Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 459: Chainfinger vs Ghost Rider

"Stand there and don't move!"

Looking at Carter Slay who continued to walk forward while surrendering, Bugarati couldn't help but be vigilant.

"Actually you don't need to do that."

Stopping his footsteps, Carter Slay put his eyes on the **** warhorse controlled by Bugarati, and said with a wry smile: "Now I have no threat to you."

The power of the hellfire on Carter Slay was no longer enough to support him to become a Ghost Rider, which means that as he gave up his own power, he had completely lost his identity as a Ghost Rider.

With the weakening of the hellfire power on Carter Shire, the **** warhorse on the other side gradually turned from its original skeleton into a dark horse composed of flesh and blood.

"The foundation's principle, any containment is a dangerous existence, no matter how harmless it is before the anomaly, you can't let your guard down. the norm.”

Controlling the avatar to draw a long zipper in front of Carter Srey, Bugarati used his icy tone to describe.

"However, I have now lost the power of the Ghost Rider. I am just an ordinary person, and there is no harm in it."

"It doesn't matter if you are harmful or not. This point can only be concluded after the Foundation's judgment. Contained objects are very deceptive, and the Foundation's containment process is always full of those who are good at it. The disguised containment has deceptively induced the Foundation. [The Twisted Man] is the most obvious example. An ordinary black man in appearance can constantly distort the will and even the values ​​​​of the conversation he is talking to. I have already paid the price for this and will never let this happen again."


After saying all this, Bugarati swept the **** horse under him indifferently, and controlled the substitute to grab a broken stone on the ground and start beating frantically.

"Ali Ali Ali Ali!"

Under the power of the stand-in, the entire stone was directly turned into an irregular object wrapped around a large number of zippers by Bugarati.

Reaching out and pulling the zipper wrapped around the stone several times, in an instant I saw that the originally hard and complete stone became a crooked zipper rope under the action of the zipper.

Flicking one end of the zipper and wrapping it around Carter Slay who was in front of him, Bugarati wrapped the other end around the neck of the warhorse, and said in a tone without the slightest hesitation: "Now I have used the steel chain finger The power turns the stone into a rope, but as long as you act a little rashly, I will cancel the double power applied to the stone, and the stone that loses the zipper will shrink in an instant, killing you and your horse. Cut into pieces."

With an almost grim voice, he explained clearly what Carter Slay might encounter next. Bucciarati turned his head and swept over Johnny Blazer, who was still maintaining his Ghost Rider attitude, and immediately put away his body and entered again. to the special space created by the zipper.

"Carter Slay!"

Looking down at the chain that he had been dismantled by Bugarati, Johnny Blazer looked at the previous generation of Ghost Rider controlled by him, and couldn't help shouting.

"Don't mind me, boy."

Gently twisting his body, feeling the sharp cut from his own zipper, Carter Slay shook his head at Johnny Blazer: "It's all my own choice, I've made it all my life. There are too many people who have been hurt. Maybe entering the foundation is a relief for me, a chance to redeem my sins. Instead, it is you kid. Your life has just begun, but don't give up like me. ."

"Aaron, is this what you call the Foundation's helper?"

Under the situation in front of him, Dad also spoke at the right time to add some scenes to himself.

"I didn't expect the situation to turn into what it is now, Dad."

In this regard, [Uncle Long] naturally gave a bitter face and said: "I didn't expect the previous accident to have such a great impact on Mr. Bugarati. I knew that I would choose to contact the members of the third team to deal with it. It's over."

"It's too late to say anything now, Aaron. You'd better think about what to do if both of them are contained by the Foundation."

"If this is the case, I can only go and explain the situation to Mr. Polsalino, but Mr. Polsalino, ah, unlucky, unlucky, why did I encounter such a change, maybe at the beginning I shouldn't have promised you to find the object of the prophecy."

"What, Aaron, are you blaming Dad for me?"

