Ari and Izumi left.

Izumi does not have speed-type magical powers.

It’s all up to Ah Li to carry it.

The two sparked all the way to electricity.

It only took less than ten minutes to reach Cardo’s lair.

The two did not descend directly in front of Cardo, but chose to enter through the main entrance of Cardo’s company.

“Stop, you two chicks, where are you from??”

The two men guarding the gate looked at Ari and Izumi, and their eyes lit up.

Ah Li and Izumi didn’t bother to look at the two.


Two thunderbolts fell from the sky.

Directly split them into black charcoal.

Die too much to die again.

Ari and Izumi didn’t look at the bodies of the two, and walked into the Cardo company.

“What’s going on?”

“What happened??”

“Just now, was that thunder on a sunny day-???”

The thugs in the Cardo company gathered in groups of three or five.

Looking at the thunderbolt on a sunny day, I couldn’t help but say a few more words.

At this time, they also saw Ah Li and Izumi walking in.

“Who did you call the chick?? So beautiful”

When these people saw Ari and Izumi, they were stunned.

Growing so big, they had never seen such a beautiful girl.

Especially after Ah Li and Izumi cultivated Na Ling Qi.

There is a feeling of fluttering.

It fascinates them.

“Ah Li, let me come!” Izumi said expressionlessly.

These thugs under Cardo are like dead people in her eyes.

She won’t get angry with dead people.

“Okay!” Ah Li nodded.

“Unlimited monthly reading!”

Izumi’s eyes instantly transform into kaleidoscopic chakra eyes.

At the time she used Infinite Monthly Reading.

An intense light instantly emanated.

It is even brighter than the light of the other heavenly gods that stop the water.

In an instant, Cardo’s thugs, without exception, fell into the infinite moon reading that Izumi had woven for them.

Izumi doesn’t weave any sweet dreams for them.

but gave them the most desperate, miserable nightmare!


All the thugs let out desperate screams.

Inside the company, someone heard this earth-shaking scream and quickly ran out to see what happened.

Later, he was also pulled into the infinite moon reading of the spring.

A dozen seconds later.

With the most desperate expressions, everyone died one by one.

“Let’s go, Cardo has already guessed that something may be wrong outside, and is taking a few hearts and belly to escape through the secret passage!” Ah Li had already put Cardo’s company under surveillance.

Every move of everyone inside could not escape her blink of an eye.


She then chased with Izumi in the direction where Cardo and the others were.

Less than thirty seconds.

Ari had already walked behind Cardo with Izumi.

“We’ve just arrived, and you’re leaving, can that work, Cardo??” Izumi playfully looked at Cardo, who was as lewd as a mouse, and said in a lazy voice.

Cardo and his thugs froze when they heard Izumi’s words.

They also thought that the desperate witch Red had killed her.

A few of Cardo’s thugs instantly knelt down, spinelessly begging the two of Quan for mercy: “Lord Witch spare your life, it is Cardo who spends a lot of money to reward you, it’s none of our business, we just work!” ”

“Yes, we’re just working!!”

“We have old and young, if they die, what will they do!”

In order to get a chance to survive, they did not hesitate to play Cardo.

“Bastards, you bastards, I pay so much money to support you every year, you actually betray me at such a time! A bunch of ungrateful dog stuff! Cardo cursed angrily.

“Cardo, come on, we earn so much money for you every year, and you only give us a little.

In the past, you were powerful.

Now, you’ve lost ground.

You also dare to say how good it is to us.

Bah me! Several of Cardo’s subordinates heard Cardo’s words and unceremoniously bit him back.

After that, one by one, the crusade against Cardo began.

Izumi and Ah Li couldn’t help but laugh when they looked at this scene.

“Before we can do anything, you guys will start infighting first, it’s kind of interesting!” Izumi laughed.

“Sorry, we are not the witch-sama you call it!!” Ah away from playing taste.


Cardo and several of his subordinates heard Ah Li’s words, were slightly startled, and then turned to look at Ah Li and Izumi.

“It’s really not desperate witches!!”

Cardo and several of his subordinates had apparently seen pictures of Red and Hinata.

Ari and Izumi are completely different from the four people in the photo.

Even Ah Li evolved into a blue reincarnation eye because of his eyes.

Although it is somewhat similar to Hinata.

However, they also did not connect the two.

“Who the hell are you?” Seeing that they were not red, Kado immediately had confidence again, and directly questioned the identity of Ari and Izumi.

“Us! Although he is not a desperate witch, he is a disciple of the despair witch you call it! How’s that, surprise?? Izumi laughed.

“What about Nah??” Cardo and several of his subordinates were struck by lightning. His face instantly turned pale.

Ah Li’s previous words just gave them hope.

If, in just one sentence, they are sent to hell again.

“You guys are the ninja of Konoha??” Cardo turned pale and cried out in a trembling voice.

“Mr. Cardo is obviously a smart man, but unfortunately, he did a stupid thing, I heard that Mr. Cardo spent a lot of money a few days ago to buy my Hong teacher’s life.

Not only are we angry about this, but even the fifth generation of adults bluntly said that they want to take Mr. Cardo’s dog’s life. Ah Li said with a gentle smile.

“Let me live, and I will give you all my wealth!” Cardo hurriedly begged for mercy.

“Silly! Kill you, your money is also ours! Ah Li shook his head and smiled.

“Nope!! If you kill me, you will not be able to get all my wealth, and I divided all my wealth in several places a long time ago.

Without me to help you lead the way, you can’t take it at all! Cardo said quickly.

“Hehe, frog at the bottom of the well, you don’t know anything about our ninja methods!” Izumi sneered.

The two said that much was enough.

Cardo is just an ordinary person after all.

Just play with it.

They don’t have the heart to play with them all the time.

Ah Li instantly released countless lightning bolts, like electric snakes, nimbly avoiding Cardo and wrapping around several of his subordinates.

In an instant, kill them.

Cardo looked at Ah Li’s terrifying means.

Frightened to pee on the spot.

At this time, Izumi walked up to Cardo.

Sangouyu’s chakra eye directly hypnotizes it.


At Izumi’s inquiry.

Cardo knows everything.

The words go on and on.

Not only tell me all where he hid his money.

Even many secrets were told one by one under Izumi’s curious inquiry. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After Izumi pulled out all of Cardo’s secrets.

Directly reward him with a bitter sword.

Ku Wu directly shot his brain.

After that, the two searched Cardo’s company.

So he walked out of Cardo.

At this time, the sky is covered with dark clouds.

Suddenly, a silver pillar of light shot down from above the dark clouds.


In an instant, brilliant white light swallowed thousands of meters

The ground shook.

It’s like the end of the world.

Until tens of minutes later.

Everything is settled.

Cardo’s company has been completely wiped off the map.

The area has completely turned into a lake.

After the two walked out, they did not rush back to Ryoma, Ah Li took the spring, and the two sparked and charged all the way, flying towards the places where Cardo hid the money

Until all of Cardo’s wealth has been withdrawn.

Only then did he return to Ryoma.

At this time, it is still early!

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