After the scorpion conquered Saigon Rose, the woman held him every time, fearing that he would suddenly disappear and abandon her.

The current Chen Jun is also like this, but one makes him feel refreshed, he feels that this is the day, and the other makes him very bad!

The militants who were chasing behind them watched their boss roll down the hill with him in his arms, and rolled in front of them, but they could not find a chance to shoot.

The scorpion can't die, because he's in charge of all the organization's funds, and if he dies, they'll not only be poor, but they won't know how to get out!

Their lives were all on the scorpion.

One of the militants shouted: "Get close to the past and kill that madman!"

"The boss can't die, or we're all doomed!"

"Quick, catch up!"

The four of them rushed over wildly and burst out at the fastest speed, but they were shocked to find that the distance had widened!

At this moment, the scorpion didn't know how many times he rolled, and he swore that he hadn't rolled the sheets so many times for the first time.

Although Chen Jun's physical fitness is strong, he is also flesh and blood, and no matter how strong he is, he has to come out of the stars.

He must avoid the pursuing enemies and take out the scorpions.

Chen Jun didn't hesitate, his iron fist tightened, and he directly smashed into the scorpion's heart.

But because of dizziness, when the fist fell down, it became smashed on the opponent's shoulder.

The scorpion was in severe pain, and his brain immediately cleared up, and his hands hurriedly grabbed Chen Jun's head and hit it hard.

The bridge of Chen Jun's nose cracked, and the sharp pain made him more awake.

Because of the need to prevent bullets in the back, Chen Jun's situation was very passive, and he was seized by the scorpion and immediately kicked his chest with both feet.

As a killer who has survived countless life-and-death battles, he knows all too well how to save his life.

After kicking the other party away, the scorpion did not stop, turned around and got up to run for his life.

It's already this time, running away is the right choice, don't think about killing the other party.


A figure pressed against him from behind, locked his hands and feet, and pressed down hard.

"Damn, why are you here again?"

The scorpion almost cried, is there such a desperate person? Crazy people are not so crazy!

"You're a fool!"

"Do you really want to die together? Your squad leader is alive, didn't you say that you want to avenge your comrades-in-arms? You die, who avenges them! The scorpion roared, "Black cat, have a good life, every day with good wine, beautiful women with him, how comfortable, do you want to watch him live a moisturizing life in the sky?"

"My people are about to chase after me, you kill me, you can't escape, leave me, you can live, what do you have to do with me!"

"You are very strong, you will definitely become stronger in the future, and the future is bright, are you willing to die like this? It's not worth it!

The next moment, Chen Jun's voice came from the scorpion's ears: "I said, you must not be able to escape." Immediately

after, an iron fist slammed into his face.

The scorpion only felt that his face was deformed, his mouth was in sharp pain, and his front teeth were spurting out.


Another punch fell.

The scorpion only felt as if it had opened a hardware store in its head, and the sound of humming metal rang out.

He could only desperately fight back, grabbed Chen Jun's fist, stopped it with all his might, used all his strength, and suddenly shouted: "Brother, I was wrong, I was wrong, please let me go, I will definitely not come to Yanguo in the future, and I will not come again if I am killed."

"I promise that I will definitely stand on your side of the Yan Country, and I will not move a single Yan Country person in the future, if they are in difficulty, I will help them to the greatest extent."

"Believe me once, my scorpion is reputable, and you want to find the black cat for revenge, as long as there is information, I will notify you as soon as possible."

Chen Jun, whose eyes were red, roared: "Have you asked my dead brother?" They promised, and Lao Tzu will let you go! "

it!" The scorpion's eyes were also red, "Brother, if you don't play like this, you let me go, my net worth will be given to you, tens of millions, it's rice gold, okay?"

Chen Jun shook his head and said: "I have hundreds of billions of assets in my family waiting to be inherited, will I care about your money?"

He strangled the scorpion's neck.

"Made, you have hundreds of billions, what kind of soldier are you going to be? Fake, madman one! The

scorpion felt a severe lack of oxygen, and the previous internal injuries made it extremely difficult for him to breathe, but the most important point was that he felt Chen Jun's attitude and knew that there was no room for maneuver.

He was not willing to die like this!

The scorpion knew that he might not die well in the end, but he never thought that it would come so quickly, in his plan, it was to form the scorpion organization into the top three killer organizations in the world, and to become the best killer in the world.

But...... Unwilling, unwilling!

With his last breath, the scorpion took out the dagger from his waist and stabbed back with all his might, but the next moment, he roared loudly.

That's because the dagger was grabbed by Chen Jun and stabbed into the base of his thigh.

Chen Jun roared: "I said, in close combat, no one is as fast as me, you can't go today."

Immediately after, Chen Jun moved the scorpion's head back with both hands and rolled it to the ground.


At this time, the bullet chased after it, hitting the ground next to it, and the dirt was splashing.

With a click, the body of the scorpion, who was having difficulty breathing, paused, and felt a lightness on his body, and the madman who had broken his neck suddenly went down the hillside.

The scorpion's eyes were full of despair and unwillingness, and he knew very well that he couldn't live.

He never dreamed that he would one day be so aggrieved to be killed.

Maybe that's fate.


Hurried footsteps ran over, and four militants rushed over.

When they saw the scorpion lying on the ground twitching, their eyes were full of horror.

Is this a scorpion? It's miserable!

"Boss, boss, you can't die, you're dead, what should we do?"

"Hold on to the boss, the account and the password, and tell us that we will definitely avenge you if we have a chance."


Four militants hurriedly leaned over to the scorpion.

At this time, the scorpion only had one breath left, and its eyes were still rolling, but its head could no longer move.

He used the last bit of strength, opened his mouth and said: "*&&#..."

Because the bones of his head were broken, all the teeth on his mouth were lost, his mouth was leaking, and his face was distorted, so he couldn't say a complete sentence at all.

What the scorpion wants to say is to kill that bastard, my money is all yours....

But the four militants couldn't understand it, and only heard the scorpion talking about something, like a book from heaven.

One of the militants shouted anxiously: "Boss, you speak Chinese, I can't understand English, what are you talking about?"

"Boss, be sober, what is the account and password? Say! "

PS: Happy New Year, financial freedom

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