Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 240 Big brother is a craftsman

Chapter 240 Big brother is a craftsman

Under the night, Bi Fang was sweating profusely, chiseling logs with a sledgehammer, trying to divide them into logs of the same size as soon as possible.

There is one thing that Bi Fang has never told anyone else, that is, he has a slight obsessive-compulsive disorder...

If the logs are of different lengths and the difference in thickness is too large, it will feel very uncomfortable, and more effort will be consumed on this basis.

However, it is not meaningless to do so. If the size of the log is appropriate, the raft will naturally be stronger, and there will be no accidents.

Well, that's right, I did this just to be safer, to survive in the wilderness, Fang Shenwen is the leader!

[I cut wood for a day today, but I only watched it for a day, I can't believe it]

[Lao Fang’s part-time lumberjack will certainly be able to succeed. It just so happens that my house has recently been renovated. I would like to ask Lao Fang how much it will cost to make furniture? 】

[Sledge hammer eighty, small hammer forty]

[Wuhu? So cheap (dog head)]

[Why did Lao Fang peel off all the bark? 】

"Because I want to use bark to make ropes. Bark is the best plant fiber, and it depends on them to bind the raft. Moreover, plant fibers are not afraid of water, and even become stronger after being exposed to water."

Bi Fang exhausted his last bit of strength to raise the sledgehammer and slammed it down.

There was a crackling sound.

The big tree under his feet snapped.

"Phew, it's all finished at last."

Bi Fang wiped the sweat from his forehead, instead of sitting on the ground to rest immediately, he ran to the fire to check whether the squid was cooked, and found that the heat was just right, and the burnt aroma was overflowing.

He sat on the side, picked up the squid and ate it to supplement his physical exertion for the day. When he was thirsty, he drank a sip of bottled rainwater. In this way, his life has changed a lot from a few days ago, and he looks like a poor peasant striving for a well-off life.


After eating and drinking enough, Bi Fang began to weave rope.

"The best material for weaving rope is actually shrubs, that kind of plant stems, such as nettles, but bark is enough for us. Even if the quality is not enough, we can win in quantity to ensure that our rafts are strong and durable. stable."

Bi Fang pointed to a large pile of bark in the open space. There was enough bark for him to tie the whole raft three times according to the normal method. It can be said that it was not wasted at all.

Weaving rope is not complicated. Bi Fang first takes a piece of complete bark, removes the wood, and then uses a stone to scrape off the surface layer of the fiber. This surface layer does not increase the firmness of the fiber, but makes the fiber more fragile.

Finally, Bi Fang rubs the complete plant fiber on his hands to make it soft.

"Before weaving the rope, we must pay attention not to let the fibers meet water, otherwise the twisted rope will shrink and cause the rope to become loose."

Bi Fang took out a bundle of fibers, tied one end together, fixed them and divided them into three strands evenly, put the left strand in the middle, put the right strand on top of it, put the current left strand around the middle and put it in place , and so on, continue to wind, it looks a bit like braiding.

"This method of weaving rope is called braided rope. The thread is divided into three strands and braided together to form a thicker and stronger rope. If you need to lengthen, you can stagger the strands and add new fibers. .

The rope made in this way should be as close and smooth as possible between the strands. If you are not experienced, you can also make ropes by hand rubbing. "

"Besides, there are other methods, such as wrapping rope. It is to put plant fibers together and rotate, the direction does not matter, the main thing is to keep the direction of rotation consistent, because I am in a hurry, I will not demonstrate it here. "

As he said that, Bi Fang had already raised the rope in his hand and put it under the camera for the audience to see. Surprisingly, this piece of rope could not be seen to be handmade at all, and it was no different from what he usually saw, even because Handwork, on the contrary, makes this rope more beautiful.

"There is no essential point here, you may be able to do it after a few more practice, and girls who like to braid their hair may be more ingenious.

The only thing to pay attention to is that when we make the rope, the thickness of each fiber should be the same, and the thickness of each fiber itself should be uniform. It is easy to break when the force is applied. "

Bi Fang wrapped a circle of hemp rope in each of his hands, and with both hands, the thin rope made of tree fibers stretched instantly, leaving a deep mark on the flesh of his arm, and there was no sign of breaking.

so strong?

The audience was taken aback. They didn't expect that a length of handmade rope could be so strong. Could it be time to start tying wood?

"Not enough, not enough."

Bi Fang shook his head, "We still need to weave two more strands, and then combine them into one in the same way as this strand, so that it is strong enough and will not break due to more than ten days of drifting at sea.

You know, we may encounter storms, and a rope may keep the raft strong, but there is no guarantee that it will be safe in the storm. We have to be fully prepared, and if there is an accident at sea, you have no chance to regret it. "

[666, cautious enough]

[Are you going to rub the hemp rope all night? 】

【When will it set sail? I can not wait any more! Punch the fuck! 】

[What about the life raft? Don't you want it? 】

"Of course, why not if the life raft is not broken, I made the raft just in case."

Bi Fang shook his head, children only make choices, of course adults want all of them.

Regardless of whether it is a life raft or a raft, he will not abandon either of them. Instead, he must combine them. When the two become one, he will be unimpeded in the sea. Shotguns change guns, and he will not be afraid of smaller sharks when the time comes.

It's a shark feast!

That's called riding the wind and breaking the waves!

Thinking of this, Bi Fang's hands moved even faster, twisting out several hemp ropes in a row, his hand speed was very fast, and he didn't realize that it was late until the number of people in the live broadcast room began to decrease significantly, and it might be early morning in Huaxia. Then he stopped and prepared to rest.

Nothing happened overnight.

When the audience watched again the next day, Bi Fang had already finished twisting the hemp rope and was ready to build a raft.

[Damn, is it so fast? 】

[Did Lao Fang download it and still rub it? 】

【Dedicated, serious】

【Ah... my eldest brother is also a craftsman, he relies on his crafts for a living】

"of course not."

Bi Fang shook his head. He slept in the life raft after the broadcast last night, but he got up early today and made preparations before the broadcast of the program, twisting more than half of the bark into a rope , are all three-in-one, each one is as thick as a little finger, and it looks extremely durable.

Then comes the most exciting building moment, pushing the boat into the sea!

Putting the logs on the beach, Bi Fang first picked out the thickest and longest two. These two logs are different from other logs, and obviously have different functions.

Something like a foundation?

The audience can't help but think.

Unexpectedly, Bi Fang lifted the two logs to the side of the life raft, and then pressed them against the two sides of the raft.

What is this for?

Now the audience is completely puzzled.

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