In that night…Hikari stayed a few hours making strategies and unfortunately he fell asleep…

Then at 02:00 AM…

Both Paul and Hikari wake up at the same time and shout

"I need to train!" says Paul

"I need to make a strategy!" says Hikari

Then the two of them stare at each other for 2 seconds straight

"How big were the chances for us to wake up at the same time?" says Paul

"Maybe the fate…" says Hikari

"Well I am going to train…"

"Wait…I am coming with you…If I want to make a proper strategy I have to see how you fight more…" says Hikari

"Do as you want"

At the Ship's training field Paul starts training while Hikari analyzes his fighting style and starts making strategies and sceneries…

Then the next day…

"The match between class A and Paul Aome of class B and Ianku Hikari from class F might begin!"

The competition started…But before that the principal gave Paul and Hikari an advantage for being only two…They got on the island 15 minutes before the class A….

In that time Hikari and Paul recapitulated the strategies…

"Good…now…what plan would you like…?

The plan A that we go together and use team play…It would be better since with my strategies and your fire power we can win…

Or plan B we are going separate ways but it's high risk, high reward…"

"I've got an idea…" says Paul

Then here we are again…The competition has started

"I wish your plan will work…." Says Hikari while running in the forest

It seems like Paul and Hikari chose to go on separate ways…

"I wonder what plan made the brats to beat class A" says The Principal

Class A have 23 students being the biggest class of all the first year classes…

Not even 5 minutes have passed since the competition started and we can see a kill on the killing feed

"Kanata Yuno have been eliminated by Hikari Ianku!"

"This plan might really work…class A is underestimating us and overestimating their powers…so they chose to go solo or in small teams…"

"Two students from class A were eliminated by Paul Aome!"

The competition goes on…Paul and Hikari are eliminating every member of class that they see….Hikari goes silent and assassinated them from the forest and Paul goes more reckless and kill the small groups…Class A have only 10 students remaining…

"Sanada Cana was eliminated by Hikari Ianku!"

In the place where Hikari assassinated another student…comes another person talking…

"Why would you choose to go separate ways…?" says the class A student that comes towards Hikari

"Hmm?...But it worked right?"

Hikari then readies his swords

"It's an honor to meet you…Hikari Ianku…the best normal class student"

"So you heard of me?"

"Yes…I am Mikage Hakuren…classes A discipline responsible"

"Oh…so you are strong then…"

Hikari can hear someone in the bushes…

"If he is one of the strong students in this class…is clearly that some of them are following him…I can hear them…They are not gonna attack me…only if I beat him they will…" thinks Hikari

Then Hikari charges towards Mikage with his swords at a high speed…But he stops Hikari with…two light sabers exactly like Hikari's…And a high pitched sound of the blades colliding can be heard…

"This sound had a too short length…I don't know where it came from…" says Paul

"So this is your power then…?" asks Hikari

"Shadow magic…Weapon copy…I can copy my opponents weapons and the proprieties of the weapon…

These weapons are expensive you know?" says Mikage

"Yes…I know…"

Then Hikari and Mikage start to duel…However it don't takes much time for Hikari to figure out the disadvantage of Mikage's power…

"You are impressive…But can you copy this?"

Hikari takes his gun and run towards Mikage…Then from not paying attention he falls on the ground and fires a light bullet to the sky…

Mikage doesn't know how to react…

"I could finish this battle quickly…but the other ones from the bushes will jump on me…I have to drag the time a bit so he can come…" thinks Hikari

"So…you know your power's disadvantage right…?" says Hikari

"My power's disadvantage…is the disadvantage of your weapons of course…"

"Yes…but also…"

Hikari approaches with a blinding speed and puts his sword on Mikage's neck…

"The experience…is impossible that you know to fight with the weapon you copy better than the original owner…" says Hikari

Then with a small move of his hand Hikari eliminates Mikage…

"Mikage Hakuren was eliminated by Hikari Ianku!"

Then at that moment 3 students attack Hikari from the bushes just as he predicted…However they get interrupted by a fast dark attack…

"Good signal…For a moment I thought that you were so idiot that you wanted the other ones to find you…" says Paul

"Team follow the plan!" says one of the three…

Then the 3 students jump on the trees and starts moving with a blinding speed and start shooting elemental magic at them…

"Umm…if there you have a plan then there is the moment for it!"

"Shut up and let me think!" says Hikari

"So…they are moving at a distance of 20 meters with a speed of 200 km/h…So we have like 4 seconds to defend of any attack…" says Hikari

"You….You are thinking too much…idiot…" says Paul

"Sorry principal…I am gonna get a little highern power…just a bit…" thinks Paul

"Huh….Freeze Mark!"

A dark magic…circle covers a distance of 500 meters around Paul…Everyone get's frozen and can't move

Then Paul jumps and eliminates the three students

"Three students from class A have been eliminated by Paul Aome!"

Then Paul releases the magic circle

"You idiot froze me as well…but good job anyway…" says Hikari

Then Paul and Hikari go on separate ways once again…

A few minutes pass and from somewhere on the island Hikari sees…

A huge explosion that brings a few eliminations with it…

"Three students got eliminated from class A by Paul Aome!"

Seeing the explosion Hikari goes right in that way…

"So his plan is working…" says Hikari

Paul had the idea to go separate at the beginning and when he needed backup to use signals so Hikari can come fast with his high speed…

Hikari and Paul meet in the explosion place…

"So…there are only two opponents left…" says Hikari

"One of them being Tohka…and I feel the other one is pretty strong as well…"

"But if you was with her when you got your weapon you might know something about her weapon…and she might know about yours too…." Says Hikari

"Yes but I don't used it this round and I don't think I will…"

"Let's go find them…they can't be so far away fro-" says Hikari but gets interrupted by a flaying magical arrow coming from the bushes…

Hikari with all his force draws his swords and blocks the arrow…but his arm gets injured

"Agh…my arm…it hurts…!"

"But it isn't a deep wound…" says Paul

"This is my classmate's ability…Cursed arrows!" says Tohka from a distance with her katana in her hand

"She is also the best sniper from our class"

"…Hikari…Can you fight a little…?..."

"Yes…but what are you intending to do?"

"You'll see…Cover me now!"

Another arrow is launched in Paul's direction but with a fast gun shot Hikari blocks it…Paul runs in arrow's direction

Meanwhile Hikari starts fighting with Tohka…Even though Hikari lost one of his arms he is still calm and tries to find a plan…

"The sniper attacks at an interval of 30 seconds…i have to dodge the arrows and also keep distance of her…" think Hikari

"Are you ready?...Here I come" says Tohka

Her katana gets covered in blue flames…The atmosphere got a little cold there

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