My Animation Era

Chapter 912 Homey Feeling

Hou Bin has the courage to jump out of his comfort zone and boldly try new themes. This is Hou Bin's evaluation of himself.

He is very courageous...

But sometimes, you can't achieve anything by being alone. When doing something that no one else has done, you also need to have extraordinary confidence and unswerving will.

He was shaken now.

At first, Gu Miao told him that he wanted to strip off the heroine of a different world harem-themed animation adapted from a light novel and make it into a youth romance comedy animation with a modern urban background. He didn't think there was a big problem.

Have you never eaten pork or seen a pig running?

Hou Bin, who has watched so many romantic comedies, feels that so-called romantic comedies are just like that and can be done casually.

But when it came time to actually do it, he and his colleagues were all confused.

I have no experience with this thing!

The characters of the heroines are quite plump, but how to develop the story around these heroines? How to create the so-called home flavor?

This is where the disagreement arises…

Some people think that the so-called otaku flavor is to satisfy the fantasies of otakus and seek a fresh animation taste in ordinary life, so they need to design more "coincidences" in the plot to increase this otaku flavor.

There are also some people who believe that the taste of home is not static, but will continue to change with the development of the market environment.

For example, the early otaku style was actually about fantasy and beautiful girls. As long as there are some elements of fantasy and beautiful girls, it can be called otaku style.

But it's different now.

According to questionnaire surveys, more and more senior two-dimensional fans now prefer the warm and heart-warming daily animation style.

"None of this is right!"

After listening to Hou Bin's narration, Gu Miao shook her head and said, "The so-called homely taste cannot be simply a formula. It is actually a game of comparing brain wave symbols."

The brain waves are aligned, and the symbol is obtained, OK! This animation is very homely!

Without matching the brain waves, the audience cannot get the so-called symbols. Even if the animation is made to be nerdy, in the eyes of the audience, it does not have nerdiness.

"On that spring afternoon, I met my destiny."

Gu Miao patiently explained: "The protagonist's meeting with the heroine gave him the idea of ​​​​making the most powerful beautiful girl game."

"Since we are going to make a game, we need to recruit more people to help. What a coincidence? Among the friends the protagonist knows, there is a best-selling author who is also involved in the painting circle?"

First circle the motivation and purpose.

Then, through this motivation, the characters interact with each other. The way of interaction is naturally a scene that everyone likes to see and hear.

As for the plot?

To be honest, the plot of this kind of animation generally consists of one main plot + N emergencies, and the structure is relatively simple.

What is really complicated is the sorting out and promotion of emotional lines.


This animation will only be tested in ten episodes to see if the audience can accept this model of character separation. How much plot can be unfolded in ten episodes?

Hou Bin is just a mediocre person.


Hearing Mr. Gu's explanation, he smiled and said, "I would have forgotten if you didn't tell me. This animation only has one season and 12 episodes."

There are only 12 episodes of animation, which is only half the weight of "Hell Girl". How can the story be told in one go?

To put it bluntly, this is just a starting point to see if the audience likes it.

If the audience likes it, then there will be a second season, and the story can really unfold. If the audience doesn't like it, the project ends here.

When the animation "The Magic Soldier" was being prepared for production, Wanbao Animation had a guest.

Uncle Long!

This time he came to Wanbao specifically to visit Gu Miao, to express condolences to his colleagues in the animation production team of "The Adventures of Uncle Long", and to fulfill his promise to provide production funds for the second season.

Gu Miao warmly entertained Uncle Long.

After learning that Uncle Long's trip was actually to send him money to urge him to quickly produce the second season of "The Adventures of Uncle Long", he immediately smiled.

"no problem!"

As long as the money is in place, he will not hesitate even if it is the second season of "The Adventures of Uncle Long", let alone the second season of "The Adventures of Uncle Long".

But a promise is a promise.

At the dinner table, Gu Miao also told Uncle Long that Wanbao has accumulated a lot of new projects and may not be able to spare the manpower to produce the second season for a while.

It will no longer work in the second half of the year.

Wanbao Animation is currently producing, planning, and preparing new works that will be broadcast soon. The schedule is already full, and the production of the second season of "The Adventures of Uncle Long" will not start until February or March next year at the earliest.

Uncle Long expressed his understanding of this.

Maybe February or March next year. It’s only a few months away anyway. With such a great animation, it’s worth the extra time to wait.

have to say.

Uncle Long himself really likes the animation "The Adventures of Uncle Long" and is very satisfied with its performance.

In his original words, what he mainly promotes abroad is the "Kung Fu" label, which is also the main reason why many people know him.

But most of the Kung Fu movies he made have been watched by adults. In other words, there are no children in the portraits of his fan base.

But it's different now.

With the popularity of the "Adventures of Uncle Long" animation in many countries and regions around the world, Uncle Long's fame has also grown. The most important thing is that he has gained a large number of young fans.

This is so cool!

Uncle Long said with a smile that he even received an invitation from a foreign children's program some time ago, inviting him to perform a piece of Chinese Kung Fu for the children.

Children's show!

He can even receive invitations from children's TV shows. This shows how popular Uncle Long is with children now.

"That's pretty good..."

Gu Miao was a little embarrassed. How could a Kung Fu superstar like Uncle Long be excited about receiving an invitation to a children's show?

How ignorant!

He doesn’t know how many times he has turned down invitations from children’s TV shows across the country. Is he proud?

Also a Kung Fu superstar!

What happened to the Kung Fu Superstar? A little fan is so happy? Gu Miao's fans are all minors. Has he ever shown off to others?


After silently despising Uncle Long, Gu Miao then asked: "Uncle Long, are you interested in dubbing for animation?"

Uncle Long came to Wanbao for a rare visit, and Gu Miao immediately came up with the idea of ​​letting him dub the animation for "The Magic Soldier".

Free labor!

There is no such shop after passing this village. If Uncle Long hadn't happened to visit, he would have wanted to ask a celebrity like Uncle Long to dub the animation, which would be extremely difficult.


Uncle Long readily agreed, and he happened to be quite interested in animation production, so he immediately decided to voice the role of the Lord of Ximen City in "The Magic Soldier".

He chose the role himself.

Originally, according to Gu Miao's intention, as Uncle Long was such a big name, the guest voice role must be of high quality, and the leader of the Heaven and Earth Alliance was definitely the best choice.

But Uncle Long didn’t want to dub the villain, so he let it go.

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