Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 232 Star-Lord: I blew up my father!

Soon, the video confirmed everyone's conjecture.

"Now I only have one problem that I haven't solved, and the strength of me alone is not enough to accomplish this great cause." Egg stretched out two fingers, "But if there are two Celestials, um, now, it can be done. arrive."

Peter Quill looked at Egg, his eyes still blue at this time, as if he had a universe in it.

"In all the work I've done, the biggest scam is trying to combine my DNA with another species, and I hope to find the strength to support this expansion plan through the combination." Egg mentioned him and Yondu at this time. "I used to ask Yondu to send me some children, although this broke the rules of the sweeper, but I paid him enough. And in order not to make his conscience difficult, I told him that I Won't hurt these kids. It's true, they died peacefully."

"Quiele, I think this is the real reason why Yondu didn't give you to Egg." Seeing this, Nick Fury said to Peter Quayle, "He must have discovered Egg's actions, in order to protect You, that's why I left you."

"Is that so?" No matter how stupid Peter Quill was, at this time he knew that what Nick Fury said was the truth.

"But, one by one, they let me down," Egg continued in the video. "None of them had the Celestial gene in them until you were born, Peter. Of all my descendants, Only you radiate the light of divine power. After all these years, I am finally no longer alone!"

The more he talked, the more excited he became, but Peter Quill didn't look high and looked a little disappointed.

"What's the matter, son?" Egg asked.

"My friend..." Peter Quill was thinking of his weird teammates.

"No, you see, this is the weakness of the human beings in you, Peter." Egg preached, "We are gods, and we are much nobler than them."

"But my mother..." Peter Quill thought of his mother. "You said you loved her."

"I did love her, my Sayuri, she knew the lyrics to every song on the radio, I went back to Earth to see her three times, and I knew if I went back one more time I wouldn't want to come back. This expansion plan, my raison d'être It's going to be ruined." Egg said and accidentally missed the word, "So I did what I was supposed to do, but I was also sad when I put cancer in her brain."

"What?!" Peter Quill was stunned in the answering space, "He killed my mother!"

"No wonder you want to kill Egg." Clint Barton said.

"Egg, you killed my mother." Peter Quill clenched his fists tightly, "I must kill you!"

"What?" When Peter Quill heard this, his eyes suddenly changed from blue to normal.

"Okay okay, I know this is not a good way." Egg still tried to explain, but Peter Quill had already raised his element gun and fired at Egg.

Bang bang bang!

Egg was shot several times in that body, his body was smashed, and half of his head was lost, but the missing part of his body immediately formed a new body with blue light, and nothing happened.

"Who do you think you are!" Egg said contemptuously.

"You killed my mother!" Peter Quill roared.

"It took me so much effort to find you with the best genes, so are you thankful for me?" Egg's body transformed, first into another man's image, and then back to his previous appearance, "You It’s time to learn how to be a human being.”

As soon as Egg stretched out his hand, a light suddenly appeared on the ground, and he stretched out his head towards Peter Quill like a snake, directly piercing Peter Quill's chest.

"I wanted you to complete this great cause with me, but now I see you can only be a supply to provide me with divine power in 1,000 years." Egg walked to Peter Quill, who was picked up in the air by the light In front of him, he stretched out his hand and took down the tape recorder on his waist, and with a touch of his hand, a song immediately started playing.

"My life, my girl, but what I love is the sea." After chanting two lyrics, Egg slammed the recorder to pieces, "Peter, this is my sea."

The next moment, the light that pierced through Peter Quill suddenly became more dazzling, wrapping Peter Quill all over his body, as if he had been loaded with some kind of program, somewhere on the earth, an oval glowing blue light. , The thing like a huge egg suddenly swelled up and began to expand outwards wildly, swallowing up the earth.

"I thought that Quill's killing of Egg was just Quill's business, and I didn't expect it to be the earth's business." Seeing this, Tony Stark said with a bit of pain, "If you don't kill this guy, the earth will be eaten by him. Lose'."

"Quier, come to Earth after you answer the question." Steve Rogers said to Peter Quill, "We'll go with you and get rid of Egg."

