My Animation Era

Chapter 469 What kind of champion are you? (Please subscribe)

Gu Miao does not reject 3D.

As an animator, he has no particular preference for 2D or 3D, nor would he say that 3D is all shit and 2D is the true meaning of animation.


Many times, 3D animations with low cost and short production period are indeed more eye-catching than 2D animations of the same level.

There's no way, conditions don't allow it.

No matter how bad the 2D animation is, at least it still has a bit of a "human appearance" and can be covered up by some means.

But the 3D animation is so bad that I really can’t hide it.

The original version of "The Japanese Soldiers of Maoershan" is a 3D animation. Although the character modeling is very distinctive, especially the "Japanese Soldiers" in the play are all very distinct.

However, this cannot hide the fact that its 3D effects are rough.

However, this animation was filmed relatively early, so it is understandable that it was made like this. After all, the Chinese comic industry was in recession in the early days, and the overall level was relatively poor.

The original production and broadcast time of the animation "Japanese Soldiers of Maoershan" was probably around 2006...

What works were produced during the same period?

"The Seven Heroes of Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit", "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf", "Pig Man", "Sanmao's Wandering Story" and so on.

During this period, although Chinese comics were developing well, 3D animation was indeed difficult to describe in one word. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was "eye-catching".

I won’t talk about the first season of Pig Man.

There is also a disaster-level 3D animation next door, which is "The Adventures of Qiqi Keke" that Gu Miao often talks about!

It was precisely because of that period that the 3D production level of Chinese comics was so poor, or that the technology could not keep up with development, that the finished film was very eye-catching.

So Gu Miao was very resentful.

In his opinion, the starting point for making a large-scale 3D animation with anti-Japanese themes is a good one. But he was afraid that Hou Bin would be too rigid about cost and create eye-catching 3D effects.

Therefore, before confirming the project, he must emphasize that there is no need to deliberately save money!

Money that needs to be spent must be spent.

After all, it is an anti-Japanese theme, telling the story of the struggle of young folk heroes against the invaders. This animation cannot be regretted just because it saves money.

"I understand, don't worry, Mr. Gu."

Hou Bin took a deep breath and said with confidence: "Since I have chosen to do this subject, I will definitely do my best."

"I hope you can keep your word."

Gu Miao murmured and told Hou Bin not to forget to trick his friend into coming to work in Wanbao, then waved to signal that he could leave.

The time has come for July.

The animated "Yu-Gi-Oh!: Duel Kingdom" project, adapted from the comic book of the same name and directed by Gu Miao, is coming to an end.

After all, there aren’t many dramas!

If it's the complete set of "Yu-Gi-Oh DM", it's really not that fast. At any rate, there are more than 200 episodes. Even a 10-minute episode is 2,000 minutes long.

But it's just the "Duel Kingdom" chapter, with forty or fifty episodes, so the construction period is really not that long.

Wanbao is no longer what it used to be.

If it were Wanbao Animation in the past, it might take half a year to produce a TV animation with a total of 40-50 episodes and an average of about 20 minutes per episode.

Maybe half a year is not enough, and it may be delayed until the end of the year, or even the second year.

But now Wanbao Animation has a strong staff. Counting the front desk girl and the cleaning aunt, the total number of employees is close to 2,000.

A TV animation of this scale, with a length of less than 800-1000 minutes, really won’t take long.

In fact.

Gu Miao is already very "procrastinating".

If you don't care about quality and just meet the deadline, it is estimated that "Yu-Gi-Oh!: Duel Kingdom" will be completed as early as early June.

But this is definitely not possible...

As an animation project rated "S" within the company, and a money printing machine that Gu Miao had high hopes for, how could he be so careless?

It doesn't matter if you delay for a while.

Anyway, there are almost no similar competing works on the market, and there are no fans of the original comics urging the production team to update the work all day long. It doesn’t matter if the project is delayed by a few days, a few months, or a few years.


It takes several years to make an animation, which is indeed a bit too much. Do you think this is the animation of "The Three-Body Problem"?

It took four months since the movie "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf: Snake Comes Around" was released in early March and the company decided to launch the "Yu-Gi-Oh!" project.

The "Yu-Gi-Oh!" project has finally moved from paper comics to animation.

Mid-term production is basically over.

The remaining work is nothing more than providing guidance to the editor, discussing editing plans, guiding and supervising sound effects synthesis, digital special effects synthesis, etc.

There is no rush for these jobs.

Now that the project has entered the final stage, it means that it can be communicated with the TV platform in advance to discuss many matters such as price and schedule.

Gu Miao had determined the broadcast time beforehand.

Early August!

Although it will encounter Plum Blossom Animation's new work "Dragon King City Tour", this will not persuade the TV stations to quit, they are still very enthusiastic.

Don't underestimate Gu Miao's appeal!

Although Meihua Animation, relying on the popularity of the remake of "The Fairy Boy", has jumped to the first-tier domestic animation company.

But compared with Wanbao Animation, especially Gu Miao, it is still not worth mentioning...

Which year were you the ratings champion?

How many ratings champions do you have?

No way? Wouldn't a talent win a ratings championship or a monthly championship and think they can surpass the annual triple crown?

Get out of here!

Wanbao Animation is the "rating king" that has dominated the screen for the past three years and overwhelmed all peers.

to the opposite.

Although Plum Blossom Animation made a splash this June with the remake of "The Fairy Boy" and won the ratings championship in one fell swoop, its foundation is still too shallow.

TV stations from all over the world have far more trust in Wanbao Animation and Gu Miao than Plum Blossom Animation.

Except the flamingo cartoon…

This level of trust directly resulted. Also scheduled for August, with the same production cost, "Yu-Gi-Oh!" is more popular than "Dragon King City Tour".

More than 28 TV stations, and even some overseas TV stations, came to inquire about the "Yu-Gi-Oh!" animation.

As for Meihua Animation, after wandering around for a long time, there were only four or five TV stations making inquiries about "Dragon King City Tour".

This is just the beginning.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that Plum Blossom Animation and Red Crane Cartoon work closely together, and they almost wear the same pants. Therefore, the desire to compete is not strong, and the first-round transaction price cannot be speculated.

On the other hand, look at Wanbao Animation.

Since Wanbao and Honghe Cartoon had a "breakup", he was considered a free agent after his contract expired.

In order to get this superstar to join and win Gu Sanshui's new work, various TV stations were furious, and the prices were also rising.

However, Gu Miao was still hesitant.

"Yu-Gi-Oh!" is a typical "peripheral \u003e body" animation, which means that the bulk of the money is made from peripheral derivatives.

He is considering whether to sell the broadcasting rights cheaper or to sell them to more companies. Ask for more "advertising" resource replacement from the TV station?

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