Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 293: Look for

Before, there was a problem with Penglai's seal, which caused [Shou He] to appear in Chinatown, almost destroying the entire Chinatown. Now I heard Ye Wen ask this question again.

Natasha's heart subconsciously raised it.

There is a lesson from the past, so she can't be so nervous.

"There is no problem with the seal on the island for the time being. After the [Wine Sword Immortal] came back, the island owner and the immortals deliberately re-reinforced the seal." Shaking her head, Ah Xing's answer made Natasha take a breath.


[The legend from Natasha...]

However, before waiting for Natasha's expression, Ah Xing on the side spoke again.

Immediately afterwards, he seemed to have thought of something, and glanced at Natasha, who was on the side, with a hesitant expression on his face.

Noticing the hesitant look on A Xing's face, Natasha guessed that what the other party said next might have something to do with Penglai, because A Xing obviously didn't want her to know. However, Natasha deliberately made a puzzled look, ignoring A Xing's gaze and continued to stay in the martial arts hall.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has always kept a close watch on everything in Penglai, and naturally it is impossible to make concessions at such a critical moment.

Looking at Natasha's cheeky appearance on the side, Ye Wen deliberately made a helpless look on his face. On the surface, he shook his head as if compromising. In fact, Li Ran wanted this effect.

After all, it would be difficult for Natasha if Natasha left in an understanding manner.

"Axing, just say what you want to say. Maybe there is something that needs help from S.H.I.E.L.D."

Shaking his head, Ye Wen said with an open expression.

"Okay, since you said so, Master Ye."

The expression on his face hesitated for a while, and A Xing then continued to consider: "Although the seal has been strengthened, it is lacking... Without the strength of Teacher Wu Tian, ​​the seal cannot function as well as in the past, and there is a gap. The extraterritorial demons in the seal have also clearly noticed this, and the number of collisions with the seal has increased several times compared to the past, for this reason [Jiujian Xian] had to personally use the immortal method to maintain the breach of the seal..."

A Xing's remarks clearly stated the problems Penglai encountered at this time.

Natasha frowned on the side. She didn't think that this was Penglai's matter and it had nothing to do with S.H.I.E.L.D.

Also, New York was clearly a place where Jiuyou was active in their previous actions.

Natasha can't guarantee that if there is another problem with Penglai's seal, Jiuyou Club will take the opportunity to destroy it again in New York.

"Could it be that there is nothing Penglai can do?"

Thinking of this, Natasha couldn't help frowning and asked.

Since Penglai arranged for A Xing to come to New York, it means that there is a solution to the seal.

"Of course there is."

Seeing Natasha's cooperation, Ah Xing immediately took over the question and answered.

Natasha: "What is it?"

"Because I considered that the seal was because Penglai lacked the power of the immortals to maintain the gaps and breaches, after discussions with the immortals in Penglai, I decided to let me find the reincarnation of the previous generation of immortals and bring it back to Penglai fills the loophole in the seal of the extraterritorial demons."

[The legend from Natasha...]


A Xing's words changed Natasha's face.

Although he had a certain degree of understanding of the power of Immortal Penglai, the concept of reincarnation still made this super agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. unable to hide the shock on his face.

Natasha is naturally clear about the meaning of reincarnation. Although the concept of reincarnation is not popular in the West, as an agent, she has been exposed to many religions, and some of them are related to reincarnation.

It was precisely because she was clear that she was particularly surprised by what A Xing said.

"You mean that the immortals of Penglai can continue to exist through reincarnation?"

"It's not that simple."

Successfully gained a lot of fame from Natasha through the news of reincarnation, Ah Xing continued to maintain his appearance, shook his head and said 'honestly': "Reincarnation is a very difficult thing after all, and there are all kinds of things involved. Unexpectedly, even as an immortal, there is no way to ensure success, the reason why the previous immortals made the decision to reincarnate was also because they were injured in battle and had to make a decision and were forced to reincarnate."

A Xing's answer reassured Natasha a little, because it can be seen from his words that not all immortals in Penglai can be easily reincarnated. Although, even so, being able to do this still shocked her, and she could even imagine the expression on Nick Fury's face when he heard the news.

"Since you are in New York, Ah Xing, does that mean that Penglai has determined that the immortal's reincarnation is in New York?"

Seeing that Natasha was still immersed in the news about the reincarnation of immortals and did not recover, Ye Wen immediately opened his mouth and brought up the plot.

"According to the immortal's speculation, it is indeed so."

Nodding, Ah Xing admitted.

Immediately afterwards, his expression was bitter again, and he scratched his head helplessly: "However, because the reincarnation process of the previous generation of immortals was too hasty, there were not many clues left, so even if he already knew his reincarnation body In New York, I couldn't find his exact location for a while."

"Maybe S.H.I.E.L.D. can help with that."

Hearing Ah Xing's distress, Natasha immediately restrained her emotions and spoke hastily.

Regarding Penglai's attitude, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s basic stance has always been to maintain friendliness, not to mention, this also involves the seals of the extraterritorial demons. Natasha naturally hopes that these seals can be as firm as possible.

After all, they have seen what it looks like after the seal is broken, and the power of [Shou He] is obviously not something that the Avengers in front of them can compete with.

"Apart from the fact that the immortal turned around in New York, are there any other important clues?"

Although he promised to help Penglai find the so-called fairy and turn around, New York is a huge city after all, and the population is even larger. Even if the SHIELD wants to find the other party in the vast sea of ​​people, it needs clues to help.

"There are a few clues, but the main one mentioned by the island owner is..."

Hearing Natasha's question, Ah Xing turned her head and glanced at Ye Wen. Seeing Ye Wen's light-hearted appearance, she hesitated and said, "...I can eat it."

