Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 233 Killing the biological father first, then the adoptive father, and saying that you didn&

The ground under Gamora's feet also collapsed by accident. She couldn't dodge and fell directly.

At the critical moment, Nebula also jumped down. She grabbed Gamora in midair with her right hand and a huge stone pillar with her left, and both of them were hung on it.

Nebula threw Gamora onto the stone pillar with force, and then she climbed up herself.

Above, Peter Parker and Yondu Udonta are dealing with the blue tentacles.

"Peter, I know you don't want to do this." A huge rock face watched this scene, "How bad is my father to make you make such a choice."

Peter Quill didn't have the time to answer, those blue tentacles were enough for him to work, he stood there, holding two guns in both hands, shooting constantly.

Yongdu Udonta was also standing on the ground. As his whistle continued to sound, the whistle and arrow were like a flexible fish swimming around in the water, swimming in the air, shooting blue tentacles.

Rocket raccoon is wearing a space suit and flying in the air to compete with those blue tentacles.

"Soon, Peter, we will be everything in the world, so don't provoke me again!" Egg swung a big tentacle and hit Peter Quill, who fell on his back on the spot and dropped his guns.

Just as Peter Quill stood up, he saw a light man walking step by step, and with every step, a trace of flesh grew on his body.

As soon as the light man appeared, the situation became worse immediately. Yongdu Wudongta was directly hit by the tentacles, buried by a large number of stones, and the whistle arrow was also broken in two.

Rocket raccoon flying in the air kept shooting with a gun, but it couldn't stop him from being entangled by the blue tentacles.

Drax's legs, who were running with the mantis, were directly swallowed by the ground, and then his entire body slowly sank. All he could do was raise his hands as high as possible to let the mantis stay on the ground for a while longer.

The two sisters, Nebula Gamora, were climbing up, and they were still on the cliff when they were entangled by blue tentacles and couldn't move.

Groot in the hole found that the hole was constantly shrinking, squeezing his living space.

All of a sudden, the Guardians of the Galaxy are in crisis.

God is God. Just as soon as Egg appeared, he beat Peter Quill and the others to pieces. They tried so hard, but it was all in vain.

"I told you." The flesh-and-blood Egg walked towards Peter Quill step by step,

"I don't want to be alone in this."


The voice fell, and a huge blue tentacle stabbed from behind, piercing Peter Quill.

"You can't deny the mission that the universe has given you!" When Egg said this, several tentacles stabbed into Peter Quill's body again.

"We don't really need to do this, Peter, why ruin our good chance?" Egg asked Peter Quill, "Stop pretending, you're one in a million, or better! A tiny How much can life contribute?"

"I don't use my brain to control my arrows." Yondu Udonta, who was buried with only one head left, shouted, "I use my heart."

I don't know how this sentence woke Peter Quill, and Yondu didn't say how hard he was. Anyway, Peter Quill realized it in such a general way.

Seeing him clench his fist, his expression suddenly changed.

The surrounding dust was circling around him, and it seemed that he had been convinced by the amazing domineering aura emanating from him.

A blue light quickly spread around him, painting the entire ground blue.

Egg's face changed at that time, and he knew at a glance that things were going to be bad.

"You shouldn't have killed my mother and ruined my Walkman!" Peter Quilchon got up, and he jumped, not only immediately getting rid of the blue tentacles that had pierced him, but also flying away. Get up, push Egg and keep flying forward in the air.

"Ah!" He stretched out his right hand and shouted, and suddenly pieces of rubble condensed on his arm, forming a huge stone fist.


The stone fist landed heavily on Egg's head, directly smashing a piece of flesh and blood, turning it into a blue light.

Peter Quill rose up like this, and the other suppressed friends ushered in a respite.

Drax, who was buried in the ground, emerged from the ground.

Rocket Raccoon, Nebula, and Gamora, who were entangled in blue tentacles, were also freed.

Yondu Udongta, who was covered by the rubble, also sat up.

The narrow cave was also widened again, and Groot's small body could pass through again.

"Groot, Groot!" Rocket raccoon immediately flew to the hole and shouted, "If you can hear, hurry up, Quill doesn't know how long it will last!"

Groot did hear it, and he was standing next to a huge brain holding the bomb.

