Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 271: Activated Silver

Su Lun didn't know the situation of the Queen's secret order.

He only felt that the people of the Luying Royal Legion were so decisive in going in, and naturally they were certain.

The [Nel Galle's Battle Standard of Death] carried by those guys, it seemed that they had been prepared.

There are many "ghost species" in the monsters of the necromancy type, and many of their attack methods are spiritual, such as fear, hallucination, and wailing...For ordinary people, especially power professionals, it can be very tricky.

And this banner can shield and slow down almost all negative states, just to restrain it.

With this method, at least the combat effectiveness of this sacred ruling legion will not be compromised too much.

Su Lun initially estimated the level of the monsters in this cursed space, and really felt that they might actually push horizontally.

Normally, the rank of monsters in the cursed space will not be higher than their rank before they were alive. .

Moreover, there is no curse space for long-term energy maintenance, and the danger will become lower and lower as the energy collapses. Hundreds of years have passed, and it is hard to say how many levels of monsters formed inside.

What's more, apart from the banner of this forbidden object, the Royal Elite Army of Lu Ying will not lack advanced equipment.

The efficiency of this kind of professional army to open up wasteland is not comparable to those of casual adventurers.

Therefore, Su Lun planned to follow along to take a look.

In terms of strength, he is far inferior to that legion. But because the omniscient eye has identified the details of the cursed space, his chances of surviving are no lower than those of the two thousand-man legions.

Moreover, with large troops opening the way to attract firepower, Su Lun felt that the risk of entering him would be greatly reduced.

Of course, there are many unknown factors.

The omniscient pupil also identified some other things.

This cursed space is not simply a cursed space formed by the fall of a strong man, but also the aura leaked from the "land of the burial of the gods".

That is the most dangerous.

Those high-level law fragments are very violent, just like nuclear radiation, which will cause low-level creatures to distort unknowingly.


This cursed space is very dangerous, and Suren didn't plan to take Yuta into the adventure.

In order to let Yuta understand, he also recounted the information he had identified.

Uta didn't say anything, and just listened to Suren quietly throughout the whole process.

The two did not leave in a hurry, and they observed from a distance for more than half an hour.

This cursed space formed a black hole with a large aperture area. Although the legions were still stationed in a formation, it was easy for Su Lun to avoid it and sneak in.

Not long after, Suren saw that the time was right, and said to Yuta next to him: "I am going to go in. Youta, be careful yourself."


Uta nodded obediently.

After speaking, Su Lun was just about to leave when he was pulled by his arm.

He turned his head and looked at him, looking at him with a pretty face full of tenderness.

Su Lun asked in confusion: "What's the matter?"

There was a strange color in Uta's crystal eyes that was difficult to detect. He hesitated for a moment before saying: "Mr. Su Lun, thank you for taking care of me like this."

At this moment, it seemed that there was a lot to say, but when it came to my lips, I didn't know how to say it.

Obviously hesitated for a moment, and then she said again: "You...must pay attention to your safety."

Su Lun heard the concern in her tone, stroked her cheek, smiled, "Yeah."

Having said everything that should be said, he didn't leave much, and quietly went down the treetop.

Uta looked at the back of Sulun's departure, inexplicably sad, and muttered to herself: "I wish I could see Mr. Sulun again in the future..."

After speaking, the tenderness in her eyes gradually turned into decisiveness.

It is your own personal affair to like someone.

But she is a Druid of the Daru tribe, and the continuation of the tribe and tribe needs her to guard.

This is the time when their family is closest to the relics of their ancestors in hundreds of years.

Yuta will not give up such an opportunity.

Druids have more or less special perception abilities.

At such a close distance, she had clearly heard the call from within. She guessed that it was the heroic spirit of the ancestors of the Daru tribe.

She didn't tell Su Lun about this.

Because Yuta knew that, after saying that, Suren would definitely help himself.

But she also knew very well that Su Lun's ability, without the burden of herself, would have a higher chance of survival.

