The scorpion's head tilted and he completely lost his breath, but his eyes were still wide, obviously dead.

Who would have thought that the world's famous scorpion would die in embarrassment, and no one would believe it.

There are more than 30 countries in the world where the scorpion is wanted, but after so many years, the scorpion is still doing well, which shows his strength.

A top international killer, not shot to death, but strangled to death... It's really embarrassing.

He didn't expect the scorpion himself, he thought that he wanted to go back for a while after making a hard vote, but he died here.

One of the militants was stunned, a little incredulous, turned his head to look at the other three, and then looked at the scorpion, which was no longer lifeless, and said, "What did the boss just say?" "

Everyone is looking at each other, you look at me, I look at you.

One shook his head and said: "What he says is not English, it may be the language of his hometown, people are going to die, they all speak their own local dialect, it should be told us, kill the other party, and there is also the fund password." The

other nodded, "It's possible, but which of you remembers what he just said?" Everyone

smiled bitterly, and the scorpion's voice was weak and intermittent, and no one could hear it clearly.

"It's over, the money may be gone, we all have to become poor, and without the scorpion's money, we have to start from scratch." One of the militants said depressedly.

A tall militant looks at the horrific wounds on the scorpion.

This scorpion, which was once famous in the world, had sprains, bites, assassinations, ribs pierced out, and many deformations on his body.

It was a terrible death.

"Starting from scratch? Whether we can go back alive or not is not certain! Another said.

The crowd was silent for a moment, and the tall militant said, "Retreat?" Another

said: "Retreat? If we don't kill that bastard, he will definitely follow us and kill us slowly, and no one will be able to escape! The

stronger militant said heavily: "Yes, find him, kill him, we still have a chance now, retreat, we can only be hunted by the other side." The

emaciated militant said: "Counterattack, we can't retreat, we have to pay attention, the other party knows Ah San's wrestling and killing methods, and he also knows many postures, all of which are fatal."

"That's it, do it! Brothers, we have no way out, the scorpion is dead, and we have a choice of retreat.

After the four of them discussed, they formed a semi-encirclement and searched for Chen Jun along the hillside.

There was blood on the ground, and the other party should have been injured as well, which was good news for them.

The last bloodstain was lost behind a large tree.

The four of them cautiously dispersed and surrounded the big tree.

They looked at the trunk of the tree, and they could still see a little blood, but when they came to the leaves, they disappeared.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the other party must be hiding in a tree.

The four of them exchanged glances, and the next moment, the muzzles of their guns were aimed at the top of the tree.

After one of the militants nodded, all four opened fire almost simultaneously.


The bullets rained down on the trees.

Leaves and branches were constantly being knocked down, and the ground was in shambles.

Until they ran out of magazines, and no one fell from the trees.

"This is the situation, where are the people?" A militant stared at a tree.

The intensive shooting just now has covered the entire treetop, and if the opponent is on it, he will definitely be shot.

Now there is no movement, could it be that they have misjudged?

All four of them stared at the dense foliage above.

At this moment, the dead branches and leaves under the feet of one of the militants suddenly moved, and a hand reached out from below and grabbed his ankle directly.

It was Chen Jun.

When he didn't activate the system before, he turned into a ghost, and in many cases relied on bluffing and booby-trapping enemies.

Just now, he prepared the blood stains in advance, deliberately attracting the militants to chase him, and he hid in the dead leaves on the ground in advance, waiting for the other party to finish firing the bullets before moving.

Chen Jun is a master of the arts, bold and reckless.

This kind of risking his life, once the slightest mistake in the primary election, he will die.

After all, the other party is 4 people, fully armed.


The armed men, who were caught naked, screamed in terror and tried to break free, but their bodies fell to the ground and fell hard.

The other three militants immediately changed their magazines, but Chen Jun was faster.

He was like a demon crawling out of hell, standing up with one hand supporting his body, and grabbing the militant's foot as a weapon with the other, the strength of his arm instantly burst out and shook it suddenly.

The militant was thrown over like a dead dog.

He only felt himself flying, his ears whirring.


Before the two guys could change their magazines, they were knocked out by the militants who came over and slammed into the ground.

Chen Jun turned his head abruptly and rushed towards the remaining militant, and within ten steps, he was the fastest.

He hugged each other at once, locking each other's hands and feet.

The image of the scorpion's tragic death flashed in the militant's mind, his face changed greatly, and a cold sweat broke out on his forehead in fright, shouting: "Help, save me, kill him, kill him!" "

He's really afraid, a fierce man like a scorpion can't bear it, and it's impossible for him to bear it, and it goes without saying how miserable he will die when the time comes.

Hell, why isn't this bastard in a tree, how can he hide underground?

This is definitely the opponent's game, and their every move is in the other party's calculations.

It's horrible!

The militant turned around and wanted to run, trying to struggle, but neither in strength nor speed, he was no match for Chen Jun.

A death terror instantly enveloped his body.

"No," the militants let out their last shouts of horror.

There was a click, the sound of the neck being twisted.

The other three militants were knocked to pieces, but they still struggled to stand up, but at this time, Chen Jun had already broken the other party's neck, and his head turned 180 degrees, right in front of the three militants.

With his chest facing forward and his face facing backwards, his face was pale, his eyes widened, his eyes were full of fear, and his mouth was still open.

This is a stiff twist of the neck by the other party!


The corpse suddenly went limp and fell to the ground, while Chen Jun's figure had already rushed towards the three militants.


Such a ruthless killing method shocked the three militants who had been crawling on the battlefield all year round and were accustomed to bloodshed.

They watched each other's strange and ruthless methods kill their companions, including the scorpion, and finally understood a sentence.

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