Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 460: Mantis catching cicadas

Ali Ali Ali Ali! "

As Bugarati's voice sounded, the gray and blue double appeared outside the encirclement formed by the zipper around the Ghost Rider, raising his fist to the ground is a crazy punch.

In an instant, under the influence of the stand-in ability, Johnny Blazer began to show a soft touch like cloth. The Ghost Rider standing in the center swayed his body and tried to support his movements, while Bugarati did not hesitate at all. Stepping forward, he grabbed the golden zipper head and swiped it hard. In an instant, there was an ear-piercing screeching sound, and the entire ground sank down like a huge hole, revealing the zipper's alien space environment underneath.

"Boy, use the iron chain quickly!"

Seeing Johnny Blazer who was in crisis under Bugarati's attack, Carter Slay instinctively twisted his body, but the sharp touch from his neck immediately stopped his movement.

Looking at Johnny Blazer who was sliding down the zipper space, Carter Slay shouted a warning without hesitation.

"By the way, chains!"

Hearing the reminder from Carter Slay, the flame in Johnny Blazer's hollow eye sockets immediately stirred, and the bone claws that grabbed the chain slammed out the chain in his hand.


The iron chain wrapped around the fire of **** flew out of the zipper space formed by the avatar ability at an extremely fast speed.

However, just a second before the chain flew out, Bugarati's figure suddenly appeared on the other end of the chain.


Looking at Bugarati standing in front of the chain, the flames in Johnny Blazer's eyes violently stirred.

Bugarati, on the other hand, turned his body sideways on his hips and looked at the iron chains blazing in front of him, and shouted in a cold voice with no expression on his face.


The avatar behind him slammed his fist on the chain accurately. Under the sound of a zipper, the fast-flying chain was instantly split into two separate chains by the avatar's ability.

At the same time, Johnny Blazer's hope of breaking free was also lost because of Bugarati's blocking, and as the ground supported by him sank, the entire body of the Ghost Rider also fell into the zipper made by the stand-in. in space.

Stab it!

Seeing that the Ghost Rider was trapped in the zipper, Bugarati immediately raised his finger and swiped the zipper without the slightest hesitation, and pulled the zipper up again.

With the disappearance of the stand-in ability, Ghost Rider's entire body was trapped.


Looking at Johnny Blazer trapped in the space, Bugarati's originally expressionless face could not help showing a hint of relief. Obviously, the battle with the Ghost Rider was also a big deal for him. challenge. In particular, the ability of the avatar of the steel chain finger is not too strong in frontal combat. The reason why Bugarati can trap or hurt the opponent through this ability depends on his ability to use the avatar ability.

"Aaron, what are you doing?"

Here, Bugarati has just ended the battle.

On the other side, the old man has already opened his mouth to take over the next words, and blamed [Uncle Long] who was on the side with a speechless expression.

"The helper called in didn't do anything serious. Instead, he solved all the teammates."

"I didn't expect things to develop into such an old man."

Facing his father's rebuke, [Uncle Long] seemed to know that he was right, and replied with a bitter face.

"Forget it, these guys in your foundation are a bunch of guys who have been distracted by the containment. It seems that the next thing still needs Dad and me..."

Originally, in Li Ran's plan, no matter whether the final result was that Bugarati succeeded in capturing the Ghost Rider or failed, the father and even the other side, Chang Emir, would take action to bring the incident to a smooth end.

Therefore, while talking, Dad raised the dried puffer fish in his hand and wanted to shoot.

However, just one second before Dad was about to cast his 'magic', the shadow of the ghost-faced Harley locomotive driven by Johnny Blazer not far from the crowd suddenly appeared irregular beating and twisting.


In the antique shop, Li Ran sensed the strangeness of the scene from the sharp touch of the magic power on the opposite side of the high priest in the [Scarab Seal], and immediately stopped the movement of his father's hand and watched the change.

"Be careful, Aaron."

Of course, although he stopped his 'magic', the father still faithfully reminded everyone in St. Van Gonzane.

"Dad has an ominous premonition that something big may happen next."


Hearing Dad's reminder, the expression on [Uncle Long]'s face changed.

At the same time, Bugarati also cooperated to make a vigilant expression, and his eyes swept across the ruins around Santa Fanganza and quickly locked onto the strange shadow of Ghost Face Harley.

Under Bugarati's gaze, the shadows under the Harley locomotive were twisted and condensed, and soon turned into a dark figure in front of him, and then these shadows began to change shape and gradually revealed a A middle-aged man wearing a black trench coat with a half-smile expression.


Looking at the man who appeared from the shadows, Carter Shire couldn't help but shouted.

The figure that appeared in St. Van Gonzalo was the lord of hell, Mephistopheles, and the demon who once signed a contract with Carter Srey to turn him into a Ghost Rider.

"Mephisto, the legendary **** lord!"

Facing the name that appeared in Carter Sley's mouth, Dad immediately showed an indescribable surprise.

"Unlucky, unlucky, unlucky!"

At the same time, [Uncle Long] on the other side also made a hapless expression: "How come another **** lord came out so well."

"It's been a long time, Carter Slay."

Hearing Carter Sley's exclamation, Mephistopheles turned his face and looked at Carter Sley, who was entangled in the zipper. He curled the corners of his mouth and said hello in a familiar tone as if he was meeting an old friend. .

"Since you disappeared, I have been looking for your traces. Obviously we used to get along so happily, your last move really hurt my heart."

"Do you think I'll believe you, Mephistopheles, a devil's conscience."