It was a radiant brain, and like a heart, it was beating up and down, and with each beating, a burst of energy was transmitted.

"This is putting the bomb next to the brain." Seeing this, Thor said, "I finally know what's going on."

"Before we were still debating whether killing Egg was killing Quill's father or killing the planet, but now it seems that this is actually the same thing." Steve Rogers said, "Quell's father, the that planet."

"I've learned a lot. For the first time, I know that someone's father is a ball." James Rhodes said.

"In this way, although this Egg is strong, his weakness is also quite obvious. It is the brain." Tony Stark said, "As long as he destroys his brain, he will be finished. I don't need to personally Hands-on, a drone, a bomb, and I can kill him while sitting at home drinking red wine."

"Igo, does he have a problem with his brain?" Clint Barton said, "He knows that if his brain is destroyed, he will be finished. It stands to reason that such an important place must have protective power, but he absolutely not."

"That planet is himself, and Quill and others are equivalent to him. He must be able to perceive where those people are?" Natasha Romanov said, "Even if he didn't arrange it around his brain Guardian power. But the tree was running towards his brain with the bomb, didn't he notice?"

"You can definitely notice it," T'Challa said. "Didn't the hole in the back become smaller and squeeze the tree?"

"If you can feel it, why not kill the tree immediately?" Natasha Romanov said, "His blue energy tentacles are everywhere, don't tell me he can't reach the hole go."

"So, Egg's big brain is useless at all, because his brain doesn't turn." Clint Barton said.

"Do you think that tree could properly detonate the bomb?" Scott Lang asked.

"I think it's hanging." Sam Wilson said, "This operation is obviously too difficult for him."

However, Sam Wilson was wrong. In the video, Groot looked left and right, and his fingers had already reached over the button on the far right that would explode when he pressed it, but he stopped abruptly. , press the one on the left instead.

Drop drop!

The five-minute countdown starts immediately.

Gertrude turned and ran.

Drax also took the mantis into the rescue capsule.

Gamora and Nebula also crawled to the ground.

Peter Quill and Egg had a fierce confrontation in the air.

At this moment, Peter Quill has become completely the same as Egg. He can also fly, and his strength is infinite, and he can fly Egg's hammer far away with one punch.

"Yondu, it's about to explode." Rocket Raccoon flew to Yondu Udonta after picking up Groot.

"Go to the spaceship," said Yondu Udonta loudly.

"Can't leave Quill," Rocket said.

"You have to take care of the little tree," said Yondu Udonta.

"I can't leave you alone," said Rocket Raccoon.

"I've never done anything right in my life, little mouse." Yondu Udonta shook his head, "You have to give me this chance."

"A space suit, an oxygen tank." Rocket Raccoon handed a small disc and a small box to Yondu Udonta, "I also have only one."

"I'm Groot," said Groot, who was standing on Rocket's shoulder.

"What did he say?" Yondu Udonta asked.

"He said welcome to the weird Guardians of the Galaxy," Rocket said, "but he didn't use the word 'weird.'"

"Goodbye, Xiaoshu." Yongdu Wudongta waved his hand.

"We have to discuss your swearing." Rocket raccoon flew with Groot.

Bang bang bang!

Peter Quill and Egg engage in a fierce battle in the air.

Egg grabbed Peter Quill, flung him flying, and smashed it into the mountain wall. Before Peter Quill could react, he grabbed his neck and pulled him out of the mountain wall, and flung him again. .

"Ah!" Peter Quill yelled, kicking his legs, and the man flew out with a swish.

Egg also flew towards Peter Quill at the same time. In the process of flying, countless rubble converged on him, forming a huge rock man.

Peter Quill also attracted countless gravel to his body, but compared to Egg's condensing into a rock giant, what he condensed was a little more serious. What he formed was actually a huge Pac-Man!


With a loud bang, the Rock Giant and Pac-Man collided, both sides shattered at the same time, a large amount of gravel flew, and Egg and Peter Quill fell to the ground at the same time.

At this time, Rocket Raccoon and Groot also flew into the rescue capsule.

"Where's Peter?" Gamora asked as soon as he landed. "Rocket, where is he?"

Rocket Raccoon didn't answer. He took out a timer and looked at it. The countdown was less than a minute.