"Give me an address." Peter Quill didn't refuse either, that was a god, and he hasn't formed the Guardians of the Galaxy yet, so he doesn't have the confidence to take revenge.

"The blue egg that appeared in the video just now, I will look for it immediately after I go out." Nick Fury said.


In the picture, Peter Quill couldn't hold it anymore, but a spaceship fell from the sky and shot Egg directly on the ground.

The light that pierced through Peter Quill disappeared immediately, and Peter Quill fell from the air.

Drax, Gamora and the others didn't know where they came from at this time. Gamora helped Peter Quill on the ground and got on the spaceship together.

"What are you doing?" Drax asked Rocket as soon as he got on the ship. "You almost killed us all!"

"I'll take it as if you were saying 'Thank you Rocket,'" Rocket said.

"We're all settled," Drax said.

"No." Mantis dismantled the stage directly, "It's just a clone of Egg, and he'll be back soon."

"Why is Sister Blue here?" Peter Quill asked when he saw Nebula's figure.

"I just hitched a ride home," Nebula said.

"She wanted to kill me!" Rocket said.

"I saved you, you stupid fox." Nebula said.

Boom boom boom!

At this time, several tentacles of light suddenly appeared on the ground, wrapping the spaceship, holding the spaceship and preventing it from leaving.

"How are we going to destroy a god?" Drax asked.

"He has a center, a brain, a soul, or something, wrapped in a protective shell," Peter Quill said.

"In a cave under the ground," added the mantis.

Peter Quill climbed into the cockpit and was taken aback as soon as he entered, "Yondu?"

"Should I be glad that I was small and thin when I was a child, or you would have given me to this lunatic," Peter Quill said while operating the spaceship.

"Do you still think I left you because of this?" Yondu Udonta scolded, "Idiot!"

"That's what you told me." Peter Quill scolded back, "You old idiot!"

"I stumbled upon the fate of those children, so I decided to keep you," said Yondu Udonta.

"You said you were going to eat me," Peter Quill said.

"That's because it's fun," said Yondu Udonta.

"Not to me!" Peter Quill said.

"You two have problems to solve." Rocket Raccoon below said.

"Of course I have a problem." Peter Quill pointed to the blue light who just stood up in front of the spaceship and said, "That monster is actually my father!"

Then, he drove the spaceship into it without hesitation, smashed his father directly, and escaped from the hall.

But the spaceship did not fly up, but down!

"Should we fly up?" Yondu Udonta asked.

"No. Now that we know that Egg wants to destroy the universe, we must kill him!" Peter Quill was firm, and shouted, "Rocket!"

"Received!" Rocket Raccoon pushed the operating lever, and the small balls on the spacecraft rolled to the front, and began to emit red rays outward, removing the obstacles in front of them one by one.

"If we can save the galaxy twice, our worth will definitely go up!" Rocket Raccoon said while operating the spacecraft.

"I can't believe that's what you're after," Peter Quill said.

"I'm just talking, man, I thought we were friends," said Rocket Raccoon. "Of course I'm more than that, of course I care about the planet, the buildings on it, all the animals."

"And the people on the planet," added Peter Quill.

"That grumpy little pet is so cute, I'm almost euthanized by him." Mantis smiled and couldn't close his mouth.

There was a beaming scene on the spacecraft, and those who didn't know it thought they were celebrating the New Year.

But they didn't know that a large number of uninvited guests had arrived, and King Star sent a large number of aircraft to annihilate them.

"Tell me why Egg asked you to come here," Yondu Udonta asked Peter Quill.

"He needs the divine light in me to help him destroy the universe." Peter Quill didn't hide anything, and told Yondu Udonta directly, "He also wants to teach me how to control this power."

"Have you learned?" Yondu Udonta asked.

"A little bit," Peter Quill said. "I made a ball."

"A ball?" Yondu Udonta laughed.

"I tried my best to control my mind, but only got a ball." Peter Quill said helplessly.

"Your thoughts?" Yondu Udonta asked rhetorically, "Do you think I can make my arrows fly just by thinking?"


At this time, the spaceship made a sensation and came to the vicinity of a large sphere.