In the face of Mephisto's description, Carter Sley did not hesitate to dismantle his clothes.

"It was only after I left you that I found out what I had done before under your bewitchment."

"It seems that we have different understandings of the past experience." Facing Carter Slay's rhetorical question, Mephistopheles grinned, and the expression on his face still did not change much. He reached out and touched his collar, and said in his usual relaxed tone: "However, it doesn't matter, I have forgiven you, because soon your soul will fall into my hands according to the content of the contract, and then we will There is time to have a good discussion of these things.”

After flicking his collar, Mephistopheles ignored Carter Slay's reaction. He turned his head and quickly noticed the black heart lying on the ground.

The damage caused by the fire of **** to the black heart is extremely huge. Even with the powerful physique and self-healing ability of the devil, it is still unable to restore the injured body in a short time.

"To be honest, I'm a little disappointed by your expression, my son."

Stepping forward, in front of Hei Xin, Mephistopheles looked down at the son who betrayed him, and an indifferent color flashed in his dark pupils.

"I don't have too many surprises about your betrayal. As a demon, betrayal is not something to be ashamed of. On the contrary, I am looking forward to your betrayal to bring me a little different challenge or surprise, which is why One of the reasons I condone your escape from hell..."

He stretched out his palm and grabbed the black heart on the ground lightly. With the flash of an evil magic power, the black heart that was lying down was immediately grabbed by the invisible force in Mephisto's hand.

Looking directly at the scarred demon, Mephisto's tone did not change in the slightest: "Unfortunately, everything you have done has disappointed me too much, you have power but no evil brain to match it, It seems that life in **** makes you forget that the main thing about being a demon is not power but evil intelligence."

"Give me another chance, Father."

Opening his blood-red eyes, the black heart looked at Mephistopheles in front of him, feeling the powerful power on his body, and couldn't help but plead.

"I won't betray you again."

"Looks like you still don't understand what I mean, black heart."

Shaking his head gently, Mephistopheles grabbed Hei Xin's palm and squeezed it in the void, and the sound of a large number of bones shattering from the demon in front of him continued to sound.

With these broken voices, Mephistopheles explained slowly in a friendly tone: "I don't care about your betrayal, what I care about is the failure of your betrayal."


With the sound of breaking in the body, the original huge body of Black Heart began to distort and deform under the power of Mephistopheles.


Seeing that the demon was about to complete the act of clearing the portal, Bugarati, who had been silent since Mephisto appeared, suddenly shot, controlled the substitute and waved his fist and landed on Heixin in mid-air.

With the sound of "Ali Ali Ali" in the air, Hei Xin's entire body was directly disassembled and fell to the ground.

Because of the particularity of the zipper ability, although these bodies were separated, they still remained active.

"Quite interesting ability."

Looking down, looking at the black heart disassembled into scattered bodies by the zipper, Mephistopheles put away his palms and turned his head to look at Bugarati not far away and the stand-in behind him with his dark eyes.

As a demon lord who plays with the soul, Mephisto can naturally see the substitute formed by the projection of the soul on Bugarati.

His eyes stopped for a moment on the gray and blue humanoid figure with a huge zipper hanging around his waist, and the smile on the corner of Mephisto's mouth became even more obvious.

"Your ability is more interesting than I thought. It actually involves the change of the soul. If you can get your soul to study this strange ability, or you can get some interesting things from it."

The ability of the substitute comes from the projection of psychic ability to the soul, which is undoubtedly a huge temptation for the demon Mephistopheles who studies the soul.

"Looks like I'm blaming you a little wrong, black heart."

Looking at Bugarati in front of him, Mephistopheles took another look at the black heart that turned into scattered bodies on the ground: "Although your betrayal is not worth mentioning, it has brought me a lot of unexpected surprises, whether it is To find out the 'Contract of St. Van Gonzalo' again, it is the existence that involves the special soul in front of us."

"Because you have brought me a lot of surprises, maybe I can take it a little later and simply torture your soul."

Speaking out the painful punishment in an understatement, Mephistopheles looked at Bugarati who was like an enemy in front of him, stretched out his hand and flicked on the collar of his coat, and the next moment his entire figure was like a A phantom appeared beside Bugarati.


Looking at the demon who moved to his side in the blink of an eye, the icy expression on Bucciarati's face couldn't help but change, and he instinctively controlled the stand behind him and waved his fist in the direction of Mephistopheles. hit go.

"Ali Ali Ali Ali!"


He raised his palm and created an invisible magical barrier in front of him to block all the attacks of the substitute.

While feeling the power of the avatar, Mephistopheles said softly with the same expression: "Although your power is interesting, it is just interesting."

"Sure enough, are they too different from each other?"

Inside the antique shop, Li Ran was not too surprised by such a result.

After No matter how special the performance ability is, Bugarati is only a C-level character card. Compared with Mephistopheles, who is powerful enough to be comparable to the A-level character card ability, there is no such thing at all. comparability.


Feeling the huge gap in strength between each other, Bugarati gave up his plan to continue the fight, and wanted to get out of the fight by hitting the ground to make a zipper.

"Do you think you can escape?"

However, in the face of Bugarati who was trying to evacuate from the battle, Mephistopheles just flipped his palm lightly and easily pulled Bugarati, who had already entered the zipper space, out of the zipper space. .

"Now, I want the 'Saint Van Gonzal Contract' in your body, and that special soul as a trophy."

Looking at Bugarati who was struggling in the air in front of him, Mephistopheles pronounced the sentence in a natural tone.

"The Eight Tatar Mirrors!"

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