The light of the double-strand sword array dissipated, and the attached flames quickly shrank to the position of the hilt, and finally disappeared, and then more than fifty cultivators showed their figures, and the first person was Su Ningyi.

He led everyone to fall from the sky and descended in front of Yuan Ying and the others.

"How did that Sutuo Demon King run away?" asked

Suning Yi as he looked at Yuan Ying.

Yuan Ying nodded, with a wry smile on his face, and explained: "We also hit it once a few years ago, and we thought it was dead, but who knew that it could pull away from the core, you see..."

The trunk of the tree was blown by the wind, and immediately shriveled up, and fell to the other side, soft and unsupported, and when it fell, it could be seen that its bottom was empty, as if it had been undressed.

"But you can do it..."Yuan Ying also wanted to praise Su Ningyi and the others.

Su Ningyi shook his head and asked, "How much strength does the Demon King of Nasutuo have now?"

Manipulating the improved "Great Thousand Sword Array", the consumption of Suning Yi and the others is also very large, especially the fire attached to the sword array, which is presided over by a fourth-order monk, and it can't be used now.

If the Suda Demon King still has half of his strength, they will be helpless even if they catch up.

"One out of ten... Haven't you asked Daoist friends yet?" Yuan Ying blinked, he only found out now that Su Ningyi and the others not only did not wear the Dao robes of the southern border city, but they were also unexpectedly young.

Such a group of people are more like advanced disciples... But this fierce strength is extremely mismatched.

"Suning Yi, we are advanced disciples. Suning Yi explained.

Looking back at the cultivators, their faces were a little pale, and their mana consumption was serious, and there were generally only two or three percent of mana left, but their eyes were extremely bright and full of energy.

It is enough to pursue the Suda Demon King, as long as you don't run into other Demon Kings, you will be safe.

"Bring that fellow Daoist..."Su Ningyi thought for a moment and said.

In the crowd, Liu Senran came out with Yuan Bin in his arms, Yuan Bin was the hostage who was caught by the Sutuo Demon King, he was tossed for a long time, and he absorbed an excessive amount of poisonous gas, and he was dying in Liu Senran's arms.

Yuan Ying couldn't be frightened, and hurriedly stepped forward to look at his own brother, a few steps away, he almost fell.

"Yuan Bin, it's my brother I'm sorry for you..."

Yuan Ying took Yuan Bin and sighed, expecting that the other party was hopeless.

The other monks were also depressed.

Although they won a great victory in this battle, the loss of a Taoist friend made it uncomfortable for anyone.

"Don't mess with him, I can save him. Suning Yi said bluntly, he was busy chasing the Sutuo Demon King and didn't want to waste time.

"The poisonous gas invaded the lungs, and there was no help..."Yuan Ying sighed.

Born in the Southern City Attack Regiment, Yuan Ying naturally knows the Poison Sutra very well, although his mastery is not in the top ten, he can also see that Yuan Bin is hopeless, but he still looks at Suning Yi with a glimmer of hope.

Suning Yi didn't say half a word of nonsense, and put Yuan Bin flat on the ground.

With a flip of his wrist, a small sword fell into his hand, cutting through Yuan Bin's clothes, revealing a chest that was almost undulating, and then, without hesitation, he cut a long opening and went straight to his lungs.

"!!" Yuan Ying looked stupid, but he didn't say much.

The others present may have gasped, but none of the fools who came up and questioned why they desecrated the corpse, they all watched quietly, with a faint hint of anticipation.

Su Ningyi took out several herbs from the sachet, put them in his mouth and chewed them, spit them in the palm of his hand, and then pressed them to the wound on his chest.


puff of black smoke came out of the wound, and the green juice that flowed down his chest gradually turned black.

"Dou Zhuan... Star Shift!"

After the toxin was cleared, Suning Yi cast another magic spell to heal the wound.

And so on, and the other side of the lungs was also healed.

Visible to the naked eye, the dead air on Wonbin's face dissipated, and the rise and fall of his chest also increased...

Yuan Ying was overjoyed, raised his eyes to look at Su Ningyi, and was about to open his mouth to thank him, but was interrupted by Suning Yi waving his hand, Suning Yi nodded at him, and then the sword took off and led the disciples to set off again.

None of the monks in the southern city reacted.

"Ahem..." Yuan Bin, who was lying on the ground, coughed a few times before attracting everyone's attention.

"Why are they leaving? We haven't thanked the people yet!"

"The overall quality of this year's advanced disciples is much higher than ours... The demon king said that he would do it, and even the toxin was solved, I thought that Yuan Bin would not survive, harm!"

"It's really the back wave pushing the front wave..."

Daoyou is alive, no one has been killed or injured, and they have achieved such a victory, it is strange that they are unhappy!

Yuan Ying helped Yuan Bin, who had regained consciousness, with a surprised smile on his face, but he couldn't help but think in his mind: "Suning Yi... Could it be that he wants to pursue the Demon King of Suda?"


The Demon King of Suda is racing underground.

The golden cicada has shed its shell, and now its strength has slipped seriously, and its body has changed into a tree man form.

"Damn, damn it... Those guys... When I go back to find the Thousand-Foot Demon King, I must take revenge!"

It is surrounded by a lush forest.

The Demon King raised an arm, stretched it abruptly, and shot it to the canopy high on the left, "whoosh", and then retracted, and the sharp arm branches pierced through a bird, and blood flowed down its arm.

With a sip, it swallowed the bird into its belly.

"If only you could eat people," the Suda Demon King muttered to himself.

At this moment, a disgusted voice sounded behind it, "Hey, you seem to be a potato, are you a potato essence? It's so disgusting, you actually eat a bird raw..."

She is a beautiful girl who walks staggeringly and has a big wine gourd behind her.

"You're... Tu Shan Fox Demon?" "The Demon King of Sutuo stared at Tu Shan Yaya, secretly relieved, if he was also a monster, he felt that the other party was not very good at making a move, after all, its boss was the Thousand-Foot Demon King.

"You have the sword aura of a little pervert..."

Tu Shan Yaya emerged from the darkness, drunk, and pointed a finger at the Sutuo Demon King, but it dangled and pointed in the wrong direction.

"It turned out to be a drunkard..."The

Demon King ignored her, his feet gradually sinking into the ground, as long as he continued to escape, it could get out of this dangerous creature... The other party is also a demon king, and his strength is unfathomable.

The Suda Demon King's body was short, but when it reached the knee level, it couldn't continue.

The ground is frozen underneath....

"What do you mean by that, I'm under the command of the Thousand-Footed Demon King...", the Sutuo Demon King pulled the tiger skin from his body.

"I'll talk about it when the little pervert comes. Tu Shan Yaya burped and sat on the ground, and at the same time, the frost instantly covered the side of the Sutuo Demon King, freezing it into an ice lump.

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