My Animation Era

Chapter 519 The Operation of the Foundation (Please subscribe)

Gu Miao didn't invite too many people to Xiao Sensen's full moon wine. He only invited some close friends, close employees of the company, and relatives from his father-in-law and mother-in-law's side.

Three tables were simply set up.

For the richest man in Jiangchuan, he only set up three tables for his son's full moon feast, which is quite low-key to be honest.

Lao Gu kept talking about this.

In his words, Gu Miao's business is so big that he must have friends from all walks of life. No matter what the grandson's full moon wine is, he has to set up ten tables to start, let's have a good time, right?

Who knew there were only three tables...

One table was filled with old friends like Mr. Xiao Xiong, Mr. Qiu, and Director Wang, one table was filled with relatives from Keke’s natal family, and the other table was filled with employees like Ma Kui and Huang Kun.

Not to mention other people, not even Aunt Chen's relative Gu Miao was invited.

"How much less will this cost?"

Lao Gu felt very distressed and felt that it was too much of a loss to host only three tables. If he had ten tables, the share price would have to be at least three or four times higher.

"This is not a matter of money."

"Dad, think about it carefully, is our family short of money now?" Gu Miao said speechlessly, "Since we are not short of money, we have to keep a low profile. There are many people who are eyeing me."

This is the truth.

The more money she makes, the more Gu Miao understands why those rich people like to keep a low profile.

Hatred of the rich, moral kidnapping...

Ever since he was listed as the new richest man in Jiangchuan by a certain financial media and released some wealth data, Gu Miao has sent away countless waves of annoying people who came to "beg for help".

To be fair, Gu Miao has done a lot of charity work.

I donated money to my alma mater, built cement roads and a new elementary school in my hometown, and sent condolences to major welfare homes and nursing homes in Jiangchuan every year and festival.

But there are always people who think he is not doing well enough.

Let alone the people who came to borrow money, they had nothing to do with them. No matter how thick-skinned they were, Gu Miao didn't bother to deal with them.

Mainly those charity organizations that come to seek help from Qiu Feng. Each one is more disgusting than the last, and they kidnap him morally at every turn...

It seems that if Gu Miao doesn't donate money to them, then he is some kind of heinous sinner and a black-hearted capitalist with no sympathy.

Just thinking about it makes me sick.

Gu Miao does not resist charity. He just simply cannot trust these so-called "charitable institutions".

So when he announced that he would donate all the proceeds from the animation "That Year of the Rabbit", he did not donate it to XX organizations, but set up his own "The Cutest Person" charity foundation.

Don’t say it yet!

Once this charity project was proposed, it immediately received support and support from many people.

Little Bear is always the first to respond.

On behalf of Feiyang Group, he donated 5 million yuan to the newly established "The Loveliest Person" Care for Veterans Foundation project.

Followed by Mr. Qiu.

Mr. Qiu's Konjac Animation has not been doing very well in the past two years. It can only survive on the outsourcing orders given by Wanbao Animation.

But even so, Mr. Qiu also donated 200,000 yuan to the foundation.

Director Wang donated 10,000 yuan.

Although the money was small, Gu Miao was still very moved. Because everyone knows that Director Wang is just a salary earner, and these ten thousand yuan may be his two months' salary.

In addition, there are also everyone from the production team of the animation "That Year of the Rabbit".

It was agreed upon at the beginning.

Everyone donated their share of the profits, including the voice actors, animators, original animators, editors and other behind-the-scenes staff, all donated their salaries.

Odd donations.

Plus the shares of Wanbao Toys, Wanbao Video, Wanbao Games, Wanbao Comics and other subsidiaries...

The newly established "The Loveliest Person" Foundation has received more than 50 million yuan in donations, which is not a small amount.

for the money.

As the manager of the foundation, Gu Miao naturally had a specific purpose in mind.

When the "Loveliest Person" Foundation was established, it wanted to care for and care for those veterans. Therefore, most of this money will be used to take care of veterans who have difficulties in life.


Some of the money will be used for another purpose, which is to help veterans "go home".

In fact, Chinese officials have been doing this work. After all, many soldiers were buried abroad back then, and transporting their remains back could be considered sending them home.

This work is more complicated.

Although it doesn’t cost much, mainly because you are abroad, many things require official intervention to resolve and coordinate.

So, take your time.

The focus of the foundation must be to help veterans who are still alive but not in good health and encounter great difficulties in life.

Gu Miao found a manager for the foundation, a private expert who had studied that period of history and had also conducted public welfare projects to care for veterans before.


Whether you engage in public welfare or charity, you always need money. He is just an ordinary farmer, how can he get so much money for charity?

So after receiving Gu Miao's invitation and learning the details of the "Loveliest Person" project, he quickly agreed.

The foundation is functioning normally.

At the same time, the animation "That Year of the Rabbit" also achieved a brand new achievement on Wanbao Video.

The record of playback volume is over 100 million at the fastest time!

So far, Natu animation has aired a total of three episodes. Not long after the third episode was updated, the total animation views quickly exceeded the 100 million mark, and reached 150 million that night.

Three episodes exceeded 100 million!

For an online animation, this is definitely a hit. And considering the time when these three episodes were updated, it's even scarier.

On an average day, the number of views increases by nearly 30 million times!

Pretty appalling data.

What’s even more surprising is that Natu animation not only has an amazing number of views, but also breaks records one after another. The praise rate has even reached 99%, which makes the whole Internet go crazy!

To be precise, 99.64%.

It could have achieved a 100% positive rating, but unfortunately there are always people who disagree and feel that this kind of main theme animation is really disgusting, so the positive rating keeps falling.

no way!

The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds.

Gu Miao didn't think that everyone in the world should like that rabbit. If some people like it, then there will definitely be others who hate it. As long as the majority of people like it, then it will be fine.

Since the Natu animation was aired, it has firmly occupied the top spot in the hot discussion list on the entire Internet.

Even the popular animations "Fruit Attack" and "Qin Shi Mingyue" were launched on Wanbao Video, but they could not take away any of the popularity.

Oh yes!

Speaking of the animation "Qin Shi Mingyue" landing on Wanbao Video, there is another very ironic thing.

There are many "famous swords" in the Qin Dynasty Mingyue animation, among which the Yuan Hong and Shark Tooth held by the brothers Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang are even more famous.

When Qin Shi Mingyue landed on Wanbao Video, it was natural to promote it well, so the poster showed a picture of Gai Nie and Weizhuang facing each other with swords.

As a result, something funny happened.

The artist who drew the poster probably didn’t watch the animation very carefully, so she might not even recognize who is who…

So Gai Nie used the Shark Tooth Sword, and Wei Zhuang used the Yuan Hong Sword, causing a crowd of Qin Shi Mingyue fans to be stunned in an instant.

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