My Animation Era

Chapter 501 The Whetstone (Please subscribe)


"Xuanji? Qin Shi Mingyue?!"

When Gu Miao received this news, it was already the next morning.

When he first arrived at the company, before he had time to start work, he subconsciously misunderstood "Xuanji" as "Xuanji". Later, with Huang Kun's explanation, he realized that this Xuanji was not the other Xuanji.

This gap is huge.

The mysterious technology of the original time and space was established relatively early, and it is estimated that it was established around 2005. As a representative work, the animation series "Qin Shi Mingyue" was born around 2007.

But Xuanji Animation was established relatively late.

According to information Huang Kun inquired about last night, Xuanji Animation was founded three years ago. Referring to this time, Gu Miao was still working on the first season of "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" at that time!

"Does it take three years to sharpen a sword?"

When Gu Miao heard this, she immediately became interested in this animation company called "Xuanji". I wonder how "Xuanji" looks like a "mystery"?

If it is true that parallel worlds are on the same level, then this "Qin Shi Mingyue" should be the same, right?

"as far as I know……"

Huang Kun explained: ""Qin Shi Mingyue" seems to be a 3D martial arts-themed animation, with Qin destroying the six kingdoms and establishing the first unified feudal empire as the background of the story."


It’s really the same Qin Shi Mingyue!

Gu Miao's heart suddenly froze when she heard the familiar background of the story.

If before this, he could still comfort himself with "this Xuanji is not that mystery", now after learning the specific information of "Qin Shi Mingyue", he understood that he was wrong.

Although this Xuanji animation is not the mysterious technology he is familiar with, this "Qin Shi Mingyue" must be the "Qin Shi Mingyue" he is familiar with!

"Mr. Gu, what's wrong?"

Halfway through the words, he noticed that Mr. Gu's face was extremely ugly. Huang Kun couldn't help but ask: "Are you worried that this "Qin Shi Mingyue" animation will affect our "Fruit Treasure Special Attack"?"

"I don't think there's any need to worry!"

"This is a martial arts animation. As we all know, the fate of martial arts animations is generally not very good. Over the years, only Xiao Guo's "Legend of Seven Swords" is still somewhat famous..."

Normally, that's true.

But is this normal now? That must not be the case! Why, "Qin Shi Mingyue" has popped up, and you tell me that martial arts animation is not good?

Gu Miao rolled her eyes.

Regardless of the special circumstances, he knew that what Huang Kun said was fine. The martial arts animation was indeed good, and it was normal not to be favored.


This is the "Qin Shi Mingyue" series known as the light of national comics! How can we use common sense to explain this animation?

Forget it, I’m too lazy to remind you.

Considering that even if he explained, Huang Kun might not believe him, Gu Miao simply stopped explaining.

Anyway, once the two animations are aired and the ratings are released, Huang Kun will understand how naive his current statement is.

It's good to take a tumble.

In the nearly four years since its establishment, Wanbao Animation has been going so smoothly. This has also resulted in many people within the company developing a sense of arrogance and the habit of looking at people through their nostrils.

This pride comes from Wanbao Animation’s glorious record of being “invincible and invincible”.

If this time, "Fruit Treasure" is really overturned by "Qin Shi Mingyue"...

Gu Miao thought it was acceptable to dampen the arrogance of people like Huang Kun and let them understand that there are people outside the world and there is a world outside the world.

In the anime "The New Prince of Tennis".

Why is Byodoin Phoenix so strong in the later stage? Because he experienced once, fell into a hellish defeat, and finally achieved nirvana and was reborn.

If he, who was so arrogant at the time, had not been frustrated by Oni Jujiro and driven into hell for his pride, would Byodo-in still have achieved such achievements in the end?

Most likely it won't work.

Gu Miao now very much hopes that Xuanji Animation and their "Qin Shi Mingyue" can play the role of this "Ghost Jujiro" and severely dampen the arrogance of people like Huang Kun.

Only when you know your shame can you become brave!

Although he hoped that Xuanji Animation would serve as Huang Kun's whetstone and use the knife of "Qin Shi Mingyue" to dampen his arrogance, this incident still gave Gu Miao a wake-up call.

The Chinese comic circle...

It’s not big, it’s not small!

A Xuanji suddenly appeared today, will a Huimeng suddenly appear tomorrow? Will an art and painting artist suddenly appear the day after tomorrow?

As the old saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you can win a hundred battles!

The sudden rise of Xuanji Animation and the emergence of the animation "Qin Shi Mingyue" made Gu Miao start to pay attention to the small 18th-tier animation factory that he usually ignored.

Do not misunderstand!

He's not a big villain and won't do anything to "kill potential competitors." He just felt that if Guoman wanted to rise and revitalize, it would not be possible to rely solely on Wanbao Animation.

The entire industry needs to make progress together.

If there was an opportunity, if a small factory with potential came up with works that impressed him, he would not mind supporting them and help them grow and expand as quickly as possible.

After all, he is also the president of the Animation Industry Association, so he has to do something serious, right?

You won’t know without investigation.

This investigation really allowed him to discover a lot of "treasure" level small factories, or small teams and small workshops.

Zhonghai Huiying Animation Co., Ltd.

It was established relatively late and has not released any works so far. The situation within the industry is just like that of Xuanji Animation a few days ago, completely transparent.

However, after Gu Miao inquired, he learned that this company seems to be working on an animation based on the comic book of the same name, which is said to be based on the theme of "Fox Demon".

Good guy!

Gu Miao immediately went to find the comic book. After a few glances, he was sure that it was the "Fox Demon Matchmaker" in his memory.


Located in Jiangcheng, the hinterland of the motherland, there is also an animation company called "Yitian", which seems to be producing an animation work called "Crazy Hero".

One thing these two animation companies have in common is that they were established late, have no representative works and lack of popularity. The team is still in the "generating power for love" stage.

Gu Miao is very optimistic about them.

So he ordered people from Wanbao's investment department to contact these two companies. On the condition of "not interfering with normal company operations", help them get on the right track as soon as possible and launch their first animation work.

At first the other party was very confused.

After all, for no reason, a giant like Wanbao Animation came to him and said that he wanted to invest in him. Anyone in his right mind would doubt Wanbao.

However, after receiving a call from Gu Miao and receiving Gu Miao's so-called "non-interference guarantee", these people finally accepted the investment with confidence.

"Are you trying to imitate penguins in raising gu?"

"No no no!"

Gu Miao shook her head and denied: "I am different from Penguin, who casts a wide net and hands off the shopkeeper. I am sincerely optimistic about them and want to support them to develop as soon as possible."

As the CEO and chairman of Wanbao Animation, the leader of national comics, Gu Miao does not want to work alone. If he can cultivate a few more partners, he must cultivate a few more partners.

Why fight one on one when you can fight in a group?

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