"There, that is Egg's center." The mantis immediately pointed to the big ball and said.

"That center is thick." Gamora glanced at it and called, "Rocket."

"Understood." Rocket Raccoon pressed a few keys and pushed the operating lever again, and all the small balls on the spaceship rolled to the front of the spaceship and gathered together.

"We have to hurry, it won't be long before Egg finds us," Mantis said.

"Steady." Rocket raccoon flew the spaceship forward, approaching the center, and with a bang, the small balls on the spaceship emitted a thick light, shooting directly at the big ball.

The lethality of this light is still very large, the shell of the center is melting at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it can be penetrated very soon.

But at this time, a large number of aircraft flew over, overwhelming like locusts passing through, and they started shooting at Peter Quill.

Even though Egg's Centroid was about to shoot through the shell, Peter Quill had to leave the Centroid thing behind first, or they'd be shot into a hornet's nest.

This small spaceship and Monarch's overwhelming aircraft PK suffered a lot. After a while, the Kung Fu spaceship was hit and a hole was blown out. Drax, Mantis, and Gamora fell out of the spaceship.

However, all three of them landed firmly on the ground, and no one was injured.

Ka Ka Ka!

Cracks suddenly appeared on the ground, blue energy rushed everywhere, and gravel fell from the top of the head.

"He's here." Mantis' complexion suddenly changed.

"Didn't you say you could put him to sleep?" Drax asked.

"Only when he wants to," said Mantis. "He's too strong for me to do it."

"You have to believe in yourself," Drax said, "because I believe in you."

At this time, a huge bare face formed on the mountain in front of him, roaring at several people.

The mantis looked down at the blue energy in the crack under his feet, and as soon as he gritted his teeth, he stretched out his hand to the energy.

"Sleep!" Mantis shouted, using his abilities.

She didn't have any hope at first, but she didn't expect to succeed, and the giant face on the mountain disappeared!

"I didn't expect her to succeed. She looks weak." Drax said with some surprise.

"I don't know how long I can put him to sleep," said the mantis.

"Why don't you fire a laser," Peter Quill asked Rocket while on the ship.

"The generator will explode." Rocket got off his chair and ran to the side to pull out a bag. "I should have brought a small detonator."

"There is no use of explosives only detonators." Nebula said.

"We have these batteries." Rocket strapped those batteries to the detonator.

"Can this thing kill Egg?" Peter Quill asked.

"It would have a ripple effect throughout his nervous system, if he could," Rocket said.

"What does that mean?" Peter Quill asked.

"The whole planet is going to explode," Rocket said. "We have to get out of here as soon as possible. I got a timer."

"Go!" Peter Quill jumped out of the spaceship with Rocket Raccoon, both wearing space suits, and flew to Egg's hub.

"The metal is too thick." Rocket raccoon flashed a flashlight. "For the bomb to work, we have to put it in the center of Egg, but we have no way to get into that small hole."

"Okay." Peter Quill's eyes fell on Groot, who was beside him.

"That's a bad idea," Rocket said.

"That's the only way," Peter Quill said.

"I can't believe this." Rocket put Groot on his back and walked towards the hole.

Peter Quill jumped out and fired at Monarch's craft.

"Press this switch first, then this switch, and it activates." Rocket put the bomb in front of Groot, "then you press this button again, and then you have five minutes to escape." Then he pointed Another switch, with a solemn expression on his face, said, "No matter what, don't press this. Press it and it will explode immediately, and then we will all be dead."

Groot stared at Rocket Raccoon with his big Kazilan eyes, with two words written all over his eyes, "I don't understand".

"Okay, repeat what I just said," Rocket said.

"I'm Groot." Groot said.

"Hmm." Rocket Raccoon responded.

"I'm Groot." Groot said again.

"That's right," said Rocket Raccoon.

"I'm Groot." Groot pointed to the button on the far right.

"No!" Rocket corrected immediately. "This button is wrong! It'll blow us all up! Do it again."

"I'm Groot. I'm Groot. I'm Groot." Groot said sentence by sentence, and finally pointed to the button on the far right.

"No! It's as good as what I just said! How could he have done it!" Rocket Raccoon was about to go crazy. "Show me which button you should press."

