Kael Cor: A Vampire's Awakening

Chapter 433 - Hell We Motivate

There's just this thing about destiny, you never can tell when it would just come up and punch you in the gut, complications would arise from the simplest of things, and so too would gains and advantages. We already got what we came here for and we had to move on, the information about which direction Gus had gone in, and how to find the dark gods responsible for the situation back on Ethernalia Leonis, or just all of the dark gods in general. We can start worrying about the people responsible by picking our way up to the top one dark god at a time. They had nowhere to run, back in our universe the rest of the dragon kings were already lying in wait for any hint of a member of the dark council, and here we will be hunting them ourselves.

There would be absolutely no escape for any one of them, and that worked just fine for us. In Lamashtu and Monel's case, a little vampire voodoo from Kodak was enough to proof that the Quadruplets behind the two were actually of his bloodline, with a potency so strong they could almost be his own children. And this was enough proof that truly they were Gus's children, and this reveal made the information sink in enough for all of us to realize that one; the few days that Gus has been here has turned into Years for him, he's probably grown a bit more and even now has a family. Two, he was so single mindedly focused on his task, knowing that information about the dark gods or even a way of stopping them here, would mean that not just Spero and the seven layer universe, but that his own family would be safe, and by this point his loyalty is probably to them more than it is to anyone else. He stayed back because of them.

Either way from this volcanic mountain fortress we would be heading east, plus now that we were in hell the grand communication effect of my bloodline's crest should be enough to create a connection with Gus, and it was in that regard that Kodak was staying back. That choice was very understandable, he was now amongst family, and even though the demon goddess had gone behind Gus's back to destroy the portal back to Spero, it was a choice she had made in an attempt to save her family from attack from us and more interference from the dark council, now that was a shitty move to make, but we would leave that conversation for Gus to have once he gets back here. Either way Asare would be staying back with Kodak, in fact he would be heading back to send a forward force that would not only rebuild the fortress, but also turn it into a base to stage and invasion into hell. So yeah, pretty much everything Lamashtu was worried about would be coming to life, the only difference now would be that she survives it along with her family.

[Gus, where the fuċk are you twerp] for a moment I thought he wouldn't answer back, perhaps hell was much too big and he has covered too much of a distance for the Grand communication skills, which shouldn't be possible, since I've used said communication across multiple galaxies. But be that as it may, it took a few more seconds for me to feel the presence of Gus that I was already pretty much used to by this point, the only difference was that he was a little bit older and stronger.

[Your Majesty!... I can explain! I] [Save it Gus, just tell me where you are. We already destroyed the fortress that was the staging point for the invasion from the demons, we killed every last demon within it's wall, nothing is living here anymore. Either way what information have you been able to gleam in your time here, we're currently heading east, I can feel a connection with you from the crest. Can you tell me what to expect.]

I'm pretty sure he did not hear the rest of what I had just said, I could hear his voice trembling from the other side. I rolled my eyes, honestly the old me would have had a lot of fun playing with him like this, Gus was much too stoic so anything that would elicit a reaction from him, to let him show weakness was something we all tried to take advantage of. But there was no joy in me, I couldn't bring myself to joke about this, it hit too close to home. [Your family is safe Gus, all of them. Now hand me your report and tell me where the fuċk you are and how many bodies I have to leave laying on this desolate earth to get to you.]

[My apologies your Majesty, I lost my self for a moment there. Either way the dark gods have a grand pantheon at the 7th circle of hell, the 8th and 9th circle are closed off from them as the 9 princes of hell want to maintain the sanctity and originality of the hell dimensions. The Devourer and the dark council were only given access to the first to seventh circle of hell for their war, because in the end some of demons still hold doubts about whether the dark gods would be able to win, especially with the if failure of a preemptive strike. Hell is ever expensive, it is a place of torment for souls who lived wrongly during their time alive, these souls can either choose to become demons to escape their torment, or go through their sentence until reincarnation, or make their way to the 9th circle of hell and escape into the pool of reincarnation.

But this is not relevant to the matter at hand, apart from the fortress at the mountain where the last portal remains active, every demon is either a part of the collective or a lackey of the dark council. So when you ask how many bodies you can leave behind, well I'd say you can leave everything. Also the barrier I placed will only allow people with the Cor family Crest through, I humbly ask that his Majesty bestow them upon my children, their mother and great-grandfather so that they can be sent to Spero, where it is safe. I implore you.]

[That can be arranged Gus, there's not much of a problem with that, Kodak is already with them, he can give them a basic creasy and take them through the portal that sho-]

[No your Majesty, I couldn't take such a risk, only a crest placed by you would allow anyone to walk through, of at the very least someone who has held a crest of the Cor family for at least six months. Anything other than that would just find an impenetrable wall of shadows. I'm sorry for Asking so much Your Majesty, just this once please help me with this.]

[Hell has changed you Gus…. You're certainly a lot more talkative than before. But no matter, like I said, it's not too much of a problem. I'll handle that, though you do know that my Crest will burn anyone from the inside out to death if they have any sort of ulterior motives, your girl tried to destroy the portal. Are you sure we can trust Lamashtu Gus?]

[I expected she would do as much in order to keep our children safe and me in hell. I sincerely apologize, but since I saw that coming I had decided to reinforce the barrier. But regardless she has a good heart, we can trust her sire.]

[Very well then Gus, I don't trust her, but I trust you and your judgement. Anything else and believe she'd be dead in a moment and you will have to face the consequences. Now how do we get to this seventh circle of hell, is that where you are?]

[I'm at the 5th circle… stuck in prison and about to be executed by Dracula as s traitor to my race. I'm pretty much stuck here at the moment and you guys could not have arrived at the most opportune moment. There are specific and special teleportation towers in each circle that serves as the base of the dark gods in each circle. The one in the 4th circle where you are is east of where you are, I had snuck through and past last time, but this time I believe you would have to take the tower over. It will send you to a receiving tower in the 5th circle, you would have to secure that before traveling to the next portal that would send you to the 6th circle. I'm in a castle built around the tower, and it's firmly within the grasp of Dracula, with an army of demon vampires, with about a dozen of them even being at the Dracula rank… you should come prepared Your Majesty. I only have a two days left to live, well my mortal form anyways.]

[Well don't worry Gus, you've given me the proper motivation to make sure I get there as soon as possible. So don't worry boy, we'll be there sooner than you can say milk, see you soon.]

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