Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 532: Anti-Master Armor II




On the sea, Thor's hammer of Thor wielded like a flash of lightning, constantly attacking the [Holy Lord].

The violent lightning slashed on the huge body of the [Holy Lord], leaving a trail of charred damage, but in just a few seconds, these seemingly serious scorched marks would be accompanied by the powerful self-healing of the [Holy Lord]. Ability is restored.


He raised his head and let out a deafening roar, and the [Holy Master] used his scarlet eyes to aim at Thor in the thunder, and roared: "I am an immortal demon, you can't kill me at all!"

Roaring, the [Holy Master] opened his **** mouth, and instantly condensed a mass of hot flames and shot towards Sol.

【Plasma Fireball】

The sky-high flames reflected the entire sea in a crimson color. With the Thor's Hammer in his hand, he resisted the attack of the [Plasma Fireball]. Sol gasped slightly during the thunderbolt, and the original bright magic mark on Thor's Hammer could not help but dim. a bit.

The unblocking power that Odin gave Thor's Hammer is not endless. As well as that powerful healing ability, the damage caused by each of his attacks seems to be in vain.

After going down several times in a row, even Sol, who was determined to fight, couldn't help but feel a little shaken in his heart.

Can you really defeat a monster like the [Holy Lord]?


"Huh, I hope everything goes well."

Controlling the Mark50 to fly towards the sea where the [Holy Lord] is located, Tony stopped his movements and landed on the ground. The words that Dad just said came to his mind, and he took a deep breath and put his hands in his hands. Carefully placed Scott Lang's thing under the ground, and then pressed the device on his chest.


"Be careful, sir."

With Jarvis' reminder, Tony controlled the Mark50 to fly backwards for dozens of meters.

Then, in a huge rumbling sound, I saw that the original toy-sized mechanical device continued to grow in size within a few seconds, crushing the nearby ground and even trees, and finally transformed into a full hundred meters. A tall and huge steel armor stood in front of Tony.

The eye-catching red and yellow color scheme is like most of Tony's steel battle suits. The difference is that this huge steel armor has no obvious boss device. Compared with the Mark series used by Tony before, the square shape is particularly bulky, of course. It also has a huge sense of impact, especially the huge firing muzzle on the chest, which almost occupies a quarter of the entire armor.

【Anti-Holy Master Armor II】

This is Tony's plan after the resurrection of the Statue of Liberty incident and after he learned that the [Holy Lord] will be resurrected. With the help of Ultron Banner and Mr. Fantastic Reed, he finally created this It can be called a huge steel armor [Anti-Holy Master Armor II], and this [Anti-Holy Master Armor II] is also the largest armor that Tony has built so far.

The cost is almost the same as that of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. Without the assistance of the powerful capital behind Stark Industries, even Tony would not be able to complete the manufacture of this steel armor.

Of course, contrast with the cost of materials that can be solved with money.

What makes Tony and Mr. Fantastic Reed and his team of armor designers care about is the power system of [Anti-Holy Armor II].

The energy consumption of such a huge steel armor is undoubtedly huge, especially in Tony's design, [Anti-Holy Master Armor II] has a powerful attack firepower far exceeding all previous steel armors. This is from the chest of the armor. The huge muzzle can peep out one or two.

Although today, Tony has the complete technology of the arc nuclear reactor, but it is still difficult to meet his idea of ​​powerful firepower.

To this end, Mr. Fantastic Reed spent a lot of time improving the design together with Ultron, and finally got the idea from the huge biological aircraft carrier left by the Qitarui, and designed a design that can provide [Anti-Holy Armor II] ] The use of nuclear power engines to meet the movement and combat energy of this huge steel armor.

"Unfortunately, if you give us a little more time."

Although the [Anti-Holy Master Armor II] in front of him seems to be very remarkable in terms of technology and combat power, Tony obviously still has some regrets.

Due to the relationship of time, [Anti-Holy Armor II] is not currently in its complete form, and because of a sudden incident, [Anti-Holy Armor II] was still lying in the Avengers Building before the action of the Avengers. Ultron performs the final assembly and debugging.

