Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 531: Chaos Insurgency

"[Holy Master]!"

The violent lightning reflected Sol's entire body as dazzling as the sun, waving the Thor's Hammer in his hand, the gathering of a large amount of lightning power was difficult even for Sol to wave.

Grinning his teeth and moving the hammer with difficulty, Sol looked down at the [Holy Master] on the sea and roared.

"Feel the wrath of Thunder!"

With Thor's roar, the violent lightning power condensed on Thor's Hammer seemed to find an outlet in an instant, forming an unprecedented huge thunder in mid-air, smashing towards the [Holy Lord] on the sea.


In the sky, a deafening roar sounded only after the thunder flashed for a few seconds.

"Did you make it?"

On the land in the distance, the Stone Man squinted at the violent lightning flashing like a group of snakes on the sea.

In such a terrifying situation, even the stone man with his own amazing defensive ability would not dare to take risks easily.

"It's still uncertain, but the power of Sol's lightning strike is far beyond what nature can produce, and it may really be able to kill this monster."

Retracting his outstretched arms, Mr. Fantastic Ridra stretched his neck and looked up at the scene on the coast, muttering in his mouth.


Compared with Reed's somewhat primitive detection methods, Tony appears to be much more modern.

With his order in Mark50, Jarvis immediately locked the situation on the sea through the satellite launched by Stark Industries in the sky.

A few seconds later, a clear photo of the [Holy Lord] appeared in front of him.

In the picture, the [Holy Master] stood motionless on the sea surface, and the charred scars on his huge body were obviously bigger.

Apparently, the violent force generated by Thor's powerful thunder force charred the cells of his body in an instant.

"It seems that Saul's blow, even if he didn't kill the [Holy Master], made him seriously injured."

Looking at the picture presented in the photo, Tony couldn't help showing a hint of joy on his face.

"Sir, something is not right."

However, before Tony's inner emotions were fully revealed, Jarvis' voice interrupted him from inside Mark50.

Immediately afterwards, more photos from satellites appeared in front of his eyes.

It can be clearly seen in these photos that the charred part of the [Holy Lord] is rapidly healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Naive, do you really think that you can destroy the Holy Master with such an attack alone?"

At this moment, a voice very familiar to the Avengers rang.


Hearing this voice, Banner turned his head subconsciously, and saw the old man wearing his iconic yellow vest came to the location of the Avengers under the motorcycle of [Uncle Long], got off the motorcycle, the old man Looking at the huge body of the [Holy Master] on the sea, he muttered: "If the [Holy Master] was so easy to defeat, the immortals would not choose to spend their energy to seal it and separate the power within the [Holy Master]. ."

"If I'm not mistaken, what the [Holy Master] is using at this moment should be the magic of [Horse Charm], the magic power of a horse with healing power, which can make the bearer remove all abnormal effects caused by external forces in the body. It can cure all diseases and injuries on the user's body, and can remove the negative effects of the body, but it must be held continuously to eliminate it for a long time. In addition, it can repair any damaged objects and restore any defective objects to the most complete, It can cure all diseases.”

While talking, the old man turned his head and glanced at [Uncle Long] behind him: "Although the scp foundation has contained a lot of spells that are the source of [Holy Lord]'s power, it obviously did not contain the [horse spell]. "

"The mantra is not so easy to contain, especially when the [Holy Master] is also looking for it."

In the face of his father's accusation [Uncle Long] immediately opened his mouth to make a defense.

"The only thing that is fortunate now is that [Holy Master] has not found all twelve spells, especially the few spells that have been contained by the scp foundation, so that the resurrected [Holy Master] at this moment is not the strongest great state."

"Not the most powerful state."

Listening to his father's description, Scott Lang turned his head and glanced at the huge body of the [Holy Master] on the sea, and couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth: "You said this joke, but it's not funny at all. ."

"Mr. Long, I'm sorry."

Holding a shield in front of the two, Steve's eyes stopped on [Uncle Long] for a while, and then he spoke silently.

The apology in his mouth naturally refers to the fight between the Avengers and the SCP Foundation.

Although the result of the battle ended in the annihilation of the Avengers, it was precisely because of their actions that the SCP Foundation failed to contain the [Holy Lord].

"Steve, you don't need this, I understand your position, although I regret the problem between the Avengers and the scp foundation, but now is not the time to talk about this, and I am not taking scp now as a Foundation containment specialist."

After saying [Uncle Long], he turned to look at the old man in front of him, and asked, "Dad, is there really nothing that can be done?"

"Who do you think Dad is, is it an archmage, or is it a legendary immortal, in order to be able to seal [Holy Lord] Dad, I even donated the last dried cobra that I treasured, who knows that your scp foundation is the key Always drop the chain for my father. If I did not listen to my advice, the [Holy Master] mentioned that the recovery and containment failed, and now I have taken my father to such a dangerous place. Do you want to ask my father to mention it to see the master? Aaron!"

"In the current situation, even if we want to escape, there is no way, Dad, just because you once sealed the [Holy Lord] into a stone statue, the [Holy Lord] will not let us easily."

"Dad shouldn't have promised you to help with the spell."

Hearing [Uncle Long]'s reminder, Dad turned to look at [Holy Master] on the sea and shouted with a headache.

"You've been miserable this time, Aaron."

"Dad, it's up to you."

In this regard, [Uncle Long] has an expression that is not surprising.

Boom boom boom!

Here, just when Dad was thinking hard.

In a low whistle, a red sports car drove in the direction of the Avengers at a very fast speed.

"This is?!"

