Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 320: final knowledge

The situation of the battle changes rapidly.


Therefore, even if there is a strange feeling in Steve's heart.


With the strength in his hand, he still has no intention of letting go.


With one punch and one kick, the power of being a super soldier injector is undoubtedly demonstrated.


when! when! ! when! ! !


The vibrating gold shield and the metal arm kept colliding, splashing out a lot of sparks.


Steve leaned on the shield with one hand, with a solemn expression on his face.


Opposite, the Winter Soldier's expression was indifferent, and even at the most heated juncture of the battle, he always maintained his indifferent attitude.


In order to avoid the betrayal of the Winter Soldier, Hydra carried out brainwashing work on him all year round. Several brainwashings almost destroyed his personality, making him a killing machine that only knows tasks and battles.


"Judging from the current situation, it is basically certain."


After shooting the bullet in his hand, Nick Fury threw the useless pistol aside, looked at the Winter Soldier who was fighting fiercely with Steve, and narrowed his one eye subconsciously: "This attack should be from Hydra. Handwriting."


The entanglement between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra can almost be counted from the beginning of World War II.


The predecessor of S.H.I.E.L.D., the original purpose of the Homeland Security Defense Department, was to confront the French Science Department, or the Hydra led by Steve's old opponent, the Red Skull. After that, although Germany was defeated, the Hydra did not die.


S.H.I.E.L.D. also began its long history of fighting against Hydra, in which there were winners and losers.


Therefore, Nick Fury's brainwashing method is quite familiar. When he sees the appearance of the Winter Soldier, he can almost confirm that this is the standard brainwashing control method of Hydra.


However, even Nick Fury could never have expected that the penetration of Hydra was beyond his imagination.


Most of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s joints have been infiltrated by Hydra.


At this time, the worst situation he could predict was only his former comrade-in-arms and old friend. Alexander betrayed S.H.I.E.L.D. and controlled some members of the organization.


This alone is actually a huge blow to S.H.I.E.L.D. After all, Alexander was the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the minister in charge of the current communication between S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Security Council.


The betrayal of such a key person can already be regarded as a traumatic situation for S.H.I.E.L.D.


Nick Fury would never have imagined that the reality was many times worse than he expected.




He waved his silver-white metal arm with a low roar, and along with the shattered ground, the arm of the Winter Soldier sank into the ground.


Steve seized the opportunity, raised his leg and slammed into the opponent's head.


Feeling Steve's sharp blow, the Winter Soldier's eyes were indifferent, but his body instinctively avoided and bent back.




As the Winter Soldier bent over, Steve's kick that was originally aimed at the opponent's head suddenly lost its target, and finally wiped the mask on his face.




Although it didn't hit the target, Steve's attack still had some effect.


With this blow from him, the mask originally wrapped around the Winter Soldier's face loosened, and fell directly from his body when he turned over.


At the same time, a face under the mask that was definitely not unfamiliar to Steve was finally revealed.




Seeing the familiar face in his memory under the Winter Soldier's mask, the expression on Steve's face changed suddenly, the offensive in his hand also followed, and he blurted out subconsciously.




Hearing the name Steve said, Winter Soldier, no, there was a slight fluctuation in Bucky's originally indifferent eyes.


But then he quickly restrained himself, grabbing the neutral position of Steve's clone, and without hesitation, he stepped forward to kill.


"Bucky Barnes?"


As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury naturally knows what the name Bucky means to Captain America.


He looked at Bucky who was fighting with Steve with a cold expression in front of him, and the expression on his face also showed a bit of shock: "But how is this possible, the data is not..."


He murmured something in his mouth, but Nick Fury quickly reacted.


His eyes swept over to the side of Ah Xing, who was completely pressed by the vampire, and whispered while covering the wound on his body: "No, I was wrong, there are many ways to survive in this world, whether it is a vampire or a vampire. The immortals of Penglai have already proved this."


Here, Nick Fury reflects on being limited by fixed thinking.


On the other hand, Steve's situation was not as optimistic as he imagined.


Although, before the identity of the Winter Soldier was exposed, he used the powerful strength endowed by the super soldier serum and the shield in his hand to press the opponent to fight.


However, as the mask fell, the Winter Soldier revealed that it was Bucky's face.


Even though he knew that the opponent was his opponent at the moment, and maybe it wasn't Bucky, the strength in Steve's hand involuntarily decreased a bit, and the originally sharp movements also began to become timid.


Of course he knew that doing so would undoubtedly put himself at risk.


However, every time Steve raised the idea to fight back, seeing the familiar face in front of him, the strength in his hand would always be a little weaker unconsciously.


On this side, Steve couldn't be cruel because of his fluctuating emotions, but Bucky on the other side obviously had no such scruples.


It can be seen that Hydra's brainwashing was very successful. Even if Steve called out his name, he still couldn't wake up any memory.


Seizing the opportunity, Bucky stepped forward and waved his remodeled metal arm, all the vicious attacks fell on Steve.


"team leader."


Noting that Steve's situation was getting worse, Nick Fury immediately said: "I know the reason why you are acting like this, but you should know that the person in front of you is Bucky Barnes. He is no longer the comrade-in-arms in your memory, if you want to know the truth, it is not a good way to blindly avoid."


"Of course I know that."


Although Nick Fury's words were merciless, they obviously played a role.


Hearing the reminder from the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Steve looked at Bucky's familiar but unfamiliar indifferent face through the shield in his hand.


The hesitant expression on his face finally turned into a firm look. Indeed, as Nick Fury said, his concession at this moment will not help solve the problem, but will bring himself into crisis.


