Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 344: Magic Conch

The latest website: "This is, a magic item?"

Looking at the plastic conch in Dad's hand, Peter's mouth twitched under the mask.

This is obviously a huge gap from the unpredictable magical items in his mind.

Although he didn't know much about the power of magic, Peter could also see that what Dad was holding was obviously an ordinary plastic toy, and it was of a relatively inferior quality.

"Sir, did you get it wrong?"

Silently taking his eyes away from the plastic product in Dad's hand, Peter couldn't help but ask tentatively.

"Dad, I'm not confused, how could I be wrong." Facing Peter's doubts, Dad's face showed a clear angry expression, and he raised his voice and replied: "Never doubt Dad, this magic item is The magical item that Dad spent a long time to obtain when he was young has mysterious magical power and can give the questioner the answer to all the questions he wants to know. It is a very powerful magical item. The task of containment will not be completed so easily this time, and I will not bring this magic tool out on purpose."

"Dad, why, after listening to your introduction, I always feel that your so-called magic props are more like a kind of containment collected by the Foundation?"

Hearing Dad's description, the avatar [Uncle Long] on the side immediately showed a puzzled expression.

"Where do you get so many questions, Aaron."

Directly ignoring the question of the clone, the old man shoved the [Magic Conch] in his hand into the little spider Peter's hand: "Now, the most important thing is to use the power of the [Magic Conch] to find the spell hidden on the statue, Stop the power of the spell from spreading again."

What the father said was extremely correct, but looking down at the item in his hand named [Magic Conch], but its appearance was not much different from a low-quality toy, the doubts on Peter's face continued to increase: "Old Mr. ,why?"

"The use of [Magic Conch] must be controlled by someone, and Aaron must be fast enough in the process of finding the spell, so Dad, I thought about it and felt that you should be able to use [Magic Conch] instead of Dad. The power of the conch."

Facing Peter's doubts, Dad immediately gave the reasons he had prepared for a long time.

"Dad, why don't you use [Magic Conch] yourself?"

Glancing at Peter, the clone [Uncle Long] seemed to speak for the little spider, but in fact it directly blocked the possibility of the other party's rejection.

"Do you have the heart to watch an old man in his 60s or 70s tossing around with you?"

In line with the question of the clone, the father answered with his own skilled hand knife.

"Aaron, where did you throw away the politeness of respecting the old and caring for the young that Dad usually gave you?!"

"It's okay, Mr. Long."

Hearing his father's rebuke for the clone, Peter, a good boy, immediately said: "Since the old gentleman gave me the [Magic Conch], let me use it."

When the name [Magic Conch] was mentioned, Peter's eyes subconsciously swept away the plastic conch toy he was holding. To be honest, even though he had heard the power of the magical conch from his father's mouth, but, look With the plastic conch in his hand, he still couldn't help but feel a sense of déjà vu in his heart.

Taking a deep breath and suppressing the full of complaints in his heart, Peter turned to look at the old man beside him, and asked with a serious look: "So old man, what is the way to use this plastic [Magic Conch]?"

"Ask the question in your mind, then pull the rope at the bottom of the [Magic Conch], and the conch will give you the answer to your question."


Following the direction of his father's fingers, Peter noticed the small button at the bottom of the [Magic Conch] in his hand, and the sense of sight that was finally suppressed in his heart erupted again, and the breathing that had finally calmed down also became a lot faster.

Calm down, Peter, you don't understand the power of magic, maybe that's what the magic world's props look like.

After muttering silently for several times in his heart, Peter managed to suppress the turbulent emotions in his heart.

Looking down at the [Magic Conch] in his hand, he asked the question he had prepared for a long time: "Tell me, where is the [Magic Conch] conch, where is the spell?"

With difficulty spit out the question in his mouth, Peter stretched out his palm wrapped in the uniform tremblingly, and pulled the buckle at the bottom of the conch, under the expectant gaze of his father and clone [Uncle Long].

"do nothing."

Pulling the buckle, as the rope retracted, a preset answer that clearly mentioned the recording came from the conch.


Hearing the answer given by [Magic Conch], Peter's expression instantly froze under the mask.

At this moment, his emotions resonated violently with an octopus in the depths of an unknown sea.

ended? Is this the answer given by the [Magic Conch] with powerful magical power? do nothing?

"Old gentleman, we really have to do nothing according to the meaning of this toy, no, [Magic Conch] Conch?"

Turning his neck stiffly, Peter looked at the old man beside him, opened his mouth with difficulty and asked.

"Of course, hasn't [Magic Conch] already given the answer, we won't do anything from now on."

Facing Peter's doubts, Dad pushed his glasses and answered in a serious manner.


In the face of Dad's answer, Peter's emotions under the mask were obviously unacceptable.

Just like an octopus.

"Don't question the answer of [Magic Conch]."

Facing the doubts of the little spider, the old man did not give any explanation at all, implemented the answer given by Conch, sat cross-legged on the ground in the exhibition hall, took out a thick book from the direct shoulder bag and started watching up.

Seeing that his father's attitude was firm, Little Spider subconsciously turned his head and glanced at the avatar [Uncle Long] beside him.

The latter shrugged and gave him a helpless look.

"Since Dad said so, then let's try it according to what [Magic Conch] said."

Seeing that Mr. Long, the only one he could rely on, also said the same, Peter was completely messed up.

He looked up at the resurrection statues walking around in the exhibition hall, and then looked down at the plastic conch in his hand, feeling even more at a loss.

"Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?"


