My Animation Era

Chapter 913 Song of the Five Elements

Uncle Long stayed in Jiangchuan for nearly three days and finally completed the dubbing work of Ximen Hao, the lord of Ximen City.


The addition of a kung fu superstar to the dubbing list has become a hot topic among the production team of "The Legend".

Everyone admires Mr. Gu.

For such a big-name star to make a free guest appearance as a voice actor in "The Young Master", Mr. Gu's reputation is still very impressive. Ordinary people would definitely not be able to hire Uncle Long.


What everyone doesn't know is that in addition to dubbing the Lord of Ximen City, Uncle Long also solved another problem for the animation production team of "The Magic Soldier".

During the dubbing process, Master Cao happened to come to Gu Miao with the music score to discuss the theme song and its interludes for "The Magic Soldier".

Uncle Long, who was listening to the conversation between the two, learned that he wanted to find a female singer with a sweet voice to sing the theme song of "The Legend", but was unable to negotiate because the price was too high. He immediately said that he knew a voice Sweet female singer.


Gu Miao and Master Cao were overjoyed. They didn't expect that Uncle Long, as an actor, actually knew people in the singing circle.

Since Uncle Long has someone he knows, and according to him, he is a reliable friend who can record songs for Wanbao for free, so why are you hesitating?

Gu Miao didn't think much about it and immediately said that she would give the theme song to the friend introduced by Uncle Long.

Free is not necessary!

It’s not like Wanbao is short of money. It’s too expensive and you may not be able to afford it, but you can still afford it by hundreds of thousands or tens of thousands.

"No problem, she agreed."

Uncle Long came forward just for the sake of it, and his so-called friend quickly agreed to the matter, and then contacted Gu Miao by phone.

Gu Miao originally thought that the singer introduced by Uncle Long might have some ability, but his reputation was definitely not very high, and he was in the second or third tier.

But when the call was connected and the scalp-numbing voice came from the receiver, Gu Miao realized that she was wrong, and it was so wrong!

"I should have thought of it a long time ago..."

Gu Miao was speechless and said: "Can the people Uncle Long knows be ordinary people? I'm really stupid. I subconsciously thought that the quality of free things must not be good."

Cheap is not good quality?


Gu Miao spent a lot of money but couldn't hire a second-tier singer. As a result, Uncle Long made a phone call and introduced him to the famous Sweetheart Cult Leader, who also offered to sing for free.

Who could have imagined this?

Not to mention Gu Miao was confused, Master Cao and his soundtrack production team were also confused.

What the hell?

Is the sweetheart teacher coming to sing the theme song for us? So, does our song need to be revised carefully and carefully?

Originally, Master Cao thought that the music he composed was fine, but after learning that the singer would be the Sweetheart Leader, he became less confident.

You can't blame him!

After all, the sweetheart leader's status is there. After this song is written, it will definitely be noticed by countless people, so the completion quality of this song is very critical.

For the sake of Uncle Long, the sweetheart leader agreed to sing the theme song for "The Magic Soldier" for free, so Wanbao also had to show some sincerity. He couldn't just make a bad song for her to sing, right?

It must be high-quality!

Uncle Long’s favor, Sweetheart Leader’s status, Wanbao’s sincerity and face...

Considering the above factors, this song must not be a bad song, otherwise Uncle Long will not be happy as the introducer, the singer Sweetheart Leader will not be happy, and Mr. Gu will not be happy when he turns around.

What to do?

Master Cao is relatively well-known in the composing circle and has a certain social status. Feeling that this was a difficult matter, he decided to find his friends in the circle to compose the music together.

Friends in the circle are not sure either.

Mainly the theme song of "The Young Master" needs to have a popular color and have a brave and positive meaning. To put it bluntly, it has a positive style.

This is a genre that he is not good at, so he introduced another composer to Master Cao, saying that this job must be done by young people.

Master Cao, a good friend in the industry, introduced the young man to Master Cao. He was no ordinary young man, but a pop king-level young singer who was always known for his talent.

Good guy!

When Gu Miao learned about this, she felt numb all over.

The kung fu superstar dubs, the sweetheart leader sings the theme song, and the king of pop composes... The configuration of "The Magic Soldier" is considered abstract and luxurious if you look at the whole world.

If this animation is a piece of shit and fails to live up to such a great theme song, then why don’t we kowtow to the people of the country and apologize?

The theme song of "The Magic Soldier" is definitely the most luxurious song in the history of Wanbao Animation.

But "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is not bad either.

The difference is that the theme song of the animated version of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is luxurious in that one animation actually has five opening and ending themes.

Yes, you heard it right!

An animation is actually equipped with five original animation songs, and when creating, the music and lyrics were composed strictly according to the "Five Elements", which is a unique feat.

"There are more than five songs!"

When Master Cao heard this, he couldn't help but retorted: "Because these are the Four Great Classics and are very influential in several surrounding countries, the animation will most likely be exported and broadcast abroad."

"So you know, there should be theme songs in other languages ​​by then!"

Gu Miao: "..."

Blanch! What kind of prodigal son?

For an animation, the opening song, the ending song, and at most one interlude, three original songs can meet the needs.

As for writing five songs?

What are the two extra songs used for? Could it be that I wrote five songs just to make up the five elements?

"No, no, no, this is not a prodigal!"

Master Cao did not speak this time, but Ma Kui explained: "The reason why there are five opening and ending songs, divided according to the five elements, is mainly to set off the plot."

"Contest", "Four Seasons", "Continuous Flow", "Dreams Are Burning", "A Handful of Country is in Control".

The themes of these five songs are actually reflected in the song titles.

These themes actually correspond to the continuation and transition of the plot of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". According to different plot developments, different opening and ending songs are played.

Among them, the Five Elements Water chapter "The Stream" and the Wood chapter "Four Seasons" are the ending songs, while the three songs of Gold, Fire and Earth are the opening songs.

Let’s not talk about the ending theme.

Let’s just talk about the three opening songs of Metal, Fire and Earth. If divided in order, they are: Controlling the Country, Fighting, and Dreams are Burning...

Taoyuan became sworn friends, and all the heroes came together.

The battle is fierce and fierce.

Six out of Qishan, dreams are burning.

Gu Miao was relieved after learning that these theme songs were not just to make up the numbers, but to echo the development of the plot.

He hadn't noticed just now.

After Ma Kui's explanation, he realized that these songs seemed to really complement the plot, and were not random song titles or random lyrics.

In a sense, listening to these five songs in order is actually equivalent to rewatching "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"?

There are five songs in one animation, and they are all good to listen to. Only CCTV has such a talent. I still admire them when I think about it...

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