Chapter 241

What are the logs doing next to the life raft?

The audience looked puzzled, and only a small number of people had vague guesses.

When Bi Fang carried other shorter logs and laid them flat on the long logs, the audience suddenly realized!

God Fang wants to combine the two together!

"That's right, that's my plan. The raft and the life raft are fixed together so that I can hide in the life raft at ordinary times. Once the life raft leaks air, I can run to the raft."

Bi Fang smiled. His idea was to use the two longest and thickest logs as rails, and then lay the other shorter ones side by side as sleepers, and insert a third of the space at the end into a life raft. .

There are many loops of nylon ropes on the side of the life raft, which were originally used to fix the buckle. They just pass through the hemp rope and tie it to the raft on three sides. The structure of the two is strong enough and it is not easy to separate. .

A perfect solution.

[Show! 】

[Damn, Lao Fang has a talent for design, and it's no wonder Nima is so good-looking! 】

[It looks better than the original life raft! 】

Even if Bi Fang hasn't tied it with a rope yet, but just built a silhouette, the audience feels a sense of security, which is much stronger than before.

After determining the distance, Bi Fang tied all the logs tightly with ropes. Each log was tied more than three times to ensure that it would not fall apart under the strong wind and waves.

Then Bi Fang did not fix the life raft first, but pushed the raft into the water first.

When the raft moved little by little into the water, everyone held their breath, especially when they saw the raft floating on the water, they couldn't restrain their excitement.

"It's not over yet. The launching of the raft is just a test. We also need to see its carrying capacity. Although the raft is very large, with a length of more than three meters and a width of nearly two meters, it is theoretically very buoyant, but whether it can actually carry people remains to be seen. It's up for debate."

Bi Fang was not careless, but stepped into the cold sea water, stood on the raft under the nervous gaze of the audience, and stepped on the raft with one foot.

The raft floated slightly, but remained steady.


Bi Fang was very excited, knowing that he had succeeded more than half, and then stepped on the raft and slowly stepped on the other foot.

The raft tilted suddenly.

The audience who saw this scene held their breath, especially when Bi Fang got up from the water, they were extremely nervous, and even Bi Fang himself was a little nervous.

Although he has all the experience and skills, this is his first time building a raft, and accidents are not impossible.

If the raft is about to tip over simply by stepping on the edge, it is certainly a disqualification.

Unable to get rid of the worry in his heart, Bi Fang closed his eyes casually, without any hesitation, and slammed onto the raft.

The tide was rippling, and the moment Bi Fang stood on the raft was slightly shaken, but there was no overturning as imagined, and he opened his eyes excitedly.

Although the other end of the raft was slightly tilted, it did not leave the water!

Very stable.

The raft was made successfully!

The live broadcast room was filled with cheers like a tide, Fang Shen succeeded!

[Giaogiaogiao, fuck it! 】

【I'm so nervous to see it】

[Hurry up! 】

[The poor are running for a well-off life, and the people's life finally has hope! 】

Bi Fang was in a happy mood, and he quickly pulled the raft back to the shore, and then fixed the life raft in the empty space. The combination of the two made him unable to even pull it.

Fortunately, I managed to enter the water in the end. This time, Bi Fang stepped on the edge of the raft again. With the life raft, the buoyancy increased greatly, and the raft did not even shake. It was very stable. Both the experience and the sense of security were stronger than the original life raft. Up a hundred times!

The next job is even simpler, that is to collect as much food and tools as possible, and set off to find the mainland after everything is ready!

Knowing the purpose, Bi Fang made intensive preparations. First, he searched around the beach to see if there were any small fish and crabs. As a result, he did find some crabs, but they were all very small, only as big as a hawthorn.

Bi Fang didn't dislike it either, he grabbed a dozen of them and put them in the bark box. This is the container he made this morning. It's just a circle of bark with a bottom. It can't hold water, but it's more than enough to hold other things.

But apart from these little crabs, there was nothing else, Bi Fang shook his head in disappointment, just as he was about to leave, a flash of light suddenly attracted him.


