After who knows how long, Percy g.r.o.a.n.e.d as he rubbed his eyes. His body was slightly numb, making it hard for him to move.

However, when he finally opened his eyes, his jaw dropped to the floor. Shakily turning his focus downwards, Percy almost passed out as he saw the world beneath him.

He was at least thousands of kilometres above the ground standing on a glass-like platform. Percy became pale as he stumbled about, panicking.

Even though he's fought against gods, demons and monsters, being so high in the air that you could barely see the ground put fear into the young demigods heart.

As he watched the clouds drift by underneath him, Percy's heart slowly became tranquil as he unconsciously muttered, "…Beautiful."

After the fear of falling faded, Percy noticed the pure beauty of the world bellow. The horizon seemed to stretch way off into the distance, almost as of it didn't actually end.

The world actually seemed to be made up of different plots of land, humongous in size. Each and every piece of land was completely unique.

For example, one piece of land seemed to be an entire country made from futuristic technology while the land neighboring it seemed to be a fantasy forest with a large kingdom in the middle.

Percy seemed to be wholeheartedly admiring the world when a voice echoed from behind him, "It's pretty cool, right?"

With a surprising amount of skill, Percy leapt forward. As he flipped, Percy quickly drew two small items from his pockets. Once he hit the ground, Percy used the forced from his jump to slide a bit more backwards as the two items in his hands turned into a sword and shield.

However, when he saw the person before him, Percy's mouth fell wide opened. With Spiky white hair and deep purple eyes, Percy stared in awe as he muttered, "No way…"

The figure smiled as he lightly laughed, "By your reaction, I take it that you know me? Or at least heard of me?"

Percy, still in a state of shock, nodded his head as he replied, "I guess you could say that… Naruto Uzumaki…"

Naruto's eyes widened for a second before changing back to his happy smile.

Back on earth, while he wasn't the biggest anime lover, Percy did occasionally watch anime. However, though this man did seem to be a carbon cut out of Naruto, he also had a few differences when compared to the one from the show.

In this case, the white hair and robes were a far cry from the usual Naruto.

Naruto seemed to read the question on his mind as said, "Your wondering about my hair, aren't you? I'm guessing that the 'Naruto' you know still has blonde hair and blue eyes?"

Taking Percy's silence as acknowledgement, Naruto sighed as he said, "Well, I'm what you would call 'a mistake'. I made one hasty decision and ended up paying the ultimate price."

Naruto sighed and started recounting the tale of his plight.


In a wide open plain, the sound of steel colliding against steel echoed across the battlefield as three figured were entertwined in a fierce battle.

One of the figures was Naruto while the other two figures were his best friend and rival, Sasuke, and the origin of charkra, Kaguya.

Many restless days had passed as Naruto and Sasuke were pushed far beyond their normal limits. Sasuke's eyes bleed, not from overuse of his sharingan but from keeping his eyes open for far too long.

Naruto, even though he was being fueled by Kurama, still couldn't fight the human urges of his body.

Suddenly, an idea came to Naruto. With a gleam in his eye, Naruto turned to Sasuke and screamed, "Hey emo-bastard! Keep her busy for a couple minutes. I have an idea!"

Sasuke rolled his bloodshot eyes and smirked, "Easy."

Naruto quickly broke off and disappeared in a crowd of clones. Kaguya tried to dispel the clones but each time one clone disappeared, another would be summoned.

While she was busy, Naruto quickly scaled the charkra fruit tree. Looking at the small fruit at the top of the tree, Naruto steeled himself as he reached down and…


A power like no other surged through Naruto's body. His regular blonde hair quickly turned snow white as his eyes transformed. Rings appeared in both of his eyes as they turned into a shade of dark purple.

Clenching his fist, Naruto was about to attack Kaguya when he suddenly paled. Due to the power he just gained, Naruto's ability to sense emotion mutated, turning into the ability to sense life.

And he felt… nothing. The world became silent as Naruto could feel the world around him slowly started to decompose.

The people connected to the charkra tree had died the moment Naruto plucked the fruit. The fruit didn't gather enough charkra to ripen so it took something else to compensate.

A breach in space appeared next to him as Kaguya quickly stammered out. Her body had cuts and scratches all over as she glared at Naruto and screamed, "What have you done!?!"

Before Naruto could speak, the world around him trembled. Peering over the side of the treetop, Naruto's heart stopped beating as he watched the horrific sight of bodies falling to the ground.

Each body made a sickening crunch that forced Naruto to hold the content inside himself. Suddenly, Naruto felt an intense pressure b.a.r.e down on him before knocking him unconscious.

The world had literally spilt apart, forcing the Naruto into the vacuum of space. For an unknown amount of time, Naruto floated through space until he one day woke up.

With no way to correct his mistake, even with his near-omnipotent powers, Naruto spent 100 years, wallowing in his grief. As more years passed, Naruto continued to cry until he lost the ability to feel sad.

What replaced his sadness was a need to create. It was like a itch that never went away. Then, before Naruto realised it, he had created his own world.

From there, Naruto went crazy. He bartered and battled others gods for small bits and pieces to build his world off. He never neglected his training and soon became one of the strongest gods in the unknown multiverse.


When Naruto finished retelling his story, Percy was stunned. To hear that crazy story, Percy almost couldn't believe it. However, he did.

The reason why? Naruto was actually streaming the memories directly into his head. Percy got to experience the entirety of Naruto's very VERY long life in mere minutes.

With the emotions from the story effecting him, Percy shed a stream of tears unconsciously. Naruto gave him a gentle smile and said, "No need to feel bad for me. I've... learned to live with my mistake. It still haunts me to this day but I've learned to accept my mistake and honour the memory of those who fell."

Naruto gave Percy a few seconds to gather his thoughts.

Now that he had calmed down, Percy sighed as he said, "So… I'm guessing my dad told you why I'm here?"

Naruto nodded, "Your father just burst into my dimension and asked me to take care of his son. He also told me why you decided to leave your world… I'm sorry you had to experience that."

A small smile appeared on Percy's face as he said, "Thanks Naruto. It'll take a while but I'll get over it."

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