Kami neko Mii-chan to neko youhin shoukanshi no isekai funtouki

95 Divine Cat Me, encounter a group of goblins.

Come on, we're leaving. The ladies and gentlemen dropped you off at the general.

The general and Mee are holding each other tight and squirting their cheeks and cheeks to spare their goodbyes. Mr. Doga gave me the bag. They say it's a lunch sandwich. You have one.

"The next time I come, I'll feed you something better."

"I will look forward to it."

"Don't push it, be careful"

"How are the ladies?"

Breaking up is a hard thing. But this is where we start another new path for each other. Sometimes it crosses again. So I'm not lonely. Making many new paths and crossing paths with many people, that's life & cat raw.

Even though I knew that, I looked back and waved again and again. After all, I miss you......

"Mi no..."

I had Pero catching me to get out of the gate and ride the smile.

"Hey, Nero, you. This kid is a battle hose, isn't he? What's wrong with you?

"I asked a certain tutor to give it up. When Smiley and I first met, she was terribly ill, so she finally recovered from her secret panacea."

"That's right..."

Mr. Pamil, I feel like I'm running away from reality with some distant eyes. Come on, you're all on board. Smiley, please.

"Ha, fast no!"

"Please grab it properly ~"

"Ha ~ hi no"

Well, I was the same at first. I can't say anything...... no, it's still the same now?

On the way, when I looked at the clock, it was lunch, so I made it lunch. Mr. Pamir is falling down from the smile to collapse.

Prepare the water and leaves of the smile, then immediately lay the sheet next to it and eat the sandwich made for me by Mr. Doga. There was also an Amen sandwich inside, but only the filling part could be eaten by Mee. Looks like Pero got the bread part delicious.

"Nero you...... where are we?

Mr. Pamil manages to get up and look around him for a sandwich.

"Is it almost White Ya's labyrinth?"

"You're really arriving in a day and a half..."

"Right. I know you'll get to Quint if you can't, but don't force yourself to stay overnight in the village ahead"

"Nero, I'll leave you to it………………"

Finish your lunch, relax and then leave.

"Is this a good idea..."

Even so, as usual.

When we crossed the parting path between the road to White Ya's Labyrinth and the road to Quint a little.


Apparently, a carriage convoy is being attacked by a group of goblins. Hunters are responding, too, but they seem to have a lot of goblins.

"Smiley, stop! Pero! Serra!"

"I'll take care of it!"


Pelo and Serra untie the cattering, gear up and head for Goblin. I'll get off Smiley too and leave my carry bag with Mee and Lou-kun with Mr. Pamir.

"Mi no..."


"Mr. Pamir does not come down, but asks for these children as they are. Smiley, please."

Smiley left it to me all the time to affirm it. Mr. Pamir doesn't seem to have kept up with his understanding yet.

Pull the rifle out of the holster that was attached to Smiley's saddle and aim and shoot at Goblin. Hit! Keep shooting, run out of ammo and replace it with a spare cylinder to keep shooting. Half of them were fatally wounded, and Pelo and Serra stabbed me in the stop for the rest.

Return the rifle to the holster, unplug the revolver from your hips and switch on the laser pointer to approach the goblin. Goblins pass between Pelo and Serra, and two looming. When I put a laser on one goblin's face and targeted him, he hated the laser and covered his face with his hands. Quickly, change your aim to the next goblin and shoot him down instantly.

Again, aim and shoot at the next goblin. I also found the god-specified cat laser pointer to be good and bad.

I saw a goblin spinning out into a hidden smile. When I tried to set a target on Goblin, I suddenly dropped my weapon and became a Dallan. Appraisal suggests that Lou-kun is attractive. Charming, scary. Then Smiley kicked your ass...

"I'm sorry. Thank God."

"It's not over yet. Anyone who can move, back cover."

I can call Mr. Hunter, but it's not over yet. We've cleared the goblins here, so let's head to the rear.

Take Pelo and Serra and defeat the rear goblin. I shot out all the bullets, so I needed to reload them.

"Pero! Please protect me for a little while!"

I'll take care of it! Today's Tiger Toru is going to cut well! "

Fill the revolver cylinder and the two spare cylinders with hollow point ammo. Now we can fight again.

"Pero! This one is ready. Let's go!"


Both Pero and Serra defeat Batterbat and Goblin. I just replaced it with a second spare cylinder, too. I can't see the goblin standing.

"Easy win."


Serra came to my feet, so I'll stroke her. Pero and Serra are strong.

"Is that black leopard yours?

"Don't worry, they're my people."

"Thanks for your help. Elmer is the leader of this convoy of carriers."

They say there are seven carriages in all and fourteen hunters. We didn't make it, so it looks like there's no one dead, but there's someone injured. I have no choice but to go with me to the labyrinth of White Asia. When I got back to Smiley, Mee and Lou-kun jumped in and I got my face peppered.

"Nero, you! It's okay!"

"Yeah, I'm done."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I've never experienced anything like this before..."

If you're a Hunter Guild receptionist, I don't think you have a choice because you don't normally experience it.

The carriage began to move. They're going to keep the goblins they knocked down, so I'm going to get them all and ask for them to be stored in my bag.

"Mi ~"

I ran around and collected it and it was forty-six. Unfortunately, the soul vessel didn't seem to grow.

I told Mr. Pamir that I would be staying overnight at the White Ya Labyrinth today.

"Nero, I'm counting on you. It's no problem."

As I reached the rear of the carriage and let Smyre walk, I saw a white building in the distance, like a mosque in the Middle East. That's the white labyrinth, isn't it? Beautiful.

"Mi ~"

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