Thoughts flashed through his mind, and Steve who was in the battle stopped immediately.


Holding up the vibranium shield in his hand to block Bucky's attack, Captain America suddenly exerted force, using the shield as a heavy hammer to charge, and rammed straight towards Bucky in front of him.




With the superhuman strength and the characteristics of Zhenjin, Bucky's whole body was like an arrow from the string, slamming behind him, hitting the wall behind him heavily and smashing a huge hole.


cough cough—


Such a heavy impact, even for Bucky, whose body has also been transformed and strengthened by Hydra, is not a good feeling.


He covered his chest, and bright red blood came out of his mouth.


Seeing this situation of Bucky, a hint of hesitation flashed in Steve's eyes, but he soon turned to a firm look and said in a low voice.


"Bucky, no matter what happened to you, I'll get you back to normal."


"What Bucky?"


Facing Steve's persuasion, the Winter Soldier who had been silent for a while finally spoke up. He hoarsely said indifferently, "What are you talking about, or are you trying to interfere with me in this way."


As he spoke, he supported his body and stood up again: "If you have such an idea, then it would be too stupid, Captain America!"


Like these brainwashed vampires, the Winter Soldier doesn't care about his own body at all. Even if he is seriously injured, as long as he can kill the target and complete the mission, this is the purpose of his existence.


After speaking, without the slightest hesitation, Bucky dragged his injured body and launched a fierce attack on Steve in front of him again.


bang, bang—


Using the shield in his hand to block Bucky's fist, the Winter Soldier's remarks undoubtedly made Steve more aware of Bucky's situation at this time.


Relying on Superman's body to take Bucky's attack abruptly, Steve grabbed the Winter Soldier's metal arm in an instant, and then the arm that was holding the vibranium shield suddenly tried hard, ruthlessly facing him. He slashed at the wrist of this metal arm, obviously wanting to use his own strength to cut off the mechanical arm on Bucky.




The sturdy vibration gold shield fell on Bucky's metal arm, and the huge shock was connected to the connection of the broken arm, and bright red blood seeped out from the connection. Heart-hearted Bucky could not help but let out a scream.




The moment he heard the screams of the Winter Soldier, the fierce attack that Steve had launched in his hands couldn't help but stop.


Even though he had made up his mind, Steve still couldn't turn a blind eye to the screams of his friends who had returned from the dead.


However, Steve obviously forgot that the battlefield is not a place to hesitate.


Feeling the slackening of strength in his hands, Bucky suddenly turned the metal arm with a low roar and broke free from Steve's clenched hand, then turned his arm again and buckled it around Captain America's neck in a twisted posture beyond imagination. . Even if there is no difference in appearance from a normal arm, it is still a mechanical arm and cannot be viewed with common sense.


The moment he grabbed Steve's neck, the five fingers on the metal arm suddenly increased in strength.


Under the enormous power, even Steve, whose physical fitness was far superior to ordinary people, felt a sense of suffocation.


Although he has a superhuman physique under the transformation of the super soldier serum, he still belongs to a human being and has not been strengthened to the point where he can ignore breathing.


Therefore, the weaknesses of normal humans are still effective on Steve.


Facing the huge force from his neck, Steve instinctively reached out and grabbed the metal arm around his neck, but at this time the advantages of this mechanical arm were revealed. Unless the arm is destroyed and cut off, a simple attack will not stop the increasing power from the metal arm.


If so, change the venue.


Steve, who was caught by Bucky, might have died at the hands of the Winter Soldier in such a miserable manner.


However, there is a difference in the current situation after all. In addition to the injured S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nick Fury, there is Xing there.


Under the current situation, it was naturally impossible for Ah Xing to watch Steve die like this.


"team leader!"


Therefore, with one move "Tathagata's Palm", he swept away the surrounding vampires. Seeing Steve's crisis situation, Ah Xing raised his palm and patted it forward without hesitation.


The next moment, the palm print composed of golden Buddha light instantly fell on the opposite Bucky.


Originally, under Steve's struggle and attack, there was not a single loose metal arm. Under A Xing's "Tathagata's Palm", a harsh twisting sound suddenly came out, and the next second was directly shaken, not only The whole arm also slammed into the wall beside him under this huge force.


"Pick me up again!"


Looking at Bucky who was smashed into the rubble of the wall, Ah Xing didn't seem to hesitate, nor did Steve's hesitation, the Buddha light in his hands gathered again, posing as if he was chasing after the victory and cutting down the roots.


"No Ah Xing!"


Seeing his appearance, Steve, who was clutching his neck, hurriedly opened his mouth to stop him regardless of his injuries.


And with Steve's obstruction, Bucky also struggled to get up and turned to flee without hesitation.


"team leader?"


Ah Xing naturally knew the reason why Steve stopped him, but on the surface, he still made a puzzled expression. He looked at Bucky's disappearing back and couldn't help but say.


"You have to think about it, just now, the other party is about to kill you."


"I know."


Hearing Ah Xing's Steve touched his neck with a red mark and replied silently: "However, he was also my comrade-in-arms who fought side by side with me, and my best friend."


"Comrade-in-arms? Friends?"


Hearing Steve's answer, A Xing's face showed a timely doubt.


"What the **** is going on here, Captain?"


"Actually, I also really want to figure out all this, why Bucky would..."


"Although the reason is not yet clear, I am sure that all this has nothing to do with Hydra." Looking at Steve with a silent expression, Nick Fury covered his wound and continued.


"And Dior."


Hearing Nick Fury's words, Steve took a deep breath, felt the pain from his neck in every breath, swept over the fallen vampires around him, and said silently.



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