Groot pointed to the button on the far right again.

"No!!" Rocket Raccoon cried out in pain.

"You'll only make him more nervous," Peter Quill said, peering out of the hole.

"Shut up! Get me some tape!" Rocket roared, turning his head. "Is there anyone out there with tape? I want to stick that button on."

"I don't have tape, I'll ask." Peter Quill left.

"Hey, Yondu, do you have tape there?"

"Gamora, do you have tape there?"

"Forget it, it's okay."

"Drax, do you have tape there?"

"Yes, transparent glue can also be used."

"No, then you ask me if I can use it for what?"

The next time, Peter Quill's voice was heard loudly outside, and then he probed over again, "No one has tape."

"Isn't anyone wearing tape?" Rocket turned away.

"No," Peter Quill said.

"Did you ask Nebula?" Rocket Raccoon asked.

"Ask," said Peter Quill.

"Are you sure?" Rocket asked again, hadn't heard Peter Quill ask Nebula before.

"She was sitting next to Yondu when I just asked him," Peter Quill said.

"I knew you were lying!" Rocket Raccoon said.

"You've got priceless batteries and bombs in your bag, so you're most likely to be wearing tape, okay?" Peter Quill said.

"That's the problem, I do everything!" Rocket raccoon turned around after saying this, and saw Groot running into the hole with a bomb in his hand.

"We are dead." Rocket Raccoon said helplessly.

Rocket's "training" of Truett didn't go well, and the battle between Yondu Udonta and Monarch's aircraft outside the cave didn't go well either.


With a bang, the spaceship was hit again.

"The rear thruster is broken again!" Yondu Wudongta shouted helplessly, "Without the generator, we'll be doomed!"

At this time, those aircraft had surrounded the spacecraft.

"Guardians, this sentence may give you some comfort, your death is not meaningless." Ayesha thought that the Guardians of the Galaxy had already caught a turtle in the urn, and said in a leisurely manner, "This will be a good thing for those who betrayed us. People play the role of killing chickens and warning monkeys, don't mess with the people of King Star."


Then, the aircraft began to shoot.

The rear thruster of the spacecraft was damaged and unable to fly, so they can only wait to die?

Not really.

I saw Nebula, who was sitting next to Yondu Udonta, took apart his left arm, and then connected some wires in the spaceship.

Yongdu Wudongta also operated for a while, and the small balls on the surface of the spacecraft rolled up and evenly distributed on the surface of the spacecraft.

"It will hurt a lot." Yondu Udongta said to Nebula.

"What are you talking about?" Nebula replied.

Yondu Wudongta pressed a few buttons, and then pulled the operating lever, and saw that Nebula was suddenly covered with blue arcs.

But at the same time, the evenly distributed small spheres on the spacecraft emitted a dazzling red light and shot violently in all directions.

Monarch's aircraft was simply vulnerable, and it was wiped out by the red light in the blink of an eye.

But one drink and one peck has its own set number, and sometimes, God just won't let you go so well.

Nebula used this big move to solve Monarch's aircraft, but it also indirectly awakened Egg.

The mantis managed to put Egg to sleep, and when it was cut by the red laser, Egg was about to wake up again.

But there is also good news, that is, Peter Quill, Yondu Udonta and Nebula landed on the ground before the spacecraft exploded, reuniting with Drax and others.

"When did the bomb go off?" Peter Quill asked Rocket.

"About six minutes if Groot doesn't kill us," Rocket said.

Ka Ka Ka!

The sky and the earth began to crack again, and the blue energy was constantly spraying, and I was afraid that Egg would wake up immediately.

"Kraglin, we need a life-saving capsule to escape." Yondu Udonta immediately said to Kraglin, who was guarding the rear. "The countdown is five minutes."

"Captain received." Claglin, a loyal subordinate, immediately activated the rescue capsule and flew to Planet Egg.

"Someone must be on top when Claglin comes." Peter Quill took off his space suit and pressed it on Drax, "Drax, take Mandis up."

Ka Ka Ka!

Just as Drax flew away, the ground on which several people were standing began to collapse, and strips of blue energy tentacles stretched out.

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