Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 526: The Invisible Man is invisible in front of Spider-Man

At this time, there is light in the answering space, and the future begins to be revealed. "City policing itself is a very tricky issue, but having superheroes in national defense is basically privatizing war..." Superheroes are still being discussed on the TV on the wall. Huyn Campbell sat at the counter, expressionless. He dealt with Robin's affairs in a mess, and he really didn't feel in the mood to go to work. "Good night, Huo Yin, remember to lock the door." The boss greeted Huo Yin Campbell, then got up and pushed the door to leave. There is a small bell hanging at the door, which will ring every time someone opens the door, which will remind the clerk that there is a customer coming. When the boss pushed the door out, the bell also rang, and then the door slowly closed again. But only halfway through, the door stopped, as if it had encountered some kind of resistance, and then the door actually reopened. Looking at the situation of the door, it was obvious that someone grabbed the door that was about to be closed and reopened it, but the door was empty, and not a single ghost could be seen. "I'm sorry, we're going abroad." Huyin Campbell, who heard the movement, thought it was another guest. No one paid any attention to him, but the bell in front of the door was ringing. Hugh Campbell turned his head and saw that the store door was slowly closing, as if someone had entered. However, he saw nothing. "It's the invisible man." Seeing this, Tony Stark said, "He must be coming." "Although I can't see it, I feel a murderous aura coming towards me," said Peter Parker. "It must be a bad visitor," said Bruce Banner. "Speaking of this invisible ability, in front of a person like Clark who can listen to his heartbeat, it is simply tasteless." Tony Stark said. "There should be no use for Peter here." Bruce Banner said, "The spider sense is not a dry meal." However, Huyin Campbell has neither super hearing nor spider sense, just an ordinary can't be ordinary. The passerby's armor. "Hello?" He looked around the store, trying to find the person who got in. "Who are you?" Suddenly, a voice sounded in front of him. Clearly no one, but there are voices! "What the hell?" Huyin Campbell got up in a hurry, thinking he had seen a ghost. "It's right in front of you, idiot." The invisible man took out a miniature bug and slapped it in front of Hugh Campbell, "Do you think I couldn't find this?" Huu Yin Campbell's heart suddenly froze, and immediately Nervous and at a loss, he installed a bug in the Walter Company. He thought he was unaware, but he didn't expect that a person he could not see would be watching from the sidelines the whole time. "Hueyin." The invisible man grabbed the work card on Hueyin Campbell's chest and looked at it, then held down his head and slammed the poor child against the counter. "Dude, I'll follow you from the building." The invisible man dragged Huyin Campbell out of the counter again, "Who's that person with you in the car?" "He's just an Uber driver, okay? Is it?" Huyin Campbell was scared, but he didn't sell Billy Butcher. "Don't bullshit me! Uber driver? Do you think I'm a fool!" The Invisible Man was enraged by this clumsy lie, he ripped a TV from the wall, and walked towards Huyin Campbell step by step, " Why did you install a bug?" "Please, please, forgive me..." Huyin Campbell sat on the ground and begged bitterly. "We are a group of seven, the most powerful superheroes on earth, the patron saint of innocents, you bastard!" The patron saint raised the TV in his hand high, and fiercely turned towards the innocent he should have protected smashed down. boom! At this moment, a car drove in from the outside, crashed directly into the store, and then continued to crash with a roar, slamming the invisible man directly into the wall. [The book chasing app recommended by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud and listening to books to pass the time when driving and before going to bed. You can download it here.

The bearded Billy Butcher walked down and said to Hueyin Campbell, "Hueyin, you should get out of the way." Billy Butcher is not a good person, he can do it for his purpose Unscrupulous, but one thing must be admitted, this guy is a man, pure. He is just an ordinary person, even if he was an FBI bad guy and has some skills, but he is still an ordinary person after all, but he has never been counseled against those superheroes, even if he is a native of the country with peak combat power. No matter who it is, he dares to go up. "Isn't that the invisible shrunken tortoise?" Billy Butcher picked up an iron rod and went to work with the invisible man. The invisible man can be invisible at all, which made Billy Butcher very passive, and he was beaten by the invisible man and vomited blood in just two strokes. This time, the Invisible Man was self-defeating. He could fight back and beat Billy Butcher hard, but he shouldn't vomit blood. Billy Butcher vomited blood directly on the invisible man, marking the invisible man. This time, the invisible man had nothing to hide. Relying on these old blood, Billy Butcher really punched the invisible man several times. But unfortunately, the invisible man is not only invisible, the opponent's skin is as hard as a diamond, and he can't solve it with a few fists. In a few minutes, he was knocked to the ground by the invisible man and could not stand up. Ever since Billy Butcher appeared, the invisible man's attention had been on this man with cheeks, but he had forgotten that Hugh Campbell was still in the store. Before Billy Butcher let him escape, Huyin Campbell did rush to the store door for the first time, but the moment he opened the door, he withdrew his hand and he did not escape. Although he didn't dare to help when Billy Butcher was fighting the Invisible Man, he didn't escape. Now that Billy Butcher is down, it's time for him to play. Unlike Billy Butcher as an FBI, Billy Butcher has always lived the life of an ordinary person. He doesn't have much to reach out, of course, even if he has it, it's very useful. But fortunately, Billy Butcher still had some brains. He pulled a wire behind the invisible man and hit him directly. Zizizizi~ After a pleasant sound of electric current flowed through, the invisible man fell to the ground. "Is he dead?" Huyin Campbell hurriedly threw away the wire in his hand. "Looks like he can't move." Billy Butcher kicked the Invisible Man hard before asking, "How do you know what the electric tube is for?"

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