The latest website: The slender and sharp beaks of the birds are emitting harsh bird calls, and they are flying in the air like a real flock of birds.

However, compared with the real-life flocks, the flocks in the museum are obviously much more dangerous.

After all, they are all made of metal.

Facing the dense flock of birds, the young face under the little spider's mask couldn't help but change, the palm that held the spider silk suddenly tightened, and the wiggling spider silk changed direction at the critical moment, wiping the face in front of him. The sharp beaks of the birds swung to the other direction of the exhibition hall.

"It's dangerous, it's dangerous!"

Dodging from the flock of birds coming towards him, Peter patted his chest with a look of fear.

The little spiders have some impressions of these iron birds flying in the air. I vaguely remember that the good thing is the decorative art of a certain exhibition hall of the museum, but I didn't expect that they would also be resurrected by the power of the magic spell in the museum and become a group of dangerous beings. .

"Almost got these flocks installed."

With a lingering fear, he retracted his gaze from the sharp wings of the iron birds. Peter put away the spider silk catapult on his wrist. The dangerous scene in the air just now told the little spider that the sky above the museum was not as he thought. Safety.

Looking at the dense flock of birds hovering over the museum, Peter shuddered.

If the wave just now hit him, even Peter, whose physical fitness has mutated far beyond ordinary people, doesn't think he can get much benefit.

After all, the radiation spider DNA gives superhuman strength and responsiveness, but it is not strong enough to ignore the iron flock in terms of physical defense.

Therefore, in order to avoid being targeted by this group of dangerous birds hovering over the museum, Peter resolutely chose to follow his inner thoughts and search for spells on the ground instead.


bang -- bang --

Raising the palm of his hand, he launched a blue-colored shock shell that hit the dinosaur skeleton in front of him.

However, this powerful shock wave that fell on the huge dinosaur only made the big dinosaur stop for a while.

"Are dinosaur skeletons so hard?"

Tony couldn't help frowning at the result of his attack.

"Theoretically speaking, this is naturally impossible. Sir, dinosaur fossils in real life are often very fragile due to changes in pressure, humidity and temperature parameters. Even if they are excavated, they will not be as complete as this one. In fact, according to the data It shows that most of the complete dinosaur skeletons displayed in the museum are made by comparing the original fossils and repairing them by filling resin materials in molds."

"That is to say, the dinosaur in front of me is not even a fossil, but a resin model?"

Listening to Jarvis' explanation, Tony in the steel suit looked at the dinosaur skeleton in front of him again, and the expression on his face became even more weird.

"According to the material comparison of the dinosaur skeleton in front of us, the results are indeed the same."

However, Jarvis' analysis, instead of solving the doubts in Tony's heart, made it a little deeper.

"You mean, the dinosaur model made of resin alone blocked my attack?"

For the attack method of the steel suit, Tony has been constantly upgrading it, especially after the battle with the "pacifist", through the analysis of the wreckage of those "pacifist" robots, Tony is even more Transplanted part of the technology of the laser device to his steel suit.

Theoretically speaking, the power of the upgraded version of the Mark43 he was carrying at the moment should only increase as compared to the old version in the past.

But the new armor after upgrading the weapons in this way was told by Jarvis that even a model dinosaur skeleton made of resin could not hurt.

In this situation, how can you make Tony in the steel battle suit feel bad.

Fortunately, although it is impossible to detect Tony's complicated inner emotions at the moment, as the artificial intelligence who has been with him all the year round, Jarvis gave a very understanding reason: "In fact, sir, according to the results of the scan, it is possible to get A strange energy film was found on the resurrected dinosaur skeleton. It seems that it is because of the protection of this energy film that this dinosaur skeleton can not be damaged by your attack... "

"Maybe, this is also the reason for the resurrection of this model?"

After restraining his inner emotions, Tony immediately said something after hearing Jarvis' analysis.

Looking at the huge dinosaur skeleton with its tail swinging and its sharp teeth in front of him, Tony unconsciously turned his attention to the Ghost Rider on the other side.

Thinking of Jarvis's analysis of the dinosaur skeleton before, Tony unconsciously substituted it into Ghost Rider.

Perhaps, the flaming skeleton, like the dinosaur skeleton, was the product of resurrection under the resurrection of a mysterious force.

Even their materials may be made of resin as well.

Obviously, because of the appearance of the resurrected dinosaur skeleton, Tony's thinking was obviously led to the past.

Johnny Blazer, who was transformed into a Ghost Rider by signing a contract, was also regarded as the result of being resurrected by a mysterious force.

It's no wonder Tony thinks this way. After all, just looking at the appearance, there is not much difference between the ghost knight and the resurrected dinosaur skeleton. Anyway, they are both movable skeletons, except that one will catch fire and the other will not.


Inside the museum exhibition hall.

Because of the threat of the iron bird flock, Peter the spider had to give up his usual way of moving and use more primitive means to find the location of the spell.

Following the clues about the location of the spell from the clone [Uncle Long], Peter cautiously walked into the area where the resurrection statue was active.

Feeling the scrutiny projected from the eyes of the statue, although he had already mentioned that he was mentally prepared, Peter still felt a huge pressure in his heart when he really faced such a situation.

The scene in front of him gave Little Spider the feeling that it was like those brainless protagonists in horror movies who already knew the danger, but still had no heart and soul to drill into the danger.

And unfortunately, at the moment he is the protagonist.

"You can, Peter, as long as you find the spell, everything will be back to normal."