Although Mr. Sulun is a friend, the Daru people also have their own beliefs and persistence. Regarding the survival of the ethnic group, we cannot place our hopes entirely on others.

Uta watched Sulun's figure sink into the black light of the cursed space, and quietly descended from the tree.


[Druid's Burial Gate] This cursed space has another advantage for Sulun, that is, it is very friendly to necrotic creatures.

The black crow likes the breath here.

Suren bypassed the guard sergeant, the psychic came out of the black crow, and flew into the cursed space first as his own eyeliner.

He also breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't see the traces of the Lu Ying army.

At least not to be ambushed.

At the same time, he also knew that the place where he went in seemed to be random.

After observing for a while, Su Lun took out a black corpse and glanced at it disgustingly.

The corpse poison of this thing is not a big problem for him.

But if it wasn't for increasing the chance of survival, he would definitely not eat this kind of food.

Su Lun resisted the taste of rotten meat, and did not chew at all, so he swallowed a whole piece. In an instant, the anger on his body was immediately concealed by the rotten corpse.

Su Lun didn't hesitate anymore, and quietly slipped into the cursed space.

The surrounding lights and shadows changed, and immediately changed from a giant tree to a world shining with red light.

In front of Su Lun was a very tall city wall with a familiar shape. Naturally, they had encountered the whole body of the broken wall in the ruins before.

"It seems that the timeline in the cursed space should be before the druid magic seal comes?"

Su Lun had guesses in his mind.

Although he couldn't see the whole picture of the giant city at the foot of the city wall, the black crow could see clearly.

The city is very complete.

But it's also very weird.

No giants alive, no Daru people.

Su Lun frowned slightly while looking at him.

What's more weird is that there is no light source in the sky, but there are space cracks everywhere.

In the space crack, it seemed to be a lava world, and the scarlet fire light spilled out from the crack, and the city in front of it was like some less formal massage parlor, red. And lifeless. It became weird in an instant.

"Could it be that the lava world in the cracks is the ‘land of the buried god’?"

Su Lun guessed something, and clearly felt the strong, bone-piercing spirit around his body.

If he hadn't eaten a piece of rotten flesh, if he really wanted to break in rashly, there would be a high probability that he would be like a torch in the dark, instantly attracting the attention that exists in the gloom.

The black crow is very cheerful, like a fish that has been in the water for a long time, greedily devouring the breath of the dead.

This stupid bird was probably too excited, and called "quack" in the air.

Then, he was retributed.

An unknowing monster's tentacles suddenly came from behind the city wall with a whip of lightning, and the black crow was drawn and exploded into a mass of death.

Su Lun frowned as he looked at the silly bird who reunited his body on his shoulders.

It seemed that even if it was covered by corpse gas, he couldn't be careless.

There was fighting in the city, thinking that it was Lu Ying's army that had entered before.

With those guys attracting monsters in the space, Su Lun was also relieved a lot.

He discerned the direction, untied the spider spear cloak, and under the black umbrella, he quietly went up to the wall.

On the city wall, Su Lun also had a panoramic view of the city.

When he was outside the ruins before, he had seen those broken buildings, but the scale was less than one ten thousandth of the size here.

This is a very majestic city.

The scale of the buildings is huge in the eyes of ordinary humans.

One-story buildings with a height of one hundred meters abound, such as altars, temples, arenas, baths, open-air parliament fields, fountain ponds, statues... the entire city's buildings are carved with a rough style. Simple, yet inexplicable and inexplicable, there is a sense of awe of "greatness".

A large number of space cracks distorted the vision, like abstract paintings with dark red background.

Su Lun stood on the wall, took out the binoculars, and observed for a while.

Not long after, he saw another huge building that he was familiar with, and he said softly: "The shape of that the one with the relief that I saw before?"

For races with deity beliefs, buildings such as temples will be very special, and most likely they will be the same.

Thinking of the mythical story of the sacrifice eye mural, Su Lun also had expectations in his heart, wanting to see what the full version of the mural looks like.

