Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 292: monitor

【The legend from Sidis...】

Sidis frowned.

The clues revealed in the conversation between the defenders made her realize that the case she had been exposed to before was not simple. At least, before she came, she didn't expect that Jin Bing's death would also involve vampires, an evil existence that only existed in stories and legends.

She didn't feel like the defenders were lying to herself, because it didn't make any sense.

"Regardless of what happened to us that we don't know, just from the results, Kim is still alive and..."

Matt didn't finish his words, but the defenders clearly understood what he meant.

Danny's death was a huge blow to them after all.

Clenching his fists, Luke Cage said solemnly: "Matt is right, no matter what the reason is, since Jin is not dead, then we have the responsibility to act for this, not just to defend Or, for dead Danny."

"Count me in."

At this moment, Frank, who had been lying on the hospital bed, slowly opened his eyes, glanced at the defenders in front of him, and said with a grin.


"Danny just died like this?!"

Inside the antique shop, Li Ran had a confused expression on his face.

If the system can obtain the fame from him, then it will definitely be a large amount of fame at this moment.

To be honest, the development of this is somewhat beyond Li Ran's expectations.

Although he expected that the defenders would be injured by the pacifist version of Kingpin's attack, he absolutely did not expect Danny to die at the hands of one of the pacifists.

After all, in any case, Danny is also the heir to the power of Kunlun Iron Fist. In Li Ran's view, no matter how bad it is, he should be able to escape from the hands of the pacifist Jin Bing.

It can only be said that he did not expect the weakening of Danny's iron fist.

Or maybe this Iron Fist is a little too watery.

Not even a weakened version of the pacifist clone could fight it.

If he knew earlier, he should have made more preparations.

No matter what, the result has been produced, even if Li Ran has such or such thoughts in his heart, it will not help.

Therefore, the next thing he can do is try to control the variables in his own hands.


Chinatown, outside the martial arts hall.

Ah Xing looked up at the humble Wing Chun martial arts hall in front of him, took a deep breath and shouted.

"Master Ye."


Hearing the call at the door of the martial arts hall, Ye Wen came out and looked at Ah Xing who appeared outside the door, with a happy expression on his face and then turned into a complex color.

"How did you come."

"It's Penglai, there are some problems with Penglai's seal, so the island owner arranged for me..."

Facing Ye Wen's question, Ah Xing was about to reply with an undisguised expression on his face.

"Wait a moment."

The opening interrupted Ah Xing's explanation, and Ye Wen's eyes swept across an inconspicuous shop on the corner of the street.

"Let's talk in the martial arts hall."

With that said, Ye Wen gave way to the martial arts hall, while Ah Xing nodded and walked in with a cooperative expression.

As A Xing walked in, the entire outside of the martial arts hall returned to its previous quiet appearance.

"It looks like something is going to happen."

At this time, in a shop on the corner of Chinatown, an ordinary-looking man withdrew his gaze, he muttered to himself, and then took out the encrypted communication device in his hand to report. .

"Headquarters, here is the agent number... report, there is intelligence in Chinatown..."


For the Chinatown situation, it has always been one of the key goals of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Therefore, after receiving the report from the agent, SHIELD responded quickly.

Ten minutes later, Natasha had already arrived outside the Wing Chun Martial Arts Hall in Chinatown.

The eyes looked at the secret agents arranged by S.H.I.E.L.D. in the shop.

Natasha immediately retracted her gaze, turned her head to look at the martial arts hall in front of her, took a deep breath and adjusted her expression, then pushed open the door of the martial arts hall naturally.

"You're here, Natasha."

[The legend from Natasha...]


Inside the martial arts hall, Ye Wen's remarks made Natasha's hands pause for a moment.

However, the super agent from S.H.I.E.L.D. recovered very quickly, and swept over Ye Wen in the martial arts hall and Ah Xing in front of him with a smile: "I don't know, have I disturbed Ye Master you."

He said that he was disturbing, but looking at Natasha's appearance, he had no intention of quitting.

Natasha was not surprised that Ye Wen discovered the agents arranged by S.H.I.E.L.D.

In fact, the purpose of SHIELD's agents is not so much surveillance as prevention.

After all, the scene of the previous Chinatown battle is still vivid in my mind, and the fact that Ye Wen has [Shou He] sealed in his body is also clear to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Although, the power to seal [Shou Crane] came from the immortals of Penglai, theoretically there should be no more problems.

But, apparently, S.H.I.E.L.D. won't put all its hopes on the power of the seal.

Even if [Jiujian Xian] has explained to them that the seal cast by [Turtle Immortal] will not be broken.

However, don't forget, the appearance of 【Shouhe】before was because Jiuyou untied the previous seal on 【Shouhe】by Penglai.

It is precisely because there is such a lesson from the past that within S.H.I.E.L.D., Ye Wen has always maintained a vigilant attitude towards the [Shouhe] Ye Wen who is now sealed in his body, and he attaches no less importance to his intelligence than the Avengers. The Hulk inside.

In the martial arts hall, facing Natasha's undisguised response, Ye Wen shook his head with a helpless expression on the surface.

On the other side, A Xing continued his identity and continued to speak: "...Master Ye, in fact, everyone in Penglai knows that this is not your fault. We miss you very much and hope you can go back."


A Xing's words made Ye Wen silent for a while.

After a while, he opened his mouth and changed the subject in a blunt way: "Ah Xing, you just said that you came to New York this time because of the Penglai seal. Could it be that there is something wrong with the seal on the island?"

Natasha could see that Ye Wen didn't want to answer the question about returning to Penglai.

She also understands this.

After all, no matter what, even if the people in Penglai really did not blame him as A Xing said.

However, the death of Turtle Immortal still has a lot to do with him, which is the main reason why Ye Wen chose to stay in New York instead of going to Penglai with [Jiujian Immortal].

Of course, Jiuyou's factors were also involved in this.

Inside the martial arts hall, Natasha looked at the look on Ye Wen's face, and various thoughts flashed in her heart.

However, soon, her attention was attracted by what Ye Wen asked.

The expression on his face also became a little dignified.

Is there a problem with Penglai's seal again?

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