Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 458: unexpected encounter

Accompanied by this cold cry.

Under the gazes of everyone in the ruins of St. Van Gonzalo, a strange man in a white speckled suit and a bob appeared in a collapsed ruin wall beside Chang Amir in a strange way that no one expected. superior.


In the ears of Johnny Blazer and others, there was a sound of a zipper swiping, and the man stretched out his hard, slender palm and grabbed the 'Saint' in Chang Amir's hand with lightning speed. The Van Gonzalo Contract' then disappeared into the wall again in its stunned and desperate eyes.

"Do not!"

The whole process seems to be very long to describe, but in fact it only takes less than two or three seconds.

When Chang Emir reacted again, the 'Saint Van Gonzal Contract' that he had held tightly in his hand suddenly disappeared.

Looking at his empty palm, Chang Emil suddenly felt that his last glimmer of hope was also shattered.


Here, Chang Amir is in despair over what happened in the blink of an eye.

On the other side, Johnny Blazer noticed the sound behind him, twisted his head wrapped in hellfire, and then saw the man who stole the 'Saint Van Gonzal Contract' from Chang Amir's hands again with the same way behind them.

With the help of the power of the stand-in, a zipper-like opening was opened on the ground of St. Van Gonza. Bucciarati supported his body with both hands and jumped out of the opening with one hand on his hips and turned his palm to hold his hand. in the 'Contract of St. Van Gonzalo'.

In the face of this man who suddenly appeared and snatched from Chang Amir with a strange ability, the flames in Johnny Blazer's empty eye sockets stirred, and he reached out and grabbed the iron chain in his hand to show his vigilance.

Although the appearance of the opponent successfully prevented Chang Amir's actions, Johnny Blazer still could not determine whether the opponent's position was an enemy or a friend.

"Mr. Bugatti."

However, in contrast to the cautious and vigilant attitude shown by the Ghost Rider, the [Uncle Long] on the other side matched the relieved expression, and greeted him with a familiar face: "Thank you for being in time. It's hard to say how bad the whole situation would have been if we arrived to stop that guy's actions."

"I came over immediately after receiving your call."

Twisting his face, Bugarati looked at the [Uncle Long] in front of him and replied with a light expression on his face, then he looked down at the 'Saint Van Gonzalo Contract' in his hand, and blinked: " Is this what you mean by containment?"

"That's right."

In the face of Bugarati's inquiry, [Uncle Long] nodded hastily: "According to the information obtained so far, the name of the containment is called 'Contract of Saint Van Gonzalo', and it is said that the power in the contract involves demons As for the power of the soul, in short, it is a very troublesome ability."


Hearing [Uncle Long]'s description, Bugarati turned his head and swept over the evil spirit knight in front of him again, raised his finger, and the next moment a blue-gray double emerged from behind him, keeping parallel to it. The action turned to Carter Slay and Johnny Blazer, the two Ghost Riders in front of him.

"Are these two also objects of containment?"

Noticing Bugarati's actions, the flames in the eyes of Johnny Blazer and Carter Slay jumped for a moment.

Under the power of hellfire, the ghost knights could vaguely see a vague humanoid figure appearing behind Bugarati.

A stand-in is an image condensed by the spiritual energy in a (non-) biological body. In short, it is a projection of soul power, and the ability of the Ghost Rider [Eye of Judgment] is precisely aimed at the soul. , so it was not an accident that they were able to see the double behind Bugarati.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Bugatti!"

Seeing that Bucciarati's actions aroused the reaction of Johnny Blazer and the two, [Uncle Long] hurriedly opened his mouth to stop it.

"They are not containment objects, they are just human beings with great power."

"Do you think they look like ordinary people in your mouth?"

[Uncle Long] Although he tried his best to persuade, obviously, his reasons could not stop Bugarati's will to contain.

In other words, this is what Li Ran in the antique shop needs.


He stretched out his slender fingers and gently pulled on his body. With the sound of a zipper being opened, a special mysterious space above Bugarati's body suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes. Stuffing the 'Contract of St. Van Gonzalo' in his hand into the zipper space formed by the stand-in ability and closing it again, Bugarati looked at the Ghost Rider in front of him and pronounced the sentence with an indifferent expression: "Dragon, as the Foundation Containment Specialist, you should be well aware of the Foundation's goals."


In the face of Bugarati's questioning, [Uncle Long]'s face was silent for a while, and then he said: "Contain all things with potential threats."

"and also……"

Under Bugarati's indifferent gaze, [Uncle Long] gritted his teeth and read out a foundation rule.

"Find, contain, and destroy anything or anyone that prevents us from accomplishing the above."

After calmly listening to the Foundation goal that [Uncle Long] recited, Bucciarati looked indifferently at the evil spirit knight in front of him, and continued to say in his unfeeling tone: "You have to remember, dragon, Even the most secure containment items can get out of control, and the Foundation's responsibility is to ensure that these containment items never get out of control. This is the conclusion that countless Foundation members have come to with their lives. Humans can no longer live in fear. in. Nothing can protect us, we have to protect ourselves."

After saying all this, Bugarati no longer paid attention to the reaction of [Uncle Long]. He controlled the clone behind him and skillfully created a zipper on the ground. The whole figure shrank and disappeared directly into Johnny Bray. under Ze's gaze.

"So, what the **** is going on here?"

Looking at Bugarati's figure appearing and disappearing in the ruins of St. Van Gonzalo, the flames in Carter Sley's eyes flickered, and he stretched out his long whip around his waist to protect it in front of him. [Uncle Long] on the side asked.