And, with the assistance of Scott Langner's magical 'Pym Particles', [Anti-Holy Master Armor II] was finally delivered to him.

Tony had regrets in his heart for the incomplete [Anti-Master Armor II] in front of him.

However, since this period of time, the cooperation with Banner and Mr. Fantastic Reed has caused a vague idea in Tony's heart to emerge.

He may be able to summon more smart people like Mr. Fantastic to form a secret organization different from the Avengers to deal with a crisis like the [Holy Lord] in front of him and prepare.

Of course, the premise of all this is that he can survive the next battle.

If the [Holy Master] cannot be eliminated, even building a hundred thousand mysterious organizations will not have the slightest effect.

Thinking of this, Tony no longer hesitated, and controlled the Mark50 to lift off and flew to the [Anti-Holy Master Armor II] huge in front of the armor.


Facing Tony who was quietly floating in front of him, the familiar voice of Ultron suddenly sounded inside the [Anti-Holy Master Armor II].

Immediately afterwards, a blue light emerged from the chest of the armor and quickly swept across the Mark 50 in front of him.

"Identified, Tony Stark."

With the analysis of Ultron, the huge muzzle on the chest of [Anti-Holy Armor II] opened forward, revealing a console system full of technology behind it.

"Welcome, Mr. Stark."

Without the slightest hesitation, he entered the console, and Ultron's gentle and rational voice sounded in Tony's ears.

"Now is not the time to be polite, Ultron."

From the [Anti-Holy Armor II] console, a few connecting devices were extended to connect with the Mark50 on Tony's body. In the Mark50, Tony immediately appeared in front of the [Anti-Holy Armor II] control panel, and Ultron also replaced it. Jarvis' work became an auxiliary system for [Anti-Master Armor II].

Taking a deep breath, Tony fell into darkness as the open muzzle closed.

While observing the situation of [Anti-Holy Master Armor II] through the data displayed by Ultron, he calmly gave instructions.

"After preparing for so long, it's finally time to verify the power of [Anti-Holy Master Armor II]."

"Engine start!"

With the voice of Ultron, the originally dull muzzle on the chest of [Anti-Holy Armor II] instantly flashed a dazzling blue light, and at the same time, the huge flame behind the armor began to push, and the heavy armor was slowly driven by the engine. start to lift off.


In the distance, Mr. Fantastic Reed saw the activated [Anti-Holy Master Armor II] and muttered.

"hope everything is fine."

Watching Tony who controlled the [Anti-Holy Master Armor II] to fly towards the [Holy Master], Steve couldn't help clenching the shield in his hand and praying secretly.

"hope everything is fine."

At the same time, in [Anti-Master Armor II], Tony looked at the data panel in front of him, and the same thoughts as Captain America flashed in his heart.


"Next, it's my turn to play."

Witnessing the scene of [Anti-Holy Armor II] slowly taking off, where the Avengers were, Jack Simon slapped his mouth and stretched out his hand to loosen the neatly fastened tie around his neck, looking ready to go. said.

"After all, I have an important mission on this trip. If I fail, Akainu-sama's business-like personality will not forgive me."

While speaking, Jack Simon reached out and took out a strange yellow ring from his suit pocket and put it on his hand, took a deep breath and said.

"This is?"

A series of actions by Jack Simon, unsurprisingly, attracted the attention of the surrounding Avengers.

Especially in the previous introduction of [Uncle Long], Natasha and the others already knew that Jack Simon came from a mysterious organization similar to the scp foundation, and even most of the members of the organization were from the scp foundation. split from within.

Natasha is naturally very concerned about the information on the 'Chaos Insurgency'.

"You actually took out the [Yellow Lantern Ring]!"

At the same time, noticing the ring on Jack Simon's finger, [Uncle Long]'s face matched with a shocked expression.

"Aren't you afraid of losing control of this level of containment?"

"You seem to have forgotten, Dragon, I am no longer a member of the SCP Foundation, and your so-called codes are naturally not within the scope of my compliance."