Holding his breath, he was silently beating himself up, Peter told himself to ignore the various gazes from the statues, and focus all his attention on the search for spells.

"Hey kid, kid..."

However, in the case where the little spider did not want to attract the attention of the resurrection statue and carefully looked for the spell.

However, a low and magnetic voice sounded, calling out Peter who was walking through the statue.


With this shout, Peter could feel that all the statues in the exhibition area cast their eyes on him.

In an instant, a large number of tiny beads of sweat appeared on Peter's forehead under the mask.

He tried his best to suppress his arm, and did not launch the spider silk to escape immediately. Peter controlled his footsteps and turned his body stiffly. He looked in the direction of the sound, and immediately saw a bust statue placed in the exhibition hall. Blinking his eyes, he gestured at him.

Obviously, just now, it was the statue that shouted to him.

"Fortunately, you finally noticed me."

Facing the gaze cast by the little spider, the bust heaved a sigh of relief quite humanely.

The look of the statue is serious, and there is a thick beard on the lips, which is very age-like.

The size of this statue is not large, especially because of the bust, it is a lot shorter than the statues around it, but after seeing this statue, especially after seeing the name marked under it, Peter's expression suddenly became weird under the mask.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, the one who called out to the statue of Peter in front of him, was a famous American and the first president to be re-elected for four terms.

The emergence of Franklin Roosevelt was no accident.

In the World War II Memorial Museum of the Museum, although Captain America is the most concerned by tourists, Roosevelt was the most important decision maker in that period.

Therefore, whether it is out of respect for history or restoration, the museum needs to put a statue of the president.

At the same time, under the power of the [Golden Monument of Resurrection], the Roosevelt who was placed in the exhibition hall also gained life.

Sadly, however, Roosevelt's statue is just a simple bust compared to other statues. Therefore, even if he has life, he cannot move freely. Apart from being able to speak, it is not much different from before.

"Mr. President, what are you calling me for?"

Although the Roosevelt in front of him was only a resurrected statue, and it was still a bust, but facing the talking president statue, Peter's heart subconsciously became tense.

"Actually, I really need your help, boy."

Turning his sculpted eyes to look at the little spider in front of him, Peter dressed in tight clothes was undoubtedly a strange being in Roosevelt's eyes. He just looked down at his own situation, and the president statue also gave up asking the other party why he was dressed up. , turned and said: "If possible, I hope you can help me move the child. You can see that, compared with other existences around me, I don't even have the means to move at all. I can still sit while I'm alive. I moved in a wheelchair, but I didn't expect that they wouldn't even give me a hand after it was not carved into a statue."

Speaking of which, the face of the Roosevelt statue clearly showed a helpless expression.

In the face of the request to resurrect the President's statue, Peter's face under the mask couldn't help showing a hesitant look.

Although he was a little shocked because of the President's statue, the little spider did not forget his mission, which was to find the spell to revive the exhibits in the museum and end everything in front of him.

Therefore, even if he agreed to the request of the presidential statue to help him move it, after the power of the spell is over, he still needs to put the moved statue back again.

In this way, the request to help Roosevelt move seems like a futile effort.

"Hey kid..."

Although it is only a bust statue of Roosevelt, the resurrected statue is obviously endowed with part of Roosevelt's personality, just like "Captain America" ​​and "Red Skull" who appeared in front of Peter before. Hesitating, the bust said: "Although I don't know the reason for your hesitation, just like I don't know why you dress like this, but as a citizen of the great America, I hope you can be compassionate and help those in need. , whether the object is a human being or just a statue..."

The words in the mouth of the bust may not have much influence if placed on other people.

However, his identity is the statue of Roosevelt, America's rather legendary wheelchair president.

Therefore, in the face of the statue's request, the expression on Peter's face struggled a bit, and finally made a concession.

"Okay, Mr. President."

With a sigh, Little Spider reached out to support the bust in front of him.

The sculpted bust is quite heavy, but for Peter, whose physical fitness is far superior to ordinary people, it is still within his tolerance.

The arm muscles wrapped in the tights condensed slightly, and Peter raised his hand to lift the bust of the president.

"Mr. President, you want to move to..."

While holding up the bust of the president in his hand, Peter moved his steps carefully, asking in a distracted way. The next moment, the spider sensor in the body suddenly issued a warning, feeling the passing of the spider sensor, the little spider instinctively He wanted to make an evasive action, but when he saw the bust of Roosevelt in his hand, the dodging posture he posed subconsciously stopped abruptly.

He is worried that if he moves too, he will damage the statue of the president in his hand.

Because of the pause in the action, although the bust of the president in his hand was not destroyed, Peter also lost the most crucial opportunity to evade.

In the next second, a dull loud noise came from behind, a stone sculpture with a heavy carving of rough ore opened his six arms and directly grabbed the little spider. The power of the stone sculpture is extremely huge, especially under the blessing of its own weight, even Peter, who is far stronger than ordinary people, can hardly break free for a while.

"I appreciate your kindness, boy."

At the same time, the bust of Roosevelt he held in his hand also spoke.

In the dense footsteps, various statues of different shapes surrounded the small spider that was firmly grasped by the stone carving, and then a headless female stone statue stretched out its arm and took the bust of Roosevelt from Peter's hand and placed it on the on his empty head.

While stretching out his arms to support himself, the bust of Roosevelt looked at Peter in front of him and said, "Unfortunately, on the battlefield, kindness is the last thing you need, especially when facing your enemy..."

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