"Rocket?" cried Gamora. "Rocket! Look at me! Where is he!"

Rocket Raccoon shook his head, while Groot reached out and pointed out of the spaceship.

"No, I won't leave him alone." Gamora took a big gun from the rescue capsule and was about to go out.


However, as soon as she took a step, electric currents appeared on her body, turning her over directly.

"Sorry, I can only bear the pain of losing a friend." Behind him, Rocket Raccoon said with a gun. He was the one who was electrocuted by Gamora just now. He raised his head and said loudly, "Glaclin, sail!"

"Wait, wait and go." Drax also asked Rocket Raccoon loudly, "Rocket, where is Quill? Rocket, where is Quill!"

Rocket Raccoon did not answer, quietly watching the hatch of the rescue capsule close.

The situation outside the rescue capsule has indeed reached a critical juncture.

This "critical" is not for Peter Quill, but for Egg.

As soon as the bomb goes off, he's finished!

"No, Peter, we've got to make it stop, we've got to make it stop," Egg yelled.

Peter Quill ruthlessly pushed him to the ground.

"Stop it, listen to me, listen to me!" Egg said, grabbing Peter Quill by the collar. "You're a god, and if you kill me, you'll be as mediocre as everyone else."

"So what?" Peter Quill asked calmly.

"No!!" This was the last voice that Egg made.


The next moment, the bomb exploded.

The blue brain was instantly blown to slag.

Egg kneeling in front of Peter Quill instantly turned to ashes.

Egg, just killed it.

Boom boom boom!

Just as Rocket Raccoon expected, the entire Egg Star also began to explode, the land collapsed, the sky collapsed, and fire was swallowing up everywhere.

Peter Quill didn't move, he turned his head to watch all this quietly.

His space suit was already destroyed, he couldn't fly, and he couldn't run away on his legs.

He was ready to die.

But the next moment, a figure flew over, picked him up, and flew into the sky.

It's Yondu Udongta!

He took Peter Quill to the sky.

The shocking explosion was thrown by them far away.

"He may be your biological father, child, but he is not your father." Yondu Udonta said as he took Peter Quill up, "I'm sorry I haven't done anything right in my life, you So lucky."

"What?" Peter Quill didn't quite understand what Yondu Udonta meant.

Yondu Udonta slapped the only oxygen tank on Peter Quill and looked at him with a smile on his face.

Soon, Peter Quill knew what Yondu Udonta meant.

When they flew out of the atmosphere and into the vast space, he realized that Yondu Udonta had not opened the oxygen tank!

"Yondu, what are you doing!" Peter Quill exclaimed, "You can't do this!"

Yongdu Wudongta didn't speak, just raised his head and flew up desperately.

"No! No!" Peter Quill pressed the oxygen tank on Yondu Udonta, but no oxygen was produced at all.

Yondu Udonta held Peter Quill's head in both hands, and finally looked at Peter Quill, who died in space.

"No!" cried Peter Quill, clutching the body of Yondu Udonta.

As soon as the space darkens, the video ends here.

"Yondu..." Peter Quill's mood was extremely complicated, and he never thought that Yongdu Udonta would sacrifice his life to save him.

"Quil, you have a father, but it's definitely not that Egg, but this Yondu." Nick Fury said.

"Yondu is my only father," muttered Peter Cool.

"Quier, come to me after you answer the question." Tony Stark said at this time, "I will develop some gadgets for you to deal with Egg. You don't have to land on Egg and sit in the spaceship at all. I can remotely kill Egg."

"Thank you," Peter Quill thanked.

"Of the threats that Earth faces, Egg is the best to deal with," Tony Stark said.

"I'd really like to know, that tree, no matter what he says, 'I'm Groot,' Quill, how did you hear the same line in a different way?" Stephen Sturt Lankey asked.

"I don't know either," Peter Quill said. "I don't understand it now anyway."

"It is estimated that only the raccoon can understand it now," Clint Barton said. "He was with that tree in the first place."

[The twelfth question begins, please be prepared. 】

【Please watch the following video first. 】

Michelle Jones, Peter Parker's future girlfriend, first appears in the picture, crouching by the river to take a photo with her phone.

Peter Parker stood behind Michelle Jones with a smile on his face. Suddenly, he sensed something, the smile disappeared, and he suddenly turned to look at the river.