Saying that, Jack Simon clenched his ring-wearing palm, and in the next second, a dazzling yellow light emerged from his palm and enveloped Jack Simon's whole body. Simon floated in mid-air, looking down at [Uncle Long] on the ground and said slowly: "For the 'Chaos Insurgent', any power can be used, whether it is the power of the civil government or the containment power, as long as it can achieve its ultimate goal.”

After finishing speaking, without giving [Uncle Long] time to respond, Jack Simon controlled the power on his body and flew towards the position of the [Holy Lord] on the sea quickly.

"This power?"

Looking at Jack Simon's figure flying away, shrouded in yellow light, Vision couldn't help frowning.

Although it is also flashing with yellow light, Vision can clearly feel that the power used by Jack Simon is significantly different from the power of the mind gem on his forehead.

From the power of Jack Simon, Vision can feel an unfathomable evil force, which seems to have a great relationship with emotions.

"Mr. Long, it looks like you are very familiar with the ring that Jack Simon just used?"

Noticing the dignified expression on [Uncle Long]'s face, Natasha immediately spoke and guided her with the skillful skill of the super agent.

"[scp-246 yellow light ring] used to be one of the containment objects belonging to the scp foundation, but was taken away by them in the betrayal of the 'Chaos Insurgency', [scp-246 yellow light ring] is a The whole body is yellow, like a ring made of topaz. The surface of the ring is printed with a strange circular pattern. According to the analysis of the scp foundation, the pattern should represent some special meaning. From the scp foundation to [scp-246] Yellow Light Ring] In the experiment, we found that [scp-246 Yellow Light Ring] can be the holder's ability to materialize energy into what the user thinks, and materialize according to the holder. The objects are not the same, but the embodied objects are all yellow like the color of the [scp-246 yellow light ring]..."

Natasha tested it, and [Uncle Long] was also happy to answer, and supplemented the background of [Yellow Lantern Ring] to earn fame.

"However, the ability of the [scp-246 yellow light ring] is not only that, from the follow-up research, the scp foundation found that the [scp-246 yellow light ring] will continue to create fear in the holder, when When the holder is unable to overcome the increasingly terrifying fear in his heart, he will be swallowed up by the power of [scp-246 Yellow Light Ring], turning into a kind of one completely transformed by [scp-246 Yellow Light Ring]. This shape is controlled by an insect-like creature with many hands and feet and a multi-segmented body. According to the investigation results of the scp foundation, this control phenomenon is called 'parallax demon'. After becoming a 'parallax demon', it holds The person will lose the will of human beings and will be completely controlled by [scp-246 yellow light ring], which is a very dangerous existence. In order to contain the 'parallax demon' controlled by [scp-246 yellow light ring], the scp foundation lost A team of containment members."

Through the description of [Uncle Long], Natasha and the others immediately understood the horror of the [Yellow Lantern Ring] in Jack Simon's hand.

At the same time, [Uncle Long] also seized this opportunity and looked at Natasha and others in front of him to remind: "In short, Jack Simon and his 'Chaos Insurgency' is an extremely dangerous and radical organization, scp The Foundation has tried to eliminate this rebellious organization, but it has never been successful. Just now he deliberately said everything about the 'Chaos Insurgency' in front of me. Obviously, it has no purpose. I hope the Avengers can maintain this. alert."

Facing the reminder made by [Uncle Long] Natasha couldn't help but flicker in her eyes.

As a former S.H.I.E.L.D. super agent, she naturally noticed Jack Simon's deliberate move just now. After all, the description was too obvious, as if she was deliberately trying to tell them.

However, in the current situation, the relationship between the Avengers and the scp foundation has obviously been irreparably scarred, and the 'chaos splitter' where Jack Simon is located seems to be in opposition to the scp foundation. The internal rebel organization should have a lot of information about the scp foundation in its hands.

This made Natasha aware of an opportunity, and maybe she could use this relationship to do something.

As an agent, she was never sentimental and didn't think there were any friends who had it in this world.

The enemy of the enemy may be the object that can be won.

Even if the Avengers and the SCP Foundation have not yet reached the level of the enemy, it is not a bad thing to keep one hand and prepare more.

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