Moreover, by coincidence, the temple was in the middle of the city, and the movement of the fighting came from there.

Su Lun put down the binoculars, planning to go and take a look.

He climbed down with the spider spear, avoided the position of the tentacled monster before, and found another way.


The giant city is like a maze, really going into the city, surrounded by tall white stone walls.

Su Lun found that there were many fresh traces of monsters walking on the ground. Fortunately in his heart, Lu Ying attracted firepower, so he didn't encounter any monsters.

But just this thought flashed through,

Su Lun walked very carefully all the way.

The black crow opened the way ahead, and his soul perception was also fully open.

Even so careful, avoiding the monsters in several buildings, Su Lun still ran into trouble.

When passing by a residential area, he obviously didn't perceive the existence of monsters.

But when Su Lun walked over, in the range of perception, a special soul fire wave like the fire of the dead suddenly appeared.

Two two-headed giants over six meters high blocked his way.

"A monster coming out of a crack in space?"

Su Lun's eyes twitched when he thought of something.

He himself had mastered some spatial laws, and he was keenly aware of the spatial fluctuations when the monster appeared.

Sure enough, the space in this cursed space was abnormal.

The skin on both ends was as pale as a corpse. However, the exposed skin is not rotten flesh, but some mercury-like metallic luster.

Su Lun glanced around and identified the intelligence in an instant.

[Two-headed silver giant's corpse]

Detailed explanation: The third-order silver-level zombie species is weird; it has a very powerful power; the necromantic aura and special metals give it super defense and recovery capabilities;

Seeing the identification of the word "special metal", Su Lun's original thought of avoiding was immediately extinguished, and he was surprised and happy in his heart: "Could it be [Activated Silver]?"

He thought of a special puppet material that his teacher had told him that he had passed!

If it is really that thing, you can really meet the top-notch materials that you can't find!

Thinking about it, his hands are not slow.

The warlock with both hands printed a knot, and a huge mechanical armor appeared out of thin air.

At this moment, the two-headed giants also rushed over with their mace in their hands.

Su Lun now controls the mechanical armor which is countless times more flexible than before. He stuffed a living corpse into the battle armor, using mental tentacles, and a silk thread could control the behemoth.

The two-headed giant looked awkward, but not slow. The gas storage of the mechanical boiler spurted violently, and it was the flash of sparkle that the two sides touched each other.

The most favorite of mechanical battle armor is to face hard opponents, really want to wrestle, or compete for defense, machinery has an innate advantage over flesh and blood, even if the opponent is weird!

The Ship Swordsman opened and closed, and slashed towards one of them.

If this knife is cut down, the general Tier 3 must be cut off on the spot.

But to Su Lun's surprise, as soon as the two sides touched, the ship-cutting knife did cut off the two-headed giant's mace. But the blade trembled, but it seemed like a blunt knife smashed into the wood. Cut into two inches, and then no more deposits.

At the same time, the incision also made the piercing sound of metal cutting.

"What a strong resilience!"

When Su Lun saw this, not only, but inexplicably expectant, he said in his heart: "If it is really that kind of metal, it should have this toughness..."

He stared straight at the wound of the two-headed giant, and immediately saw the wound gleaming with silver light, and then he was visibly healed with the naked eye. It looks like the liquid that has been chopped apart, it has automatically recovered!

Seeing this, Su Lun no longer calmed down, and murmured: "Memory Metal! It really is [Silver of Living Words]!"

No wonder he was so excited. This kind of metal was the most important main material used to make her ultimate puppet subject "Alchemy Golem", as his teacher Seleya once said!

[Silver of Facts] Legend is one of the metals with the most stable material form in the world.

High temperature, cold, corrosion, has little effect on it.

The puppet made of this material means that it has almost insoluble "two defenses against things and magic."

And not only that, this metal can also be fused with other metals to obtain a series of added properties such as hardness and flexibility. It can also withstand top-level rune inscriptions, various enchantments without breaking...