"How is it possible, Dad, I just said it casually."

On this side, the quarrel between Dad and [Uncle Long] kept ringing, while the flames in Johnny Blazer's eyes on the other side kept flickering.

Through the flickering flames, Johnny Blazer directly activated the ability of his [Eye of Judgment] to sweep the surrounding ruins of St. Van Gonzalo.

However, as said before, the ability of the steel chain fingers forms a special space, and the [Eye of Judgment] obviously does not have the ability to see through.

Realizing that he could not find the hidden Bugarati through the ability of the [Eye of Judgment], Johnny Blazer decisively changed his method. On the ground, in the next instant, a large amount of hellfire emerged from his hands, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a sea of ​​flames around it.

Unlike Carter Slay, as a new generation of Ghost Rider, Johnny Blazer is not afraid of the consumption of hellfire at all.

Since it is impossible to find the hidden Bugarati, then directly use the fire of **** to isolate the possibility of the other party getting close to him.

Standing in the middle of the sea of ​​fire formed by the fire of hell, Johnny Blazer's entire figure looks more like a demon than Black Heart.

"What a crazy guy."

Carter Slay, who was controlled by the zipper not far away, couldn't help showing a helpless expression when he saw the method used by Johnny Blazer.

The high temperature generated by a large number of flames not only burned the ground of the ruins of St. Van Gonzalo to a charred black color, but obviously also greatly restricted the approach of Bugarati.

Although the ability of the steel chain fingers allows Bugarati to freely create zippers on objects that can freely enter and exit, but it does not have the ability to fire, especially this flame comes from the hellfire of Ghost Rider.

The situation in front of him seemed to be in a stalemate.

The sea of ​​fire created by Johnny Blazer blocked Bugarati's next attack.

"Mr. Bugatti!"

Seeing this scene, [Uncle Long] spoke at the right time and made a persuasive move: "Maybe we should all give in, the Ghost Rider is not the object that the Foundation must contain, the 'Contract of St. Van Gonzalo' is the choice. Objects that need urgent treatment, instead of attacking each other here, it is better to end this battle. I am about to guarantee that Ghost Rider will not be out of control like those containment objects we have come into contact with in the past, so please Buga Mr. Lati, you can temporarily give up the attack, and I will explain the situation to the Foundation members later."


[Uncle Long] showed a sincere attitude, but his words did not have any effect.

But, at this moment, Black Heart, who had been lying beside him without making a sound, suddenly stood up, and with his blood-red eyes, he swept over Johnny Blazer, who was surrounded by layers of fire, and moved without hesitation. His footsteps rushed into the sea of ​​​​fire.


The terrifying high temperature of the fire of **** burned Hei Xin's body in an instant.

Such a violent temperature, even a demon's black heart could not bear it. A large number of charred marks appeared on its body, and at the same time, a foul smell was emitted along with the burning of the body. Although the powerful self-healing ability began to play a role in the first time, it was obviously not enough to resist the destruction of hellfire.

There was a shrill scream in his mouth, obviously the fire of **** had caused huge damage to the body, but the black heart's footsteps were still walking in the direction of Johnny Blazer step by step, as if the shrill voice in his mouth. It was not the devil himself that screamed.

Black Heart's abnormal move made the flames in Johnny Blazer's eyes throb.

"It's Mr. Bugatti!"

On the other side, [Uncle Long] cooperated with exclamations, and saw the black heart rushing into the fire of **** to break the key.

As the voice of [Uncle Long] fell, a zipper appeared out of thin air on the screaming black heart's chest, and when the zipper was opened, it was Bucciarati's indifferent face.

He actually penetrated into Hei Xin's body through the ability of his steel chain fingers, and used this demon as his fireproof suit to resist the sea of ​​fire to get close to Johnny Blaze.

"What, the use of this ability is simply..."

Looking at Bugarati's series of unrestrained abilities, even Carter Sley, his opponent, couldn't help but sigh.

