Jack Schnee [RWBY]

Chapter 50 - What's in the air?

After the battle, I headed back to my room to contemplate my victory. I should be happy that I won, but having to recall all those memories made me think twice about it. I've just been avoiding my feelings regarding the situation and hoping it just goes away. I haven't confronted my father about anything he did to me and just left when I could. I think that the only way to truly get past it is to confront him once and for all and truly stand against him. While I know that now, I neither have the time or energy to spend worrying about this issue. I glance at my scroll and see that Kim has texted me. I looked through the message and it seems that Kim wants to go on a date with me tonight. I haven't gone on a date with her since we officially became a couple. I guess living a double life with myself and Calamity would do that to you. This would be an excellent change of pace considering everything that's going on. I get dressed in something nice and prepare to go on my date with Kim.

Jaune POV

Jaune: I'm a little concerned about how Jack's been acting lately.

Pyrrha: He was very upset at the tournament today that's for sure. I wonder what happened to get under his skin that much.

Jaune: He's been acting a little strange lately too. It's like he's worried about something.

Pyrrha: Well, with everything going on it would be strange if he wasn't feeling a little concerned about what the White Fang would be planning. Not to mention the fact that his Grimm transformed into an actual person.

Jaune: Fair enough. What do you think they're planning to do anyway.

Pyrrha: It's hard to tell but it must have something to do with all the dust stores they robbed. Whatever they're planning to do with it can't be good.

Jaune: Do you think they could use it for a power source?

Pyrrha: It could be used as a power source. I just hope it's not powering humans.

Jaune: Humans? Why would they power humans?

Pyrrha: Well, not humans per se but humanoid creatures. Remember when we were fighting the horde of Grimm while Jack fought against that guy who was a machine. Just imagine if there was a whole army of them powered by dust.

Jaune: Even if they are only human souls placed in machines, they are still people at their core. How sad it would be if they were forced to trade in your human body for one made out of metal. Never to be able to experience many of the joys of life.

Pyrrha: I hope that's not the case but most likely that's not what's going on here.

Jaune: Why do you think so?

Pyrrha: No evidence suggests the White Fang and this mysterious individual are connected in any way. If there were, then things are going to be tough in the future.

Jaune: For all our sakes, I hope that they aren't working together. However, even if they're not working together, it still concerning that he's somewhere out there making more machine people.

Pyrrha: I think we need a better name than machine people.

Jaune: How about we call them the Machina.

Pyrrha: That's a great name, Jaune.

Jaune: Thanks, by the way, Pyrrha do you want to go explore the city a bit before the single matches tomorrow. Think of it as my treat for always taking care of me and as a reward for your victory in the doubles match.

Pyrrha: Alright, do you have anywhere in mind.

Jaune: I do have something in mind.

Jack POV

I met with Kim at a nice restaurant called the Moonlight Walk. The restaurant is known for its alcoholic beverages and its amazing customer service. I'm sure Kim is not going to ordering any alcoholic drinks but even if I was allowed to drink, I wouldn't. I don't want to be drugged by any alcoholic beverages in the near future. I learned my lesson from the other Dark Phantom. I sit down at a table with Kim as we ordered an appetizer. Kim was wearing a nice bright red dress with some matching high heels.

Jack: You look beautiful today.

Kim: Thanks, you look handsome as well.

Jack: Not that I'm not grateful, but why have you invited me out of the blue,

Kim: Part of the reason is that I wanted to go on a date with you. The other reason is that I'm worried about you. Why were you so out of it today on the field?

Jack: Oh, that. You must've experienced her semblance for yourself right.

Kim: Yeah, but wasn't it only for positive emotions.

Jack: I'm guessing it's for all emotions but she was concentrating on happiness for us. When she was trying to coax out happy emotions regarding my family, I felt all of the negative emotions from my family instead. I don't like to talk about it but I didn't have the best upbringing and the pain I felt all came rushing in. I just couldn't help being a bit out of it after experiencing it all again.

Kim: I'm sorry for prying into it.

Jack: No problem. It's just that I would rather talk about something else.

Kim: Actually, there is another thing...

All of a sudden, a waitress slipped on something and spilled water all over me.

Waitress: I'm so sorry. Let me get you cleaned up.

She grabbed me and dragged me away from my table with Kim. After being dragged into a corner, she gave me a towel to wipe myself off with. Since it was water, it didn't make too much of a mess on my clothes.

Waitress: You won't have to worry about your outfit since I only purposefully dropped water on you as opposed to any alcohol like wine or beer.

Jack: Purposefully?

Waitress: Yeah, how's it been, Jack? It's your neighborhood DP at your service.

Jack: Really, why didn't you just text me if you wanted something.

Dark Phantom: I could but where is the fun in that. Besides, sometimes I just want to give certain bodies a test drive. I mean this waitress is pretty attractive by my standards at least.

Jack: What do you want?

Dark Phantom: You're no fun. Well, the reason that I'm here is to warn you that there has been some massive White Fang movement in the city. There's also another group coming into the city but I have no idea who they are.

Jack: Another group?

Dark Phantom: Yeah, the strangest part about it is that there somehow connected to the White Fang's movements but are an entirely separate entity.

Jack: Any other information about this group that you can share?

Dark Phantom: Not really. I didn't get this information firsthand but from one of my buddies in the city. I would go undercover to get more information but I doubt I'll have time. Whatever they're planning to do, there doing it soon. I'm just giving you a heads up.

Jack: Thanks, but I thought our alliance was over.

Dark Phantom: Well, your still a useful asset to me, Mr. C. Plus, now you owe me one and I cash in on my favors.

Jack: Great.

Dark Phantom: Cheer up, I still have the rest of the night to mess with you.

I went back to my table with a mostly dried outfit as I continued to talk with Kim. It was a nice dinner and enjoyed talking to Kim about various things. It was a bit annoying looking over at Dark Phantom and seeing a teasing smile on his face as he looked back at me. It also wasn't funny when he brought me alcohol and told me it was for me to cool off in front of Kim. Overall, I enjoyed my night as I prepare for the single matches tomorrow, and whatever else may come my way.

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