Looking at this fast-moving red Mazda RX-8 sports car, the expression on [Uncle Long]'s face changed obviously, and Natasha, who was beside him, saw it.


Under the skilled driving skills, the sports car easily avoided the wreckage of fighter planes scattered around the road, and finally stopped in front of the Avengers with a handsome drift accompanied by the harsh tire friction.

Opening the car door, a blond white man in a white suit got out of the sports car, raised his hand and lit a cigarette, put it in his mouth, swept the mouths of the people in front of him and stopped on [Uncle Long], grinning. Showing a bright smile, he waved his hand and said, "Meet again, Long, what a pleasant encounter."

"I don't think so, Jack Simon."

However, in the face of the warm greeting from the white man, the expression on [Uncle Long]'s face became obviously a little more complicated.

"Don't be so cold, Dragon."

Regarding [Uncle Long]'s indifferent attitude, the man called Jack Simon seemed unaffected and still said with a smile: "Anyway, we used to be teammates who fought side by side in the scp foundation, although Now they belong to different organizations, but the relationship between us should not end because of this trivial matter. On the contrary, we can become bridges within the organization and take care of each other in this dangerous world. This is great friendship."

"I don't think there is any friendship with those who betrayed the scp foundation. It is precisely because of your rebellion that the scp foundation suffered heavy losses, and it has not fully recovered until now."


On the side, Natasha's eyes flickered when she heard about the unknown secret inside the SCP Foundation revealed from the mouth of [Uncle Long].

"Don't be so serious, Aaron."

In the face of [Uncle Long]'s questioning, Jack Simon still had a hippie smile on his face, he stretched out his hand and flicked his cigarette: "I always think that the main reason for that incident is that we and the SCP Foundation Committee The 'separatists' secretly established by the committee to accomplish ethically unethical tasks or deal with unpleasant political issues, thereby keeping the foundation's public reputation clean."

"In the beginning, we did not object to this. The purpose of the scp foundation is to contain anomalies and ensure the safety of human beings, so we have always believed that our actions, no matter how dirty, have bright results. Until Akainu-sama understands that no matter how hard the 'Insurgents' perform their tasks, the containment is like a locust that cannot be eliminated. , no matter how hard the scp foundation works, it still can't eliminate the threat posed by the shelter, so Akainu-sama made a decision, just like the name of the secret group, the 'splitters' broke away from the scp foundation and became 'Chaos Insurgency', we've decided to have our own way of dealing with a world increasingly threatened by anomalies, rather than surreptitiously hiding from the sun like the scp foundation."


In the face of Jack Simon's eloquent elaboration, [Uncle Long] was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "Because of your rebellion, a large number of members of the SCP Foundation have suffered casualties, including those who once fought side by side with us. teammate."

"I'm sorry, Dragon."

Bowing his head and taking a breath of cigarettes silently, Jack Simon frowned, showing an expression of obvious disgust: "But this is an essential sacrifice, for a brighter future."

"Join us, Dragon, as a containment expert, you should know better than me the threat of containment to this world."

Saying that, Jack Simon extinguished the cigarette in his hand, lit it again with a look of disgust, and stretched out his palm towards [Uncle Long] to sincerely invite him.

"I don't have your lofty ideals, Jack Simon, and it's impossible for me to join an organization like the Chaos Insurgency."

"That's a pity, Dragon."

Facing [Uncle Long]'s refusal, Jack Simon shrugged, but there was no surprise on his face. It was obvious that he would have such a reaction.

"However, I don't think you will stop me from containing the [Holy Lord]. After all, the SCP Foundation's containment of it has failed before, and it has not been very happy with the United States and the Avengers."

In response to Jack Simon's apparently gloating tone, [Uncle Long] was silent for a while, then turned his head to glance at the [Holy Master] who was constantly fighting with Thor amid the lightning and thunder on the sea. In the end, he didn't do anything, just He said silently: "This time I am not here as a member of the SCP Foundation."


Hearing [Uncle Long]'s answer, Jack Simon raised his eyebrows knowingly.

Here, Natasha silently kept [Uncle Long] and Jack Simon in her heart, and while digesting the information, she secretly muttered the name of the obviously meaningful organization "Chaos Insurgent" in her heart.

From Jack Simon's description, the 'Chaos Insurgency' is obviously a mysterious organization different from the SCP Foundation.

"I figured it out!"

And just when Natasha was about to obtain more information, the old man who had been thinking hard suddenly patted his forehead and shouted suddenly.

"I have thought of a way to deal with the [Holy Master]!"


Dad's cry, whether it's Tony Natasha's key Avengers superhero, or even Jack Simon, who just appeared, couldn't help but look over.

Facing everyone's eyes with different expressions Dad said excitedly.

"The key lies in the [Tiger Charm]!"

"[Tiger Charm]?"

Hearing the familiar [Charm] that came out of Dad's mouth, Tony couldn't help but say: "If I remember correctly, the [Tiger Charm] was not successfully contained and brought by Mr. Long with the help of Mr. Long before. Back to the scp foundation for containment."

"It is because of this that we have the possibility to defeat the [Holy Lord]."

After taking Tony's words, the old man turned his head and glanced at the huge body of the [Holy Master] on the sea: "[Tiger Charm] represents the harmonious magic power of yin and yang balance. 】It is a very important spell in itself. Mastering the power of the 【Tiger Charm】, the 【Holy Master】 can perfectly use the rest of the spell power in his body without conflict. Now the 【Tiger Charm】 is contained by the scp foundation. , [Holy Master] does not have the balance of [Tiger Charm] in his body, which is the key to our victory over it!"

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