My Animation Era

Chapter 500 Mystery? Xuanji! (Please subscribe)

Some people say that the key reason why the song "Chasing Dreams" in the previous life is so touching is the "roaring" singing style.


The most soulful "singing sound"!

Without the pure heart of dream-chasing and singing, there is no soul. No matter how superb the singing skills are, the emotional level is still a little bit meaningless.

This is no nonsense!

As we all know, the main difficulty in singing the song "Chasing Dreams" lies in "pouring" feelings. As the saying goes, if the emotions are in place, the skills will be broken.


This is not to say that there are no skills and it is all emotion. There is still skill, but in singing this song, skill is not as important as emotion.

Wang Liang is a mature lead singer.

Precisely because of his maturity, he could never let go of his voice, which made him feel very awkward.

He tried several times in the recording studio, but still couldn't find the feeling. He sat slumped on the ground, facing Mr. Gu's teasing eyes, too ashamed to raise his head.

How confident I was just now, how frustrated I am now...

Just say it once and make sure that Mr. Gu is satisfied. As a result, I recorded it several times in succession, and the effect got worse each time, so bad that even the sound engineer couldn't fix it.

"Everyone, please take a break first."

After signaling everyone to find a place to take a rest, Gu Miao went to the lead singer Wang Liang alone and handed him a glass of honey water to moisten his throat.


"You're welcome. You've worked hard too."

Gu Miao sat next to Wang Liang and said to him: "Actually, to be honest, you sing quite well. I dare say that if another famous singer sings, he may not perform better than you."


"of course it's true!"

Gu Miao said happily: "But it's a pity that although you sing very well, you can't let go. You sing too restrained and conservative."

Can't let go?

Wang Liang was holding the water glass with a thoughtful expression.

In fact, he also discovered this.

The emotional outburst of the song "Chasing Dreams" is undoubtedly very intense and impassioned, which requires him, as the lead singer, to increase his intensity in releasing his emotions in the chorus.

But what to do?

He felt that his emotional outburst was already in place. Mr. Gu said that he sang very restrained and conservatively, but wasn't the reason why he was restrained and conservative also to improve his singing effect?

If you completely let go and no longer hold back, then you can't sing with a hoarse voice or a broken note and out of tune?

"Why not?"

Gu Miao raised her eyebrows and said, "As long as you don't go out of tune, as long as you don't forget the words, what does it mean if your voice is broken and hoarse? This is not a flaw, but in my opinion, it is the finishing touch."

What is this shocking statement?

The hand holding the water glass trembled slightly. Wang Liang seemed to be awakened by Gu Miao. His eyes lit up and he said very seriously: "Okay, let's do it again!"

"This time, I won't hold back."

[Run forward, facing cold looks and ridicule]

[How can we feel the vastness of life without going through hardships? Fate cannot make us kneel down and beg for mercy]

[Even if the blood is spilled all over the arms...]

Along with Wang Liang's roar, the entire recording studio was instantly immersed in unspeakable shock.

No one expected it.

Wang Liang, who let go of his restrictions and decided not to restrain himself, could actually sing like this? How dare you sing like this? Hey Hey hey! This is all out of tune!

"Good! Good singing!"

Gu Miao didn't bother to think about other people's thoughts. After listening to this demo, she stood up and applauded Wang Liang.

Mr. Gu all clapped. Although the others were confused as to why they could sing and roar like this, they still clapped subconsciously.

Amidst the roar of applause, Gu Miao put on her headphones and listened to the demo she had just recorded again.

He laughed after hearing this.

Although the singing was broken, even though the singing was hoarse and embarrassing, one must admit that this is the pure heart of chasing dreams that he wants to hear, and this is the spirit of "dream chasing".

The song recording took a week.

Mainly to help Wang Liang find the feeling, Gu Miao stayed in the recording studio almost around the clock and pointed out problems at any time.

Under his guidance, Wang Liang found an outlet for his emotions that was easily overlooked. Singing in a roaring style and bursting with emotion without hesitation, everyone who heard the song was shocked.

"Great! Great!"

Guo Hongwei, who also heard this song, said with red eyes: "When I heard this song, for some reason, I suddenly thought of the ancestors who sacrificed their lives to build a flower gardening family in the plot of "That Year of the Rabbit" .”

“It feels like this song is tailor-made for them, it’s so appropriate!”


Gu Miao also nodded, deeply moved by the song "Chasing Dreams" which had just been recorded and tuned.

Although he has heard this song countless times. But every time I hear it, I still feel my heart shake, and I feel endless gratitude to our ancestors.

That rabbit matches this song so well!

As the only SS-level project that Wanbao Animation has devoted its full efforts to in the second half of this year, the soul of the animation "That Year of the Rabbit" has finally returned.

All is ready except for the opportunity!

Today's Natu not only has the touch of the original version, but is even slightly better in quality. It is only a few steps away from moving the whole country.

But before that...

Gu Miao needs to pay special attention to the fact that with Huang Kun as the chief director, it is the third heavyweight 3D animation produced by Dimension Studio after "Rapid Crossing" and "Pigman".

"Fruit Treasure Attack"!

The animation "Fruit Attack" planned to be broadcast in mid-September is finally scheduled to premiere exclusively on the Shonan Children's Channel at 17:00-18:00 on the evening of September 20.

This schedule was chosen by Huang Kun.

The reason for the early premiere is mainly to avoid Gu Miao's new work.

Although "That Rabbit" will most likely not be on TV and can only be broadcast on online platforms. But if there is a collision with Mr. Gu’s new work, most of the popularity will be robbed.

Therefore, based on this consideration, the animation "Fruit Attack" chose to be broadcast in advance to monopolize the popularity and topic as much as possible.

The idea is excellent.

But no one expected that when Wanbao Animation, the leader of Guoman Comics, officially announced that its latest masterpiece "Fruit Baby Attack" would be released in September, there would be some small studios that did not know how to live or die, and chose to air the new work in September.

What is this for?

Coming from Hangzhou, this animation company named "Xuanji" had no reputation before.

No masterpieces, no big touches.

For such an unknown 18th-tier small factory, it is not an exaggeration to say that "national comics are small and transparent".

But when Xuanji Animation said that its new 3D martial arts animation "Qin Shi Mingyue" will be broadcast on the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Children's Channel, and it will be broadcast in mid-September, everyone remembered the name "Xuanji".


I dare to take down Wanbao even if I am willing to be killed!

Although I don’t know where Xuanji Animation came from, their courage to go head-to-head with Wanbao right after they debuted is still very admirable.

In the Qin Shi Mingyue and Ling Cage series, I will not be the main character, leaving some roots for Chinese comics...

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