Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 270: [Nell Galle's Battle Standard of Death]

   Suren and Youta rescued the injured Gray Wolf tribesmen, and learned some of the movements of the Luying Divine Judgment Corps from them.

  The situation is worse than expected.

   The Lu British Army has been here for a month or two, and the development of the ruins is progressing very quickly.

  Moreover, they seem to have some special information about the ruins, and they can always use targeted methods to break through a lot of tricky curses. To this end, they also hired a large number of slave hunting groups to almost wipe out the large and small Daru tribes in the northern part of the Silent Forest, capturing tens of thousands of people. The purpose is to sacrifice an evil alchemy object to break the biggest curse space.

   When Su Lun heard those words, he felt that it was not very good. .

   is really prepared, maybe it can really destroy the seal of the tree world.

   The things he also guessed that the people sacrificed and refined may be the [forbidden object] that the killing and soul searching knew just now.


   Sulun did not delay much, bid farewell to a few gray wolf tribesmen, quickly bypassed the giant tree and came to the north.

From    to the evening, the sky was already dark.

   About a few kilometers away, they looked for a high place to observe the brightly lit war camp in the distance.

   The sergeants of the Luying Royal Sacred Judgment Corps have built a temporary war fortress at the foot of the giant tree. There were high walls and heavy mechanical artillery, and three steam mechanical airships floated above the camp. The lights searched everywhere, and elite guards in battle armor were patrolling the perimeter of the camp.

  The bright post, the secret whistle, and the griffon flying in the sky, the barracks are very tightly defensive, and will not give any outsiders a chance to approach.

   Su Lun looked at the intensive activities of the sergeants in the barracks, his eyes slightly solemn.

   Just by looking at the ranks, I know that there are many masters.

   Not to mention that he is a Tier 3, even if he comes to a Tier 7 or 8 professional, he will not necessarily be able to take advantage of the attack.

   The investigative team he killed before, the lowest Tier 2 professional, the reproductive outfit and the employment materials were all very silver starters. He is also proficient in the joint combat of the army, and the corps has a very high combat power. This is not comparable to any enemy encountered before.

   However, what made Suren and Youta even more noticed was a huge blood pool in the barracks.

   Next to the blood pond stands a griffon-patterned flag waving in the wind.

   Su Lun's left eye flashed, and he identified the flag's information. It was the forbidden object.

  【Nell Galle's Battle Standard of Death】

  Quality: Legend

   description: blood sacrifice flag, invincible

Curse characteristics: sacrifice life and blood soul, the contract sergeant of this banner will gain the group aura increase; the group will be excited, exempt or reduce fear, shock, wailing, plague, chaos, curse, whisper... and other corresponding negative states; the effect is sacrificed The number of creatures is limited, the current number of sacrificed souls is 23354;

  Detailed explanation: A military flag refined by an ancient civilization for war will receive a small permanent increase in the military flag after the blood sacrifice, and a large temporary increase.

  Su Lun frowned when he looked at the battle flag.

   No wonder the living "slaves" that I didn't see were all killed to sacrifice the flag.

  Beside the blood pond, there are several eight-sided corpse towers with tired heads. The blood-stained human heads piled up more than ten meters high, and there were obelisks engraved with alchemy arrays around them. Blood energy was continuously gathering on the battle flag through the formations.

   Originally, the number of the Daru ethnic group was small, and the entire Silent Forest was estimated to be hundreds of thousands. Tens of thousands were killed here...

   Su Lun watched the cold light flash in his eyes.

   Aside, Yuta looked even more ugly, holding back resentment and killing intent on his face, and the lips that Silver Teeth bitten were almost bleeding.

  Su Lun also somewhat understands why she must follow the ruins to take an adventure. If the inheritance continues, the Daru clan will really be annihilated.

   The two carefully observed the layout of the barracks again, but did not find any opportunities.

   These Lu Ying royal elites have enough war experience, but they are not comparable to those rabble pirates.

   He felt that it was possible to stop those guys only if the waiting Mr. Jing came.

   While watching, Yuta sniffed, and suddenly frowned: "We seem to have been found. The smell of blood is coming closer!"

   Now they knew that every Sergeant Luying here would wrap the blood-stained cloth belt, the smell of blood, Yuta, who was a Snow Wolf clan, could smell it from far away.

   When Su Lun heard it, he immediately guessed that he had been spotted by the secret whistle, and said without hesitation: "Go!"

   The two of them retreated without hesitation, and disappeared among the dense vines.

   It didn't take long for a few professional investigators in assassin attire to appear in the position before the two of Sulun.

   The hound they were holding sniffed in place, and barked several times in one direction.