In the exhibition hall, Peter was in a mess because of the answer given by [Magic Conch].

Outside the museum, Tony looked at Ghost Rider wrapped in hellfire.

The expression on his face was also solemn.

"Sir, according to the scan, the flame on the opponent's body has reached more than a thousand degrees. In theory, the bones will be burned in an instant when they come into contact with such a high temperature flame, instead of wanting to continue to exist like this and be unscathed."

"Obviously, the guy in front of you is not the one you theoretically said."

Facing Jarvis' report, the solemn expression on Tony's face did not ease, but became more solemn.

"And, in theory, people wouldn't continue to move after being burned into skeletons."

In front of him, the existence of Ghost Rider has clearly surpassed the scope that humans can understand.

Fortunately, since this time, Tony has seen many unscientific existences, and even the Deep Sea Hades has played a game.

Although Ghost Rider's appearance is ferocious, at least it can be seen compared to the octopus-faced Davy Jones.

"Sir, by comparison, we can basically confirm that the existence in front of me should be the Ghost Rider who has been running rampant on the streets of New York recently."

"Ghost Rider?"

Tony's inner thoughts flashed, and then soon Jarvis searched for the identity of the Ghost Rider through the data comparison.

Glancing across the steel mask, Jarvis displayed various information about the Ghost Rider, watching the video on the virtual screen of the Ghost Rider driving a ghost-faced Harley to ignite his face and swinging the chain to melt through the car, Tony subconsciously swallowed. After a sip of saliva, I regretted that when I went out before, maybe I should choose another set of battle armor that is resistant to high temperature after all.

Although, judging from the information provided by Jarvis, Ghost Rider's injuries during this period in New York were all outlaws. Judging from the data alone, it can even be considered that the other party is just a special-looking person. Super hero.

However, Tony obviously did not put all his hopes on the judgment of the data, and slightly opened his palm to aim at the Ghost Rider on the ground.

Tony asked calmly: "Then tell me, Halloween Skull, the purpose of your presence in the museum and what happened outside the museum?"

A few hot flames flashed in the empty eye sockets. Facing Tony's questioning, the Ghost Rider turned his spine slightly, raised his hand and grasped the chain holding his chest. The disgusted guy pulled it down and taught the other party a polite address.

In the next instant, the vibration from the ground of the museum made him subconsciously stop the movements of his hands.

"Sir, watch your back."

At the same time, Jarvis in the steel suit quickly reminded Tony.


Hearing Jarvis' reminder, Tony turned his body subconsciously.

What he turned around was an empty eye socket.

"What the **** is this?!"

Looking at the huge skull head that appeared behind him, even in a steel battle suit, Tony was frightened into a cold sweat.

"If the information is correct, this should be the skeleton of a dinosaur in the museum, sir."

In the face of Tony's question, Jarvis still answered dutifully.

"Of course I know it's a dinosaur skeleton, my question is, why did the dinosaur skeleton in the museum suddenly come back to life!"

Tony thinks he's knowledgeable enough after so many battles.

However, when he faced the resurrected dinosaur skeleton one-on-one, he woke up, and it sounded that his knowledge was still not as much as he imagined. At least the scene in front of him had never happened to him before.


"Mr. Long, do we really have to wait any longer?"

In the museum exhibition hall, after a short but extraordinary five minutes for Peter.

The little spider finally couldn't bear it anymore, and asked the clone [Uncle Long].

"Actually, I don't know either."

Facing Peter's question, the clone shook his head, swept past the father who was reading a book calmly on the other side, and scratched his head: "But depending on the situation, it seems that we need to wait patiently for a while."

Wait a little longer?

Facing the answer given by the clone, the expression on Peter's face became even more depressed.

He looked down at the [Magic Conch] in his hand, and finally couldn't help but ask the question that he had been hiding in his heart.

"Mr. Long, do you really believe that this ordinary plastic toy is the [Magic Conch] with magical powers?"

Hearing the doubts raised by Peter, before the clone could answer, the old man who had been calm before stood up: "Toy, you are questioning the old man, I can't even tell the difference between toys and magic props. ?"

"No, sir, I just..."

Peter subconsciously explained to his father's angry gaze.

However, it was obvious that Peter's previous remarks had obviously angered the father, and he reached out to take back the conch in Little Spider's hand, but the father still said angrily: "Since you question the value of the [magic conch] that father took out. Power, then you don't need to follow the answer given by Conch with us, you can do whatever you want, and Dad won't stop you."


Although he was a little overwhelmed by the fact that he had angered his father, but when he heard that he didn't need to obey the answer of the so-called "magic conch", Peter was still involuntarily relieved in the depths of his heart.

He opened his mouth and hesitated for a while, Peter looked up at the avatar [Uncle Long] on the side: "Mr. Long, although it seems that you have your own method of finding, obviously, I am still not used to you. way, so next, I will use my own way to find that spell."

The little spider's words were euphemistic, but the actual meaning was to tell the father and the clone [Uncle Long] that their methods had no effect.

Wei Wei apologized to the angry old man, and Peter immediately lifted the spider silk launcher that he had repaired a little earlier, ejected the spider silk and stuck to the roof of the museum, and then jumped his entire body into the air.


Resounding with spider silk, it moved quickly in the exhibition hall of the museum.

After getting rid of the strange situation brought by the previous [Magic Conch], Peter, who echoed in the museum, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, before the expression under his mask completely relaxed, the next second, a sharp bird chirping suddenly came from the opposite side.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a dense flock of iron birds, flapping their sharp metal wings towards the little spider.

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