Red directly enveloped those bounty hunters with infinite terror.


The bounty hunter who was still besieging Hinata’s three daughters just now screamed directly.

One by one, their faces were distorted and desperate.

“Teacher Hong made a move!!”

Hinata’s three daughters looked at this scene.

A long sigh of relief.

The three looked at each other and then looked at each other.

Weakly sat on the bridge.


The strength of those bounty hunters is far inferior to Kakuto and Feidan.

A dozen seconds later.

There are already people who are brain dead in despair.

With the first, there is the second.

Those bounty hunters fell one by one.

The last one lasted less than thirty seconds.

Just died in a screaming twist.

“Alas, you guys said that these guys, knowing that Teacher Hong is so powerful, why did they come to send them to death, is it okay to live well? ? I really don’t understand what they’re thinking. Sakura looked at the bounty hunters who died tragically in front of her, and she really couldn’t understand their thoughts.

“People die for wealth, birds die for food, and these guys are obviously fascinated by the huge bounty.

I totally understand their thinking. Ino said.

“Another point is that people are lucky.

They always feel that they are different from others, even if they know that Teacher Hong is very strong, they will not die, they still have illusions, what if it comes true! Hinata said.

“That’s right!!” Sakura heard Ino and Hinata’s words and nodded approvingly.

“So, there is no need to have any compassion for these people!

Yes, kill directly, that’s it! Red came over and said.

“Hey!” The three women answered at the same time.

“You did a very good job today, a lot better than yesterday.” Hong said with a faint smile. 053

The third girl smiled happily when she heard Hong’s appreciation.

“Teacher Hong, those two opponents of yours seem to be very strong, what are their origins?” Sakura asked.

Red’s battle, they also noticed.

Not only Sakura, but also Hinata and Ino were also curious.

“I don’t know!

It doesn’t matter, though!

No matter what their identity is, no matter whether they kill them, whether there is any follow-up trouble, they don’t have to worry, since they dare to come to us for trouble, they will be killed by us.

Everything is just soldiers to block, water to cover! Red shook his head and said confidently.

“Hey!!” The third girl was instantly infected by Hong’s confidence.

After the four of them chatted a few more words.

Red walked over to Kakuto’s body and put his body away.

After all, it’s also a guy with five lives.

Bring his body back to Konoha.

Maybe there will be some use too.

More than ten kilometers away.

Ryoma, Ari, and Izumi, who secretly observed all this.

Looking at the battle of the red people, he also nodded secretly.

“Although there are many bounty hunters, their strength is uneven, and most of them are miscellaneous fish.

Don’t say Teacher Hong, even Hinata and a few of them can handle it.

It seems that our worries are somewhat superfluous. Izumi said.

“It’s not over yet. Don’t jump to conclusions! Ryoma said.

“How? Do you think that in the future, there will be stronger enemies who will attack Teacher Hong? Ah Li asked curiously.

“The two guys who just fought against Teacher Hong, you all saw it!” Ryoma didn’t answer Ari’s question directly, (bhfb) but asked in a roundabout way.

“See? Could it be that Teacher Hong was in big trouble after killing them? Ah Li nodded and asked.

“Perhaps, one of them is called Jiaodu and the other is called Feidan, and they are both members of a mysterious organization.

If that mysterious organization knew, their members had died at the hands of Teacher Hong.

Definitely not giving up!

Perhaps, there will be a big war next. Ryoma said.

“Yes!” When Ah Li and Izumi heard this, they nodded thoughtfully.

“In that case, let’s stay here for a few more days!” Izumi suggested.

“No, I’ll go back to Konoha first.” Ryoma said.

“Go back for what?” Ah Li asked.

They know, Ryoma this guy, even if he returns to Konoha, there is nothing to do.

“Send someone to destroy Cardo and receive his assets by the way!” Ryoma said.

Cardo dared to give a lot of bounties, which has already violated his bottom line.


He won’t let Cardo continue to live.

As for the unspoken rule that ninjas must not casually attack merchants, let alone say that Cardo did things first.

It’s that Cardo didn’t make trouble.

He wants to destroy Cardo.

And who dares to say more.

“Why go back and find someone, can’t we do it ourselves??” Izumi was a little speechless.