"Isn't that guy the helper you called? Why did he suddenly attack us again?"

"Mr. Bucciarati wasn't originally like that."

Facing Carter Shire's doubts, [Uncle Long] opened his mouth to explain.

"It's just that the second tactical unit of the Foundation encountered the loss of control of the containment during an operational mission. The containment [Twisted Man] controlled the minds of the members of the unit and completely reversed all their concepts as human beings. In the end, in order to stop these members who lost their human concept, Mr. Bugarati had to decompose and bury them one by one with his own hands. It was precisely because of that accident that Mr. Bugarati became the present. look like this."


"[Twisted Man]!"

Although he is not familiar with the so-called containment in [Uncle Long]'s mouth, from the description in his mouth, Carter Slay can still feel the pain of Bugarati.

But, understanding is one thing, facing is another.

In particular, at the moment, Bugarati has clearly regarded him and Johnny Blazer as the target of attack.

"I'm sorry child, although your explanation made me understand the other party's emotions, but I won't just stand there obediently waiting for the so-called containment, so..."

Reaching out and squeezing the cowboy hat on his head, Carter Slay first apologized to [Uncle Long], then raised the shotgun in his hand and aimed it at St. Van Gonzalo and started firing.

Although it is not clear where Bugarati hid after activating his abilities, Carter Slay, the Ghost Rider, obviously would not sit still and wait for the opponent to come to his door, so he decisively chose to use the Burning Hell Fire bullets to force each other out.

The bullets formed by the fire of **** landed on the ground, and instantly created pits and pits.

"Come out, boy, since you want to contain me, don't hide like a bitch, let's have a face-to-face confrontation."

Carter Srey spoke while firing bullets across the ground.


However, no matter what kind of shooting provocation Carter Slay made, Bugarati didn't seem to have any plans to shoot.


He fired another bullet and blasted a big hole in the wall in front of him. Carter Slay looked at the scene that was still unchanged.

The power of hellfire on him comes from the gift of Johnny Blazer, and there is no cost to consume.


However, the next second Carter Srey stopped his shooting.

With a soft drink, he saw that Bugarati made a zipper from the position where the **** war horse stood, and stuck out his fist to hit the horse's leg accurately.


There was a scream from his mouth, and under the power of the substitute, a zipper appeared on the leg of the **** warhorse that was hit. Opening the zipper was accompanied by the separation of the horse's hoof and the horse's leg. The sudden loss of control directly pushed the heavy body of the warhorse forward. It fell, and even Carter Srey, who was on horseback, lost his balance.


Seeing that Carter Slay was about to fall down with his horse and man, Johnny Blazer immediately waved the chain in his hand and flew towards the location of the previous generation of Ghost Riders.


Johnny Blazer's idea was to help Carter Slay stabilize his falling balance through chains.

However, the hidden Bugarati obviously did not want this scene to happen, and activated the power of the substitute, and Bugarati's figure appeared around the chain of the lasing again, controlling the back of the substitute and said strange "" Ali Ali Ali Ali!" sounded, waving his fists frantically and landing on the chain.


With the attack of the stand-in, the chain in Johnny Blazer's hand was instantly torn apart.

Bang, bang!

With a heavy landing sound, the chains in Johnny Bray's hands were scattered around, and only the top part of his hand remained a little longer.

On the other side, after using the power of the stand-in to split the chain, Bugarati used his ability again to move to the fallen Carter Srey and the Hell War Horse Gang, using the power of the stand-in to create a half-sized zipper The space allows part of the horse's body to sink into the zipper space.


The space created by the avatar ability Steel Chain Fingers (StickyFingers) is a very special space that does not overlap with reality. Bugarati even used this ability to hide his entire person in another person's body. But didn't notice it at all.

"Old boy!"

Shaking his head for a while, the impact of falling from the horse's back was obviously not too much damage to Carter Srey, who was transformed into Ghost Rider.

He supported his body to stand up, and his empty eyes quickly saw the situation of the **** warhorse.

Taking his own steps, Carter Shire was about to step forward to rescue the war horse.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do it."

With an indifferent reminder, Bugarati stuck out his body through the zipper made by the warhorse.

"As soon as I remove the ability of the Steel Fingers (StickyFingers), your horse will be cut in half directly under the force of the zipper combination."

Hearing Bugarati's reminder, Carter Shire subconsciously stopped his steps.

He looked at the sunk body of the **** warhorse, and sure enough, at one end of the opening, he saw a zipper-like item appearing there.


In the face of Bugarati's threat, the originally struggling **** warhorse spewed two flames from its nostrils, and responded to Zhuan Carter Srey with the sound of a horse's sound with its boneless head.


From the chirping sound of the Carter Sley knew the opponent's will to let him not take into account the shot.

However, looking down at the **** warhorse that had been completely controlled by Bugarati, the flames in Carter Sley's eyes flickered, and he finally chose to obey Bugarati's request.

"Sorry, old man."

Bowing his head and swept over the **** warhorse lying on top of the ruins, there was an apologetic flash on Carter Slay's skeleton face wrapped in flames.

"You have suffered too much during this time, and I can't let you suffer more for me."

"Well, it looks like you won, and I choose to surrender."

Raised his hands, facing the Bugarati in front of him.

With the sound of Carter Slay's surrender, the fire of **** that was originally wrapped around him was extinguished immediately, revealing the old white face again.

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