Bi Fang looked at the gleaming thing that was buried under the mud and sand, and he walked over curiously. When he got close to the thick mud and sand, he was shocked.

"Hey! It's actually obsidian!"

Bi Fang scraped away all the mud and sand, and carefully dug out a large black stone. He didn't expect that he could dig out such a thing.

【obsidian? I seem to have a piece of obsidian made into a necklace...]

【Old Fang looks very happy, is this the same as flint? Can you start a fire? 】

[It feels strange and beautiful, a bit like a black magnet]

[Is obsidian another name for flint? 】

"Of course not." Bi Fang shook his head, "Flint is flint, and obsidian is obsidian. The forming conditions of the two are different. Obsidian is a natural glass formed after the magma flowing out of volcanic lava cools suddenly. Its hardness is worse than flint. , cannot be ignited, but there is one characteristic that the two are the same, that is, they are very sharp after polishing."

Bi Fang rubbed the glass-like obsidian and was very excited. He suspected that this obsidian might have been washed to the island after the eruption of the submarine fire. The best choice!

"You know, the fracture of obsidian is even 300 to 500 times sharper than a scalpel!"

Hearing this news, the audience was shocked, what is a scalpel? A knife that can easily cut through human tissue, but obsidian is hundreds of times sharper?

Are you kidding me?

[! ! ! 】

[Four hundred times? Is Lao Fang serious? 】

"Seriously, of course, and more than that, there is evidence that cuts made with obsidian blades heal faster and leave less scarring."

Bi Fang couldn't wait to pick up another stone, and prepared to beat the obsidian into a dagger, which would definitely greatly increase his hunting ability. If he encountered a big fish that he couldn't handle, he would tie the obsidian knife to the tree stick, and when the time came If the spear goes down, it will definitely be pierced right through.

"However, obsidian also has its disadvantages, that is, it is too brittle. If you use it for high-intensity actions, it probably won't work. It can only cut some biological tissues."

Bi Fang took a stone and tapped it carefully on the obsidian, even more carefully than when he tapped the flint before, so as not to break the stone with a wrong force.

Accompanied by a burst of tinkling, fragments of small stones were knocked off, and the shape of a pointed dagger gradually appeared, and because it resembled glass, it was much more beautiful than the original flint knife, shining brightly in the sun. Brighten.

【handsome! 】

[Is it possible to draw prizes again? hey hey]

[Hundreds of thousands of people, this probability is even smaller than Nima's sports lottery]

[I heard that last time an old man sold Fangshen's wolf teeth for more than ten thousand...]

[Fuck, is it true or not, it costs more than 10,000? Are you sure it's true? What if it is fake? Spike teeth are not impossible to buy]

[This touches the blind spot of my knowledge]

Seeing the barrage, Bi Fang frowned slightly, not because he was angry that the things he gave away were sold by others, but because he was worried that someone would really use this thing as a gimmick to scam money.

And he also plans to change the lottery draw method, only those who have reached a certain fan level can be drawn, and the number of basic numbers will be much smaller.

Well, let's go back and think about this kind of thing, the most urgent thing is to make as many tools as possible.

Bi Fang shook his head and stopped thinking about it, took a few more sticks, and looked for other obsidian along the way. The truth told him that there was no more obsidian, only this one.

Everything was ready, Bi Fang glanced back at the island, and pushed the raft into the sea without any hesitation.

On the eighth day of survival at sea, I got a raft, some tools, and a little food.

The previous updates were all two in one, so although it is one chapter, there is no difference. Because the subscription of the latest chapter cannot be up, and the subscription will definitely be dropped when it is released, so it has been two-in-one, and the drop is slower.

In addition, if you want to raise it, you don’t have to force yourself to open it, just put the book on the top, and don’t forget it.

And recently, I have been renegotiating the price again. I said before that the original price will not change, and the contract will be automatically renewed. However, I did not expect the best-selling selection to be so effective. I have directly ordered more than 3,000. I should be able to get the boutique badge. Fortunately, I did not sign a contract, but a verbal agreement. Invalid, the editor promised me to renegotiate the price again, and the situation turned around.

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