“Is a cardo, qualified to let me do it myself??” Ryoma said with a glance at Izumi.

“Also, you are the fifth generation of Hokage, you have to keep pressing, in that case, leave it to me and Ah Li to do it, won’t it??

Ah Li and I are just two little women.

There is no need to maintain a tight position.

It just so happens that I also have a disadvantage of pocket money.

Just get some from Cardo. Izumi said.

“Yes, I also feel a lack of pocket money recently! In that case, Ryoma, you leave this guy to me and Izumi to deal with!” Ah Li said.

“You two will also lack pocket money??” Ryoma glanced at the two women a little speechlessly.

“How can we not lack pocket money, although we usually eat you, wear you, and spend you, but we really don’t have much money on hand.” Ah Li said.

“Okay, since you’ve all said this, if I don’t say yes, it will seem that I am impersonal.

Cardo is over to you!

Come back before dark! Ryoma said.


After Ah Li and Izumi looked at each other, they answered happily.

I’m leaving.


Ryoma suddenly stopped the two of them.


“Is there anything else?” Izumi asked.

Ryoma pulled out two small boxes.

“This is??” Ah Li’s gaze flickered.

“Ring?? Is it a ring inside? (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Ryoma, what nerves are you guys, you only took it out when we were ready to go!

You’re going to propose to us, take it out early!! Izumi said with both joy and some shame.

“I want to go then! Flatter yourself! Ryoma glanced at Izumi.

Explains: “It’s a ring, yes, but it’s not an engagement ring. ”

“It’s not an engagement ring, what kind of ring is that??” Quan was suddenly a little disappointed when he heard this.

Even Ah Li, hearing Ryoma’s words, faintly felt a little lost.

Although, she knew that Ryoma could not propose to them at this time.

However, she was still lost.

“This is the storage ring I refined, and there are one hundred and twenty-five cubic meters (5*5*5) in it for you to use to loot your belongings!” Ryoma said.

After Ryoma upgraded the forge to become a magical power “Divine Machine Hundred Refinement”.

Just let the avatar try to refine some magical treasures.


He also referred to the two six-way treasures that Yunyin compensated to Konoha, and refined a lot of imitations.

The power of the imitation is no worse than the original.

After incarnating a mastery of magic and skill.

He then asked the avatar to refine the storage ring.

However, the storage ring seems simpler than the six treasures.

However, because there is no reference.

It also involves the power of space.

On the contrary, it is more difficult to refine than the six treasure tools.

His avatar took a whole year.

Only then did he successfully refine a space ring.

However, this is not yet a success.

Because, the ring refined for the first time, the space is small, and the use requirements are very high.

It didn’t match Ryoma’s mental prediction at all.

Therefore, the avatar took another two years to continue to improve.

Until last month, he successfully refined a 7*7*7 space ring.

This ring, Ryoma gave Xiyan.

Now, a month has passed.

He let the avatar refine a few more.

However, it has never been taken out before.

Until now.

“Storage ring??” When Ari and Izumi heard Ryoma’s words, they were curious.

“A storage ring, as the name suggests, is a ring used to store things, which is much more convenient than a storage scroll.

Storage scrolls can also be placed inside.

All you need is a drop of blood on it, and they are your own rings, and you can use Chakra to sense the space inside the ring. Ryoma explained for the two women.

At the same time, he handed them the two rings in his hand.

After Ari and Izumi took the ring.

Immediately drip a drop of your own blood on it.

Chakra induction is then used.

When boarding, he sensed a void space with a length, width and height of five meters.

“It’s amazing!!” The two women exclaimed.

“Of course, this little ring, but it took me a whole few years!” Ryoma said proudly.

For this ring, he still has a sense of accomplishment.

After all, there are no references, everything is developed by him himself.

“How many years does it take you?? Wasn’t it you who accompanied us on our outings in the first place? Izumi gave Ryoma a blank look.

“What my avatar studies is equivalent to my research! Isn’t that very reasonable! Ryoma said.

“Just squeeze your avatar.” Ah Li smiled gently.

“Otherwise, what did I develop the avatar outside my body for!!” Ryoma said with a faint smile.

(Want to ask, is there any follow-up reading??) I’ve been feeling so deserted lately! )。

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