Kami neko Mii-chan to neko youhin shoukanshi no isekai funtouki

96 Divine Cat Me, stay in the labyrinth of White Ya.

White Ya's labyrinth, that was a fortress there.

Stone walls surround buildings like mosques, and many other buildings line up in the labyrinth itself. There are also newly built buildings, which are still under construction. Wouldn't there be a small village class?

"This is the patrol envoy. Why don't you get there soon?

Bernhardt, the chief of the Knights who noticed me, walked over and spoke to me about the objects under construction.

"We ran into a wagon convoy being attacked by goblins on the way home from Quarto. After joining us, some people were injured, so we decided to join the escort with a slight force."


"I know the Knights have just arrived, too, but could you do the quint-side street patrol as much as possible?

"So what's the situation?"

"The carriage is safe. There are no dead, but there are injured. Goblins almost knocked down around fifty."

"Understood. Schedule a tour."

"Please. Then, could you lend me a place?

"If you're staying, let me get you a room."

"No, don't worry, it's on a private journey"

"Okay. Let me show you around."

Mr. Bernhardt called his men and gave them instructions, bringing in a soldier.

"Captain! This is him. This Battle Hose looks familiar! He's a disrespectful man who ignored his warnings and ran away without greeting us beside the Knights!"

"Keep it down. This is the patrol embassy. You are more rude. [M] Lord Nero, excuse me. Forgive me."

"Zhu, even the patrol is finished……………………………."

"Please, don't worry. I didn't come here to patrol the knights."

"Show Lord Nero."


I was led to the side of the labyrinth building. Mr. Bernhardt must have been concerned because it is central. I was told where the well was.

Mr. Pamir looks like he doesn't know what it is.

I'll have Mr. Pamil come down from Smyre and finish taking care of Smyre and tenting while Mee and Serra and Lou-kun are dealing with him.

"Hey, Nero, you. Can you explain that to me?

"Hmm. I guess I can't. I'm not a Hunter Guild employee anymore."

"Yes, then why don't you let me ask you as a friend?

That hurts when you say that. Me and the others are twisted while running around, but Serra will be fine. Pero is sleeping gooseka in his tent.

"Well, as far as we can talk,"

I briefly told him what happened since he came to Quint, that he had gone to Wang Du, that he had met the Chancellor there. Don't tell me about the queen.

"So, use a patrol?

"I can't tell you that."

"Isn't that dangerous?

"I've been told not to be in danger, but there's nothing dangerous about this situation."

"Yeah, but I've never been too careful."

"I'll do good."

It's still early for dinner, so I'll take care of the gun. You're not that dirty. I thought there was a soft metal cushion or something, but it's beautiful.

"Looks like he was using it when he knocked down the goblin, but what's that?

"It's a secret weapon with atmospheric skills."

"Atmospheric skills are those atmospheric skills?

"Yes, it's an atmospheric skill that they say is useless."

He drew a picture on the ground and quickly understood it as a powerful version of the blowing arrow when it was easily delighted. There are things you can do just to become chief assistant to the Hunter Guild of the Rockstone and Wangdu.

"That's an interesting way to use it. Nero, did you think of that?

Sure, I'm the one who thought about it, but you know what to say. I wonder if anyone would come up with any knowledge to this extent.

"I was the one who thought about it, but it was Mr. Zergado, the craftsman who shaped me."

"Zergado is that Zergado?

"Which Zergado?

"It's Zergado, the crazy head. You asked for your stuff."

"That's Mr. Zergado."

You can't admit crazy heads are geniuses in any world. I don't mean to leave a name for future generations, Mr. Zergado.

"There are quite a few people with atmospheric manipulation skills and atmospheric skills. That must be good news."

"I'm going to hold a workshop when I get back to Quint. I don't know how much we're going to get together, but the guild leader is going to help us."

"That's a good thing. I hope it spreads wide enough."

Since the sun has begun to set, would you like to prepare dinner? Guys, come back here.

"Mi ~"



Ask Me to put out some firewood and light it and boil the water in a pan. Add the shredded fish, take the ac, add the vegetables and add the milk, and when warmed, season with salt to thicken with flour. It's done. Yeah, that sounds like it.

Please also serve the bread and Mr. Doga's special potato salad.

"I'll take it."

"Mi ~"

"I'll have it."



"I'll take it……."

Lou-kun, take care of your bones and eat. Serra eats every bone. With that said, if you add enough heat to the bones, they'll soften up, right? Experiment with Lou-kun's remaining bones with water skills. When I thought steam had come out of my bones, a crunchy bone pancake was created. You've done too much. Next time the steam starts to come out, the bones are softened when stopped. Success. Both the bone pancakes and the softened bones were delicious to Lou-kun.

Pero gave me the bones left on the plate, and I've been hoping for a bone pancake, so I made them for you.

"Ooh. Comfortable teeth with nymph in Paris. Good taste of fish then. Delicious!"

In the end, they made all the bones into bone pancakes......

"Mr. Pamil. Didn't it suit your mouth?

"No, it's too luxurious. This is good."

"We're always like this."

After this, I still have dessert time. Hey, Mee.

"Mi ~"

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