Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 321: ridicule

"I didn't expect that I would meet Bucky again in this way..."


Sitting in the car of the S.H.I.E.L.D. branch, Steve's emotions were still immersed in the previous battle.


"But, is this possible?"


Upon receiving the notice from Agent Sharon, he quickly felt that Agent Hill, who was at the scene, couldn't help but look suspicious when faced with Steve's description: "It's been seventy years."


"Of course it's possible." Sitting in the car clutching his wounds, facing Agent Hill's doubts, Nick Fury immediately said, "Even something illusory like the reincarnation of an immortal has appeared. Ten years is not difficult for Hydra with strong technological capabilities."


With that said, Nick Fury turned his head and looked at Ah Xing behind him: "Sorry, Ah Xing, I'm just giving an example."


"I know."


Shrugging, Ah Xing replied with an understanding expression.


"It's Dr. Zola, Bucky's unit was once captured by Hydra, and Dio and I found him in a human laboratory in the Hydra base when we rescued him. There, Dio and I discovered the Cosmic Cube and the Stone Ghost Face. After that, Bucky fell off the train because of the Hydra attack after the fight with Dio, I thought he was dead, but it seems the Hydra How did you find him, and..."


Steve clearly remembers the scene when Bucky fell off the train.


He once recalled the original scene countless times in the night, originally thinking that Bucky died in the attack of the train at that time.


However, the scene just now clearly told Steve.


This is not the case.


"It's not your fault, Steve."


Driving the car, Natasha glanced at the captain through the rearview mirror, and then spoke to comfort.


Although everyone in the car had tried their best to persuade Steve, it was clear that the impact of Bucky's appearance on him could not dissipate for a long time.


"I always thought that my awakening was a joke of fate. Now it seems that this joke is bigger than I thought."




For Steve's words, everyone in the car didn't know how to speak for a while.


After all, they are not Steve himself after all, so they cannot understand his complicated emotions at the moment.


"Sir, I think we may have run into some trouble."


In the silence, Natasha, who was driving the car, suddenly made a sound and reminded Nick Fury on the side.


"Agent Hill..."


Hearing Natasha's reminder, Nick Fury immediately noticed the unusual situation around the vehicle.


Looking at the vehicles that were vaguely surrounding him, his one eye flashed a strange look, and then he asked in a deep voice, "When you received my news, was there anyone else around?"


As a professional agent, Agent Hill's response was not slow, she already understood the moment Natasha spoke.


Taking a look at the surrounding situation through the window, she immediately replied: "Except for Natasha, there is only one correspondent around, but, how is it possible, she obviously..."


"nothing is impossible."


In response to Agent Hill's reaction, Nick Fury replied without hesitation.


Since the explosion of the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Nick Fury knew that even Alexander, who he had known for 20 years, thought it was absolutely impossible to betray him, who had done such a thing. Now, even the unbelievable things happen, Nick Fury will not be surprised: "It looks like things are much worse than I expected."


"From now on, cut off all contact with S.H.I.E.L.D."


With a flickering look in his eyes, Nick Fury gave an order to Agent Hill and Natasha on the side.


"Even if it's Agent Phil's?"


Hearing this, Agent Hill couldn't help but ask.




Although it is very clear that Agent Phil is the most unlikely to betray his existence, but at this time, Nick Fury has to make such a decision out of prudence.


"Of course, the first thing we have to do now is to get rid of these troubles around us."


"Do you need me to take action?"


Hearing this, A Xing turned his wrist and said enthusiastically.


"I'll still come."


Knowing the power of "The Tathagata's Palm", Steve said quickly.




New York, in the underground vault of a bank.


Bucky the Winter Soldier sat there in a trance, letting the researchers around him repair his metal arms.


"Sir, his condition is very unstable, and it seems that there seems to be a little situation in the battle of the attack..."


Alexander came to the vault with a cold face. Behind him was Brock Rumlow, the only surviving action team leader in [Flying Dutchman].


Originally, with the damage he received, it was impossible for him to stand up again.


But obviously, Hydra used other methods to heal Brock Rumlow's fatal wound. With the power of the Stone Ghost Face, Brock Rumlow not only recovered the damage he suffered, but also gained power beyond ordinary people.


Ignoring the report of his subordinates outside the vault, Alexander came to Bucky, glanced at his damaged metal arm, and immediately ordered, "Report the mission!"




Hearing Alexander's instructions, Bucky's indifferent expression finally appeared a bit trance-like.


It seems that what Steve said to him before was not completely ineffective.


Although those words did not directly awaken Bucky's memory, they also aroused some doubts in his heart.


Under these doubts, he is no longer a cold winter soldier, and the human side of Bucky begins to emerge.


"Start the mission report, right now!"


Bucky's silent gesture made Alexander couldn't help frowning.


All the vampires who were dispatched with the Winter Soldier fell under Ah Xing's "Tathagata's Palm", so Bucky was the only one who knew what was going on in the apartment at the moment.




Without the slightest hesitation, Alexander slapped Bucky in the face.


With the heavy slap, Bucky's silent expression changed a little. He looked at Alexander in front of him and asked silently, "I met a man with a shield in the apartment. Who is he?"


"In the mission you performed before, you met him once."


"I feel like I know him."