Compared with Bucciarati's use of the steel chain finger ability, his use of the Hellfire ability by the former Ghost Rider is simply unbearable to look at, but he used to be complacent about it.

Pulling the zipper to isolate himself from the damage of the fire of hell, Bugarati controlled Blackheart's body to keep approaching Johnny Blazer's position, and finally came to the Ghost Rider. During this section of the journey, **** The terrifying high temperature of the fire has caused huge damage to the black heart as a demon. Such a terrible power of flame, even for the black heart with a demonic physique, is a kind of torment that is worse than death.

The thorns on the back were directly destroyed by the burning of the fire of hell, and Black Heart turned his head, which showed black flesh and blood under the flames, to target the Evil Knight. In the next instant, a zipper running through his forehead appeared from Black Heart's body. When he came out, he opened the zipper and Bugarati's entire body protruded out of Heixin's body as if he was undressing.


As he came out, the stand-in behind Bugarati also waved his fist and attacked the Ghost Rider in front of him without hesitation.

"You got Fooled!"

Under the ability of the [Eye of Judgment], Johnny Blazer could vaguely see the stand-in figure emerging behind Bugarati.

However, in the face of the attack launched by the substitute, the flames in the empty eye sockets of the Ghost Rider immediately stirred, and with the hoarse voice from the skeleton's mouth, the original burning sea of ​​flames was instantly extinguished.

And Johnny Blazer waved the half iron chain in his hand, and controlled the iron chains on the surrounding ground that were disintegrated by the ability of the steel chain fingers to be reassembled immediately under the effect of the ability of hellfire, and quickly reassembled with lightning speed. The momentum of the ear wrapped around Bugarati in front of him.

"look into my eyes!"

Grabbing Bugarati with an iron chain, Johnny Blazer activated his most powerful ability as a Ghost Rider [Eye of Judgment] without any hesitation in an attempt to judge the opponent through this method.


Facing the ability of the [Eye of Judgment] used by Johnny Blazer, although Bugarati knew that there was restraint in his body, he chose to use another method to avoid this attack.

With a low growl in his mouth, the stand-in who had attacked the Ghost Rider turned his body, and in the next instant, he smashed his fist into Bugarati's own body when no one expected it. body.


As the avatar's fist fell on his neck, Bugarati let out a muffled sound, and pulled the zipper on his neck to fold back the head that was originally facing Johnny Blazer's skeleton face, so that no one else had. The expected method avoided the judgment of the [Eye of Judgment].

At the same time, the ability of the steel chain fingers fell on the iron chain wrapped around the Bugarati, and a long zipper was drawn directly. Pulling the zipper, the iron chains that were originally tightly wrapped around the body were directly separated into in two halves.

"Cough cough..."

Falling to the ground, Bucciarati pulled the zipper on his neck to put the folded head back on his neck, stretched out his hand to support his neck, and looked at Johnny Blazer in front of him.

"I didn't expect you to come up with such a way to avoid the [Eye of Judgment]!"

The method of making a zipper around the neck and opening the head to avoid looking at each other is an unimaginable method even for Ghost Rider.

Although, this method will only work for Bucgaratis with steel chain finger abilities.

"My judgment is indeed Even as a containment, you are quite dangerous."

Because of the [Eye of Judgment], Bugarati no longer looked up and made eye contact with the Ghost Rider. He lowered his head and said in a positive tone.

"My danger is only for the wicked and those who attack me. Now that you can't even look at me, how can you contain me? In fact, we are not opponents, as long as you let go of the controlled ones. Carter Slay, I can..."

"Who said I can't do anything, just look at the situation around you."

Facing the question from the Ghost Rider, Bugarati interrupted directly.

With Bugarati's reminder, Johnny Blazer lowered his head subconsciously, and saw that he did not know when he had been surrounded by a circle of zippers created by Bugarati using the power of the substitute. in the center.


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