"Can you eat?"

Even Natasha, who was a super agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., was stunned in the face of the simulatable hint given by Ah Xing. She twitched the corner of her mouth before continuing to ask, "Is there a more accurate hint?"

A Xing: "Especially edible, does it count?"

Natasha: "..."

[The legend from Natasha...]


"One serving, no, two servings of golden ratio shaomai."

Stark Industries, in front of the red food truck.

Tony looked at [Xie Lu] in the car and placed the order casually.

Turning his head and glancing at the guests around him, Tony nodded lightly: "It looks like business is good."

Immediately afterwards, he closed his eyes, looked at [Xie Lu] who was still silent, and said in a habitual manner: "To be honest, haven't you considered opening a restaurant specifically, and with your cooking strength, if If you open a restaurant, the business will definitely be more popular than it is now. If you are worried about money, I can pay for you to prepare a restaurant for you. All you need to do is bring your own cooking skills. Well, what about my proposal?"

"Your three golden ratio shaomai."

In the face of the superior conditions offered by Tony, [Xie Lu] still maintained his silent character, and placed the baked shaomai in front of the other party, apparently intending to use the shaomai to block the enthusiastic billionaire mouth.

"I have a good heart."

Seeing [Jie Lu] ignoring his proposal as always, Tony couldn't help but pouted.

How to change to other people, dare to take such an attitude towards him, Tony will never make a good face.

But for the [Jie Lu] in front of him, he had no choice. Who told the other party's golden ratio shaomai to be so delicious?

Tony's favorite junk food burger has been pushed to fourth place ever since he tasted the golden ratio siomai.

"I only ordered two."

Looking down, looking at the paper bag with siomai in front of him, Tony couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"There's another for Happy, how is his condition?"

Hearing Tony's words, [Jie Lu] answered without hesitation.

Hearing [Xie Lu]'s words, Tony's expression couldn't help softening a little, and his heart couldn't help but feel a little warmer.

After a period of training, Happy, who was injured in the explosion of the Extremis Virus user, has recovered and returned to his work. Although Tony strongly requested to be promoted for the other party, Happy never agreed to his request and continued to work in his original position.

"Happy recovered well. During his time in the hospital, he even gained a few kilos more than he was before hospitalization."

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, Tony smiled and replied, and subconsciously reached out and folded the paper bag containing the siomai and picked it up.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do it."

However, at this moment, a slightly immature voice suddenly sounded, appearing in Tony's ear.

Hearing this voice, the expression on Tony's face was obvious, and he looked around for a while, and then he saw a black-haired and black-eyed Asian child in front of him, looking at him with an old-fashioned expression.

"Hey boy, are you talking to me?"

Looking at the child in front of him, Tony couldn't help but wonder.

"Of course, is there anyone else here besides you holding shaomai like this?"

Hearing Tony's recovery, the child nodded and said in the tone of a little adult: "The key to shaomai lies in water vapor, especially the golden ratio shaomai made by Master [Xie Lu]. The so-called golden ratio does not only refer to The ratio of the material selection is more about the timing of the siomai coming out of the steamer, which is just right on the scale, and your method of sealing the siomai with a paper bag, although on the surface, it can make the golden ratio siomai. It won't get cold too fast, but in fact, the original perfect taste of shaomai is greatly reduced due to the constant bubbling of heat, and at the same time, the smell of the paper bag penetrates into the shaomai. The biggest damage, having diners like you is simply the biggest blasphemy on the cooking skills of Master [Jie Lu] and the golden ratio shaomai!"

"In my opinion, guys like you and those who don't know how to respect cooking are not qualified to taste the craftsmanship of Master [Jie Lu]."

In front of Tony's face, he said a lot with righteousness and indignation, and then the child turned his head and looked at [Jie Lu] in the fast food restaurant: "[Jie Lu] Master, I suggest you, from now on, don't use it again. Sell ​​siomai to this guy in front of me who doesn't know how to respect your cooking!"

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

Although I don't know the origin of the child who suddenly appeared in front of me, but listening to the other party making a lot of rude remarks in front of him, Tony's mood is obviously not good.

He looked at the annoying little devil in front of him, looked at [Xie Lu] in the fast food truck with a displeased expression, and asked in a bad tone: "Who is this annoying little devil? ?"

Hearing Tony's question, [Xie Lu] looked away from the child in front of him, maintained his personality, and said solemnly: "He is a child who wandered here recently, I think he is pitiful, so I took him in here. Helping in my fast food restaurant, tidying up, and starting, this kid has a talent for cooking."


Hearing [Jie Lu]'s answer, Tony looked at the child in front of him again, and the displeased look in his eyes could not help weakening, and turned into a little pity.

In any case, such a young child was forced to wander, and there must be something he didn't know about.

Thinking of the suffering the other party may have suffered, Tony was silent for a while, and was about to say something.

On the other side, the child spoke again, pointing at Tony in front of him: "Master [Jie Lu], I've been staring at this guy since just now, but he hasn't paid for your shaomai until now, you have to be careful, He eats the king's meal."

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

Sure enough, no matter what the reason is for wandering, it can't change the fact that the kid in front of him is annoying.

Hearing the child's plausible reminder, Tony twitched the corners of his mouth, and managed to suppress the anger that was emerging in his heart.

He, Tony Stark, the dignified billionaire, Iron Man, would be treated like a king's meal.

"[Xie Lu] Master, look, his expression is obviously about to take advantage of the situation and not give money!"

However, just as Tony's anger went down, the annoying kid's voice on the opposite side rang again.

It was successful, allowing the Iron Man to experience the feeling of encountering him as his opponent.

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