to attack, the defending side is also difficult to go out. The boat crossing is too conspicuous to be found, and the only bridge is also pitted Uther. Al and Alsace basically blew up in that battle.

As for earthwork tactics. It is mainly undertaken by the now famous Falcon Construction Bureau. The rough approach is to implement a diversion and diversion project for the Sotoril River, the main water supply source of Lake Dalong.

This sounds like a big project, the investment seems a bit big, but it is not.

The Dalong area is high in the north and low in the south. The Sodori River flows into Dalong Lake and becomes a natural reservoir, and then the water flows through the icy valley between Alterac and Hinterland. Spade entered the sea.

The important town of Hillsbrad, Tarren Mill, and the coastal town of South China Sea all rely on the freshwater life of this river.

Kane, who had the advantage of the prophet's information, knew early in the morning that the Barov family would probably be the same as in history. When the Lich King hooked his fingers, they ran to Baba as dogs.

Well, most of the well-known psychic colleges in the original history line will still open.

Even if the people there do not deliberately poison, it is just the habit of people in this era that they arbitrarily discharge their domestic production waste into the river, and it makes people goose bumps when they think about it.

After all, the essence of psychicism is that dead souls deal with corpses, and dirty powers such as evil energy are added. The related waste water is dirty and dangerous.

In addition, once the Scourge seizes Kel'Darron, it is also very likely to play "Rapid Current" and go downhill to attack Hillsbrad.

Kane is not afraid of this kind of harassment, but can prevent it in advance, why not?

So there was the dam project in the triangle valley area west of Yingchao Mountain, and the ice wind barrier project further north.

These two projects once occupied a large amount of the construction power of the Falcon Construction Bureau. At the beginning of the natural disaster invasion, they were not completely completed.

These projects are naturally completed now.

Kane's blood worm group system is an accelerated development process. It can be said that it is getting faster and faster before it rushes to the stage bottleneck.

The characteristic of the high-magic world is to hang magic and circumvent the difficulties, so that even the bottleneck is not very prominent.

Like the core industrial part of Kane, from the level of the first industrial revolution to the level of the second industrial revolution, there is not even a knock, just rushed over.

One of the manifestations of the overall improvement of science and technology is that the construction capabilities have been enhanced a lot at once.

Even lay people can feel the speed increase and the increase of specific machinery and equipment. In the past, earthworks can still see a lot of labor and work, and now it is gone. It is all equipment, plus casters, such as geologists and sculptors. Mana field shell, super quick-drying, advanced mud to stone, solid concrete frame from scratch, often only takes ten minutes ...

The transformation of the Yalong fortress by the Yalong people and the construction of Beiliu Fort are based on this construction technology, emphasizing the joint efforts of labor and the results of efficient operation.

The strong construction ability is the foundation of earthwork tactics, and more importantly, it has the value of this tactic.

The elves presented Thoras and Terenas with a detailed investigation report.

According to the report, the diversion of the Sodoril River is an important measure for the Kingdom of Lordaeron to revitalize Dalong Town.

The town of Dalong was attacked by the Scourge, the people were slaughtered, and the nearby tomb was looted, which was a great injury. But after all, there are a lot of mature land suitable for farming.

In order to make it operational again, Terenas has issued many preferential laws, but the results have been modest.

The main reason is that it is closer to Keldalong, a war zone, and people are worried about repeated wars. Another thing is that when the natural disasters attacked the city, the wells were very poisonously polluted, and it was not a short-term thing to want a thorough purification.

The elves pointed out in the report that if the Dior Sorril River route is diverted here, it can serve as a barrier, provide water for domestic production and use, and connect with the river transportation system of the Falken Kingdom. It is also possible for Stratholme to become the capital of the Dallon region.

As for the benefits to the Falken Kingdom, it is natural that the upstream water source is guaranteed, and the further prosperity of the river transport is also beneficial to the Kingdom ’s economy.

Now the Kingdom of Lordaeron is a troubled autumn. Even if the non-war zone is still in operation, it usually adopts a shrinking strategy. The output has dropped significantly compared with previous years. On the contrary, the demand is very strong.

To put it bluntly, this is a good opportunity to transfer the wealth of Lordaeron to the pockets of the Kingdom of Falken.

Terenas and the dignitaries listened very heartily. They now have more debts and do n’t worry. They also understand that only by organizing production and constantly creating wealth can we talk about others. The most feared thing is not the debt, but nothing to eat.

As for Thoras, to tell the truth the benefits mentioned in the elves' reports, he really looked down upon him.

He was really poor at that time, but he is not the same now, the reason is naturally a great son.

So it doesn't matter whether money is money or not, whether it affects Kane's big plan is the key, so Thoras talked to his son.

Kane has actually grown stronger, and his dependence on the kingdom is very low. At the moment, he said generously: "At random, you can do it if you don't make money by doing human relations."