   The leader seemed to understand the meaning of the hound barking, and he muttered: "Hey, was it discovered in advance... It seems that the means of spying is not weak."

   They did not chase deep, but reported the situation to the camp.


   At the same time, in the commanding tent of the barracks.

   The commander of the Holy Judgment Legion "Beast" Alek Barrett is sitting in the main seat. I don't know what news I heard, the face of the middle-aged officer who is not angry and prestige may be cold.

   Next to him are two lieutenants wearing golden griffin armors, and their faces are also ugly.

   Opposite the three of them, a middle-aged man in a khaki trench coat, who doesn't look like a military man, is saying something.

   The atmosphere of the negotiation was not very good, and the two sides started arguing without saying a few words.

Legion commander Barrett heard the order and interrupted furiously: "Damn it! Jaeger, do you know what you are talking about? Do the people in your military intelligence department take orders without considering the actual situation? Judging from the current situation, this super-large ancient ruin may involve very dangerous things. Even I suspect that if the ruins are opened rashly, I am afraid that it will cause disaster. The more so, we should not be more cautious in handling? You actually notified us for three days Break that cursed space inside?"

   The man in the windbreaker shrugged, and said helplessly: "Sorry, Captain Barrett, I know this task is not easy. But you know, I also follow orders."

   Barrett sneered: "Did your MI think tank grow up eating shit? Do you know how stupid this order is?!"


   The man in the windbreaker shook his head, sighed slightly, and corrected: "It is not the order of our Military Intelligence Department. This is the secret order of the Queen."


   Hearing that it was the Queen's order, Barrett's eyes swept through the complexities, and the words swallowed again.

After groaning for a while, he just said the difficulty: "The Legion's battle flag has not been refined to the expected level. If you want to have a certain degree of protection in that cursed space, you need to get at least 20,000 more slaves! What you asked for before. Damn progress, my ruling group has lost a deputy commander and three hundred elite!"

   After a pause, he almost gritted his teeth and said: "Three days...not to mention three days, another three months, you may not be able to complete the exploration! This silent forest is so remote, do you need to dig out the ruins in such a hurry?"

The man in the windbreaker said blankly: "I don't know the specifics. But the top-secret information from the Imperial Capital Intelligence Office. As for why it is three days, maybe it is for divination, or maybe it is for other reasons... It’s not something I, a little member of the spades set, can ask."

   said, the tone of the man in the trench coat suddenly became very indifferent: "The above command is: at all costs, the seal in this ruin must be broken within three days."


   Barrett narrowed his eyes.

   After a short while, the windbreaker left the tent.

   The two lieutenants of the Judging Corps looked gloomy at their commander, and knew that the order was very tricky.

   The atmosphere is dull, and the needle drop can be heard.

   Finally, a lieutenant asked: "Commander, what should we do?"

Gu   Barrett's eyes remain dark, but his tone is determined, "Execute the order! Tomorrow morning, the whole army will attack."

   Hearing this, the lieutenant looked embarrassed: "But...the cursed space is unclear, so I'm afraid I will go in rashly. Commander, or else, I will take someone to see it first?"

   Barrett shook his head: "No, it doesn't make sense. If you want to find out within three days, you must take a risk."

   After speaking, he muttered to himself in a voice that he could only hear: "Why the Queen is so urgent for this ruin..."


   Suren and Uta avoided the patrolling sergeant.

   The two did not dare to move up the tree trunk hastily. The higher you go, the stronger the necromantic aura. There are countless terrifying monsters hidden in the dense canopy.

   Fortunately, the monsters nearby seemed to have been cleaned up by the people of the ruling army, and there was no danger.

   The sky was completely dark, and Sulun and the two found a tree hole to rest.

   I checked the situation of the Luying Royal Army barracks before, and all the people arrested by the Daru tribe were killed, and there was nothing to save. The barracks were strictly guarded, and there was no chance to sneak in.

   He originally planned to take a rest, recharge his energy, and wait for the next day to see what the "cursed space" is. Then, three days after the arrival of Mr. Mirror, there was room for operation.

   I didn't think about it. It was just the next day, and the morning sun came in through the cracks in the leaves, and they heard the movement of the large troops marching.

   The sound of guns and battles did not go far above the trunk of the giant tree, it was very intense.

   Suren and Youta did not dare to delay, and immediately went out of the tree hole to check the situation.

   Then a long distance away, I found the Judging Corps moving towards the top of the tree trunk and the whole army.


   In a dense bush, Suren and Uta’s are hiding there, using binoculars to observe the legion a few kilometers away.

   Those sergeants in armors, armed with heavy machinery and equipment, riding griffins, swept all the way up.

