Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 525 Mutant Quicksilver: I want to compare the speed with Superman!

"Kimiko, you are Himiko, right?" After acquiring the new ability, Huyin Campbell immediately communicated with Himiko himself. "Yes, I'm Himiko, you must be Huyin Campbell." Himiko waved to Huyin Campbell. "Don't stand there alone, come to me." Huyin Campbell said to Himiko, "This one called Clark Kent is much stronger than the natives. He is by our side, and the natives dare not shoot." "Can't you control the people of the motherland?" Himiko asked. "Yes, but I just got this ability, it can't last, I can't control him all the time." Huoyin Campbell said, "If I put away the ability and he gets angry and shoots it again, it won't be good." That's fine." Kimiko walked over to Huyin Campbell. "Mr. Clark, I have to put away my ability now. If he wants to kill me again, please stop him again." Huyin Campbell said to Clark Kent. "Don't worry, he can't kill anyone with me here," Clark Kent said. "Thank you." Huyin Campbell put away his ability. His ability should be used at critical moments, such as when answering questions, to control the people of the motherland so that they can't answer the questions, instead of wasting it in peacetime. "Hueyin Campbell, I remember you." As soon as the motherland regained freedom, they pointed at Hueyin Campbell through gritted teeth, "You'd better think about the future, no one can protect you forever." "Motherland Humans, I have to remind you of something." Clark Kent spoke again at this time, "We have a customary rule for answering questions in the answer space, that is, which world the question is related to the person in which world Whoever answers the question, whoever the question is related to, will answer it. So if the latter question has nothing to do with you, you'd better not answer the question." "Whose rule is this?" "Just because you are disobedient, I will destroy you on the spot." Clark Kent said, "If you don't believe me, try and see if I can unscrew your head before you open your mouth." "No reason!" The motherland was furious, I couldn't bear it any longer, and the heat rays came out of my eyes again. Whoosh! However, a ghostly shadow flashed in front of his eyes, and Clark Kent appeared in front of him like a teleportation. boom! Clark Kent punched the motherlander in the chest. Kacha! The sound of bone cracking sounded at that time, and the motherland was fired like a cannonball. It couldn't even fly in the air, and it hit the ground heavily. [In other words, the best app for reading aloud and listening to books at present, Yeguo Reading, install the latest version on .yeguoyuedu. 】The corner of his mouth is a touch of red blood. "How can this person be so strong!" He reached out and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, shock flashed in the eyes of the natives. After the previous fight, he knew that he was not the opponent of this Clark Kent, but it seemed that the gap between him and him was more than Much bigger than I imagined. "There is no weapon in our world that can hurt the people of the motherland, but I didn't expect that he couldn't even take a punch from Mr. Clark." Huyin Campbell saw this scene and couldn't help but be moved by Clark Kent's strength. At the same time, the invincible image of the motherland in his mind collapsed again. It turned out that as long as you are strong enough, you can kill the people of the motherland! And this answering space can give people superpowers. As long as they can continue to answer correctly, it is not impossible to gain the strength to compete or even kill the people of the motherland. "That Clark, he's so strong." Eric Lansheer's eyes flashed a gleam of light, "Not to mention, just his teleportation speed, he almost kills whoever he wants." Is he fast?" Pietro Maximov said with some dissatisfaction, "I think it's just so-so." "Looking at the way he vomited blood from the beating of the motherland, it is obvious that he did not do his best, it seems that it is just a matter of He strikes at will." Charles Xavier said, "The speed just now is definitely not his real speed, he must be very, very fast." "I would like to give him a try." Pietro Maximoff Said, "No one can speak fast in front of me.

"Pietro, you underestimate Clark by saying that. "Tony Stark couldn't help but say when he heard this, "In terms of speed, you really don't necessarily compare to Clark. "Humph, is he faster than me?" I do not believe. said Pietro Maximoff. "How about we make a bet?" Tony Stark said. "You are so naive, you are not from the same world, what's the comparison?" " Ruiwen said, "Even if that Clark is really fast, so what, we won't meet in the future anyway. "This Clark is not only fast, he can fly, and his eyes can shoot rays..." James Rogan said for the first time, "In my opinion, his strength must be the peak of the group. Even if all the so-called superheroes present here have their own unique skills, there should be few who can compare with him. ""you? "Charles Xavier stared at James Rogan for a while. "Have we met somewhere?" ""do not know. "James Rogan said simply. "I remember who you are, tall man, impulsive." "Charles Xavier said, "We went to you for help, but you didn't even look at us. "It's him, the cigar smoker. "Charles Xavier said this, and Eric Lanschel also remembered. "Hey, hello." "James Logan said casually, and I don't know if he remembered these two. "He's right, Clark is indeed the most powerful person here." said Jean Grey, "but there are people who can match him. With that said, her eyes fell on Bruce Banner. "Little girl, I don't really like the brain being patronized at will, I don't think anyone likes it." "Bruce Banner immediately reminded, "Your ability is good, but if you can not use it, it will be even better. "I'm sorry, Mr. Qin, she didn't mean it. Charles Xavier immediately apologized, and then said to Jean Grey, "Jyn, be polite, I told you, it's impolite to enter someone's brain like this without their permission." "Speak as if you were allowed to enter other people's brains. "Eric Lanschel was exposing Charles Xavier's old story. "Sorry sir, I won't do it again." "Jean Grey was very obedient, and obediently apologized to Bruce Banner. "Okay, I accept it. ' said Bruce Banner.

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