So the earth tactics entered the actual operation stage. Later, the water level of Dalong Lake continued to decrease, and the pier foundation of the long bridge that was originally blown up can also be used. As long as the front side withstood the strike, the engineering team can use the mixed technique of Ke and Mo , Quickly repair it. Once the repair is completed, it is not something that ordinary artillery can destroy.

Up to now, the long bridge in kilometers has been repaired, almost 100 meters wide, and small group battles can be carried out.

In the face of the coalition's long bridge advancing tactics, the defensive Scourge also had to send troops to face up to delay its speed. Therefore, it can be said that small-scale team battles occur every day.

The purpose of the elves to experiment and train troops has been achieved.

Of course, the same is true for the Scourge.

However, compared with their understanding of the coalition forces, the coalition officers and soldiers have a shallower understanding of the Scourge, and they are not very adapted to fighting undead monsters, so the coalition forces benefit more.

The Lich King sent the Southern Expeditionary Fleet, but in fact also had concerns in this regard.

The coalition trains soldiers in the Dalong area, and it can be seen. Knowing that it will continue to consume so much, the three axe of the Scourge will be understood. At the same time, the weapons and other effective weapons against the Scourge, as well as the combat technology and tactics, have become more and more mature, which is very detrimental to it.

It must be understood that war is ultimately a competition of comprehensive capabilities. The economy is important, and the research and development capabilities in wartime are equally important. This means that the more complete the system and the stronger the production capacity, the higher the probability of laughter.

The Scourge, from this perspective, is very typical of poor soldiers and swords, and they want to achieve the purpose of conquest. Mystery and suddenness are indispensable.

The original historical line of the Scourge is raging, like a violent storm. People have not been relieved of God, they have already become prisoners of the ranks or people of the country, which really reflects the speed of the soldiers and the precious.

In the world where Kane came, the Scourge had unknowingly lost the chance to rise up.

When the Scourge of the original history line started, the human countries have just experienced the second human-beast war. They are licking wounds and unable to look outside. Moreover, the human civilization in this world has just risen not many years ago, and it has no global strategic vision and strength.

The veteran troll empire has fallen apart, not thinking about progress and sinking into internal friction.

The elves also return to nature, bind their lives to the world tree, and then wander in the magical version of the unreal world (the emerald dream) without asking the world.

There is a saying in Kane's hometown: if people don't have far-sightedness, they must be worried.

From this perspective, many of the sufferings that have come to Azeroth are not because evil is too rampant, but justice and inaction.

The Scourge swept Northrend and even watched the dragon.

The red dragons, who are known as the guardians of all life of Azeroth, are looking for Nazario all over the world, so as to exhale for themselves and their queens.

The Blue Dragons have been helpless since they were betrayed by Nesario. The leader Marigos is also in a semi-crazy state, and he is brewing a crazy act of purifying the world with magic.

The Green Dragons were troubled by the Emerald Nightmare, but they did not have enough vigilance, nor did they come up with a fruitful plan.

Bronze dragons play mysteriously, faceless in the cave of time in Tanaris, in fact they are already fighting each other (fighting with their future eternal dragon).

Not to mention the guardians, dead dead (Tier, Leiden), prisoners (Odin, Mimirron), enslaved and enslaved (Hodir, Freya).

As a result, the Scourge no one can control, swept Northrend, and completed the original accumulation in excess.

But now? The gains in Northrend are not very far, because they are **** conquerors unpopular, Freemasonry tries its best to save people and people. By the end of the final calculation, the intelligent creatures gathered by Freemasonry will have much more resources than the natural disasters.

Of course, there are still some areas available for conquest, but the overall situation is very detrimental to the Scourge. Once again, large-scale imports are very unlikely.

Look at the Eastern Continent again.

The original historical line Alsace led a rebellious expeditionary army, plus some backbones of the Scourge, and then cooperated with the cursed denomination of Kel'Thuzad ~ ~ successfully subverted the Kingdom of Lordaeron and created a large The plague area, after which it broke through Quel'Thalas and Dalaran, it can be said to sweep across the north, and it is running out of resources.

But now? The population resources harvested by Kel'Thuzad and Marganis in the earlier period are basically the same as those of the Allied Forces over the past few years.

Not to mention the Alsace series, the typical loss of his wife and the collapse of the soldiers.

The Department of Tyranus, the undead army that was pulled up locally, was severely cut back by the Volken Volunteers not long ago.

Therefore, as long as the strength of the troops is counted, it will be found that the combat strength of the Lich King is not particularly generous. It depends on the resurrection of the accumulated corpses to support the huge scene.

What does this mean?

This means that the Scourge's reliance on the psychic undead force is much higher than that of the Scourge in the original historical line!

In this context, Marganis has pitted Kel'Thuzad, an important pillar of the psychic system, how can the Lich King be angry? The heart said: "This is to break my root!" ()

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