Bucky's words changed the look in Alexander's eyes, frowning and he replied indifferently: "This is just your illusion, you should be more aware of your mission than this, Hydra needs you. To accomplish the goal, what we do is to benefit all mankind, don’t forget this grand goal, these insignificant little things are not what you need to care about.”


"Benefiting mankind is really an amazing goal."


Alexander's voice fell.


The dazed look on Bucky's face across from him hadn't responded yet.


A bewitching yet magnetic voice suddenly sounded in the underground vault.


[From the legend of Alexander Pierce...]


[From the legend of Brock Rumlow...]


[From the legend of Bucky Barnes...]


"Dio Brando?!"


Looking at the bewitching handsome man with blond hair and white skin that appeared in the vault, Alexander's face couldn't help showing a look of astonishment.


Alexander is no stranger to Dior.


Whether it was the infiltration of the Hydra into S.H.I.E.L.D. or the previous contact with it through the spider organization, he clearly knew the existence of this king of vampires.


However, he did not expect that Dio would suddenly appear in the secret base of Hydra hidden under the bank.


Alexander looked at the normal expressions of his subordinates outside the vault, and saw that they did not react in the slightest to Dio's appearance, and a flash of horror suddenly flashed in his heart.


In fact, although the card character of [Dior] is still the leader of the avatar in front of me, through the power of [Kaz] the stone ghost face maker, the power of [Dior] who reappears in front of me is completely the same as before. Can't be compared. At this moment, he can be regarded as the king of vampires in the true sense.


Scarlet eyes swept across the stunned face facing Alexander, and then fell on Bucky's face, Dior's enchanting face showed a sneering look: "I didn't expect that we would be under such circumstances, once again. Encounter, fate is the most ridiculous and calculated drama in the world, Bucky."




During the day, I heard this name from two different people.


The Winter Soldier's indifferent face gradually showed a puzzled expression. He looked at Dior's handsome and bewitching face in front of him. He clearly did not have any memory related to the other party in his own memory, but somehow he always felt as if he had been with the other party. Encountered: "Why do you all call me by this name?"


"It seems that you have encountered a lot during this period of time?"


Looking at Bucky with a puzzled expression, Dio glanced at the silver-white metal arm on his left arm, then raised his slender golden eyebrows and replied.




Seeing that in the conversation with Dio, the situation of the Winter Soldier became more and more abnormal, and Alexander immediately gave an order to Brock Rumlow on the side.


Hearing Alexander's order, he didn't seem to hesitate.


Brock Rumlow opened his sharp teeth and suddenly pounced, attacking Dio in front of him like a bolt of lightning.




However, Brock Rumlow's rapid offensive lasted for less than a second, and was quickly defeated by Dio.


[From the legend of Brock Rumlow...]


Raising his foot and stepping under Brock Rumlow's chest, Dio looked down at the man with a painful expression on the ground, and twitched the corner of his mouth to reveal a sneer: "You actually use the stone ghost face I gave you, given the vampire powers against me?"


"I really don't know whether to admire your bravery or your stupidity..."




In the face of Dio's ridicule, Brock Rumlow struggled with his body, but he couldn't get rid of the huge force from the sole of Dio's foot that stepped on him.


"It's obvious that all of them are vampires transformed by the stone ghost face, there will be such a big difference!"


Of course, it's because your stone ghost face is just a degraded version.


Such thoughts flashed through my mind.


On the surface, Dio continued to maintain his posture. In response to Brock Rumlow's questioning, he let go of the soles of his feet on the opponent's body, then reached out and grabbed his neck to grab it, looking directly at the opponent's face. Said: "The stone ghost face is just an introduction, an opportunity to change beyond human beings, there are many idiots in this world, and a fool who gets a stone ghost face is still an idiot, because his talent is limited to this, only the existence of the king's talent can play the transcendence. The power of a normal vampire, so don't compare me to you guys..."


"Your... consciousness is that you are the king?"


Although Dio grabbed the neck, but for a vampire, the neck is not his weakness, so even if it became difficult to breathe, Brock Rumlow continued to ask.


"No, I'm not just a king, my goal is to surpass the king, reach the realm above the king, and become a well-deserved God!"


[From the legend of Alexander Pierce...]


[From the legend of Brock Rumlow...]


[From the legend of Bucky Barnes...]


[From the legend of Peggy Carter...]




"You lunatic, haha, actually trying to become a god!"


Obviously, for either Alexander or Brock Rumlow, what Dio said was too illusory, and even as Hydras, such an idea never appeared in their minds.


Therefore, when he heard Dio's words, he was so shocked that Brock Rumlow couldn't help but speak.


"With your simple and ignorant brains, how could you possibly understand my thoughts?"


Dio didn't bother to explain this, and threw the Brock Rumlow he was holding onto the ground.


Dior finally turned his eyes to look at Alexander on the opposite side.


Facing Dior's scarlet gaze, Alexander's expression changed a bit, and he subconsciously took a few steps back. After losing the last subordinate who could order an attack, Brock Rumlow, there was no one around him who could deal with it. Dior's presence.


No, there is one more!


Taking a few steps back, Alexander's eyes immediately fell on Bucky, who looked blankly behind him.


"Winter Soldier, attack!"


Thinking of this, Alexander almost used up all his remaining strength and planned to give an order to shout.




Facing Alexander's order, although Baki was hesitant for what happened before, the years of brainwashing made his body instinctively respond to the order.


Waving his silver-white metal arm, he attacked Dio, who was standing opposite.

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