Huge splashes appeared in the river, as if some creature was swimming underwater.


The next moment, a huge wave suddenly rose into the sky.

Obviously there is no wind here.

Then, in the jaw-dropping eyes of everyone, the water on the water surface converged toward the air, forming a huge water man.

"What's that?" Ned asked Peter Parker.

"I don't know," Peter Parker told the truth.

"What are you going to do?" Ned asked.

"I've put my suit in the hotel," Peter Parker said.

"Why?" Ned asked.

"Because I'm Ned on vacation, I'll be found out," Peter Parker said. "Take everyone away."




The gigantic water man started to wreak havoc, swung the huge water fist and slammed it against the surrounding buildings.

Peter Parker let his classmates leave first. He put on a spider silk launcher and shot a spider silk at the water man, but the spider silk shot directly into the water man's body without any effect.


The water man punched Peter Parker with a punch. Under the water, Peter Parker was knocked backwards by the punch and sat on the ground.

call out! call out!

Before Peter Parker stood up, he saw two green rays of light shot on the water man, and the water man's mouth suddenly let out a painful roar.

As soon as Peter Parker turned his head, he saw a figure flying over in the air. It was only when Peter Parker got closer that he could see clearly. The man was covered in green smoke, wearing a red cloak, and there was a fish tank on his head. The round glass cover looks weird.

Although this person looks strange, he has real skills. He flew in the air and fought with the huge water people.

He himself looked smaller than the water man's head, but he beat the water man into a puddle of water abruptly.

"Yeah!" The water giant was defeated, and everyone around cheered.

The Mysterious Guest beckoned to the crowd and rose into the air, leaving billowing green smoke in the air.

The video stops here and the title appears.

[May I ask why Mysterio Quentin Baker made up the lies of "The Elements"? 】

[A and Peter Parker act together, in order to draw out another villain]

[B competes with Peter Parker for the title of a new generation of Iron Man]

[C in order to defraud Tony Stark for a pair of glasses from Peter Parker]

[D in order to test Peter Parker to see if he is qualified to become the next generation of Iron Man]

[If you answer this question correctly, you will be rewarded for the indestructible body of King Kong, even if you fall from a height of 10,000 meters, you will not fall to your death. If the answer is wrong, the life expectancy will be deducted by one year. 】

"You can't die at a height of 10,000 meters?" Tony Stark was shocked after reading the reward, "How strong is this body!"

"Yeah, if I get this reward, I'm afraid even RPGs can't pose a threat to him." Steve Rogers said.

"RPG?" Stephen Strange said, "I think his body is stronger than the Hulk?"

"Bruce, can Hulk fall from a height of 10,000 meters without dying?" Natasha Romanoff asked Bruce Banner.

"I really don't know." Bruce Banner shook his head.

"This topic is more interesting than this reward," Thor said. "The battle just now, although not intense, happened in front of everyone's eyes. The destruction of the bridges and houses was real, and Peter also It was a real punch no matter how you looked at it, but the title says it was a lie!"

"I'm also wondering what this 'lie' means." Nick Fury said, "According to the title, the Elements are fake, but in the video, the big water man doesn't look like a fake. "

"Could it be that the Elementalists are not talking about the water man?" Scott Lang said.

"It must be the water man," Clint Barton said. "If it's not the water man, what's the point of this video being played?"

"That's right, the water man must be the elemental crowd, and the Mysterio is the guy with the fish tank on his head." Tony Stark said, "The lie may be another way of understanding, the water man, is It's real, but the battle between Mysterio and the Water Man is fake, Myster and the Water Man are basically a team, one of them plays the villain, the other plays the hero, and plays a big show in front of people."

"It should be what Tony said." Nick Fury nodded.

"First of all, I think this A can be ruled out." Peter Parker said, "Even if it was acting, there were so many people on the scene at the time, and this level of fighting would cause casualties if you were not careful. I wouldn't make fun of other people's lives. of."

"You don't need to look at this B, it will definitely be ruled out. Peter will definitely not put the safety of the people at risk for this kind of thing." Tony Stark helped Peter Parker rule out B, "but this option is It gave us an approximate time. Mysterio must appear after my death. Only when I die can there be a new generation of Iron Man."

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