The reason why Seleya thinks it is most suitable for making puppets is because it is a kind of "memory metal"! It can restore its original appearance in a short time after the form is destroyed by external force.

The "alchemy golem" made in this way can't be killed, broken, and there is almost no solution!

However, this metal is very strong, but also extremely rare.

It does not exist in the mines of nature, only in myths and legends. Su Lun once read the description in an ancient book of ancient goblins, and only in the place where the gods were buried, this kind of metal was produced. It is said that this is the product of the corruption of the flesh and blood of the gods.

Suren once asked about this metal in various material shops in Cadurant Port and Blizzard City, but almost none of those material merchants had heard of such a thing as [Activated Silver].

He thought that the material was nowhere to be found, but he didn't expect to encounter it now!

"This is the ‘land of the burial of the gods’, and it’s right to have this metal..."

Su Lun's thoughts flew in his head.

Looking at the two giant monsters in front of me, it was like seeing two tuobao mountains. The mention of the two giants is not small, and there may be a lot of [Silver of Living Words] that can be extracted.

If you really want to be able to create a primary alchemy golem, Su Lun feels that the value is even far higher than this set of [College-level Ship Slayer Ⅸ Mechanical Armor]!

But the problem came again.

Mechanical armor, it seems that they can't kill these two weird ones.


It was in this moment of confrontation that the ship-cutting knife could not cut off the monster.

The mechanical armor had a halt, and the other weird side on the side was a heavy hammer hitting the waist of the mechanical armor.

With a loud "bang", that huge force smashed the mechanical armor out and hit a wall heavily, causing great movement.

When Su Lun saw this, his eyes narrowed slightly.

The two giants have activating silver in their bodies, and they can't be killed without breaking them. In this way, even if the mechanical armor runs out of energy, there is nothing to do with these two giants.

Although the mechanical armor can resist wrinkles, the movement of the battle will attract other monsters in the city.

The mechanical armor was smashed into the air, and before they had time to pay a return visit, the two giants came towards Sulun.

The two-headed giant is not too agile, Su Lun's eyes turned frequently, accurately capturing their movement towards him.

He could easily avoid it at this level of speed, but he has never seen that the giant whose mace had been cut off actually hit him with a punch tens of meters away.

In an instant, Fist Jin formed a rippling visible to the naked eye in the air.

Su Lun's face changed immediately, because at this time, he seemed to feel the air around him freezing.

He wanted to move, his body was filled with lead, and it was very difficult to move.

"The power of the third-order giant is so exaggerated, the power actually distorted the space..."

Su Lun's eyes shrank.

Changing this punch to an ordinary third-order is afraid that it will suffer a big loss.

He didn't intend to continue to consume it, but flashed to avoid the punch, ten fingers scratching in the void, and an invisible living corpse with a black sickle appeared quietly beside him.

At the same time, the mechanical armor also rushed out of the smashed ruins.

This time, the battle armor put away the ship-cutting knife, rushed straight to it, and after a punch against the two-headed giant, two iron tongs firmly controlled it.

The two giants are weird and strong, but because of the violent state, most of the battles are instinct, and their intelligence is extremely low.

Just to control this moment, a dark space crack appeared on the giant's neck.

"Kang Dang" head fell to the ground.

After the limbs were separated, the human head that fell on the ground was still like a magnet, with a tendency to be attracted to the fracture.

Su Lun’s eyes and hands are and he teleported over, and put his head in the storage ring.

The giant who had broken the main head was silent.

Immediately afterwards, Su Lun did the same, and quickly killed the other one.

Two corpses were harvested, and two silver curse materials [Corrupted Giant Demon Muscle] were also obtained.



After Su Lun collected the two corpses, he was suddenly relieved.

At the same time, he looked at the distance, his eyes became more solemn.

This first wave of monsters taught him a lesson.

If there is no black sickle, he would be really helpless with this monster.

It will be difficult to move in this ruin.

However, the harvest is beyond imagination!

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