   This movement naturally attracted the distortion monster hidden in the canopy of the giant tree.

   A zombie orangutan braving a blue fire, three aberrant snakes with heads, a centipede with full-back eyes, a ghost-type wind-and-frost banshee...

   Third-order, fourth-order, and even fifth-order weird monsters emerge in endlessly.

   These monsters that have grown in the environment of high concentration of necromantic energy for a long time are very manic. The human breath is like cold water dripping into boiling oil, and it explodes in an instant.

   Seeing Sulun's scalp tingling.

   also thankful that they did not rush to the canopy again last night.

   On the other hand, they also saw the power of this Luying Royal Army!

   No matter what, even monsters, no matter how many numbers, under the rush of this elite army, there are almost no enemies in one.

   The army consists of ten people, and a hundred people form a group. The monster group below Tier 4 is like a sharp knife touching the slime, and it is instantly washed out.

   Those monsters, it is even difficult to break their armor.

   Even with the tricky high-level weirdness, there are high-level professionals in the legion that sell the middle Lufthansa.

  Su Lun even saw a weird head of Tier 5 silver, which was killed by the legionnaire who had untied his cloak and turned into a giant.

   The other party is so powerful, Su Lun naturally did not dare to appear.

   But they are also very puzzled, what are these people Yao doing?

   The two of Sulun followed the legion all the way up, like climbing a mountain, to the waist of the giant tree.

   The branches and leaves here are luxuriant, and the light rarely penetrates, and it is as dim as a crypt.

  Su Lun looked at the pedestrian route, and naturally guessed that they might be heading for the biggest cursed space.

   But his heart is also very situational.

   Among the soul fragments that were clearly harvested, the ruling legion was not sure that it would break the space now. How could the whole army suddenly attack?

   Then, Su Lun also saw the cursed space.

   That is a huge black hole with a vortex like a bird's nest.

  【Druid’s Burial Gate】

  Detailed explanation: Super-large composite cursed space. The battle five hundred years ago caused the seal of the collapsed plane where the super-order creature's corpse was buried to tear. The aura of high-level necromancers leaked, and the space was full of chaotic timelines, collapsed space cracks, violent laws, powerful necromantic creatures and aberrant monsters; this is a cursed space that has no main consciousness and relies on various chaotic energies. ; Only the dead creatures can shuttle freely, and the living people will lose themselves forever; if you are willing to eat that carrion, the monsters will most likely not notice you; the ghost of the Daru ancestors will protect the blood of the Daru, Or human beings who follow the vows, but there are more powerful evils in the space; break the cursed space, and you will see the body of the seal;

   Su Lun looked at the information identified, and his face became very solemn.

   Normally, the cursed space will have another "main consciousness".

   is like the [Central Prison] in Dawn City before, he met his teacher Seleya.

   After that top professional fell behind, a strong consciousness remained, and some memories during his lifetime became the "plot" of cursing the space.

  They will not be monsters, but have their own consciousness and reason, and they can communicate, so there is a lot of room for manipulation.

   He originally thought that a large number of Daru ancestors had been killed here, even if there is room for curse, it is likely to be formed after the death of Daru ancestors.

   Suren still thought before, if he was lucky enough to meet a certain archdruid, he would ask questions about mental distortion.

   Maybe I can ask how to solve the current predicament of the Daru tribe.

   I didn't expect to have no main consciousness.

   And, looking at the description, the danger in the space will be very great.


   Suren watched as the sergeants walked in with the [Nell Galle's Battle Standard of Death] and his expression became even stranger.

   "The legion commander and the mansion army commander have both gone in? Could it be that they have mastered the way to break this cursed space?"

   He realized that the problem was a bit troublesome.

   Although Su Lun felt that the words "extremely dangerous" identified should not be so easy to decipher, but seeing the group of people rushing in without hesitation, his thoughts immediately turned.

   Before Mr. Jing saw the real thing, he just guessed that it was "the place of the burial of the gods". Now that "the fragments of the collapsed plane that buried the corpses of the super-order creatures" were identified, Su Lun was sure that these eight achievements were.

   So, let's not let those Lu Ying's army break open.

   "It's weird... Can a Tier VI Royal Legion commander take a personal risk? Could it be that those guys from the Royal Family of Lu Ying knew about the ruins?"

   A thought flashed through Su Lun's heart.

   Know it, do they dare to touch it?

   While Su Lun was still speculating on some cause and effect, those people had already walked in.

   At this time, Uta next to him also asked: "Mr. Suren, what are we going to do now?"

   Hearing this, Su Lun pondered for a moment, and then said faintly: "I want to follow up."

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