High in the air, a cyan sword shadow nearly 100 meters long flew by.

Looking from the bottom up, this is the shape of a sword, you can't see the situation inside, in the formation, the other cultivators all close their eyes, each of them is connected to several mana paths, only Su Ningyi, who is the eye of the formation, maintains an external connection.

This is the most distinctive place of Suningyi's improved "Great Thousand Sword Array".

It can be said that Suning Yi is the only brain of the sword formation, he looked down below, followed the direction of the sword qi, and manipulated the sword formation to quickly pursue, but soon he realized that the traces of the sword qi were not moving.

In about half an hour, in the forest below Suning Yi's field of vision, the Sutuo Demon King who was frozen into an ice lump appeared.

Next to the ice mound, there is Tu Shan Yaya lying on his back.

"Good guy..."Su Ning Yi Yile, untied the sword formation, and the more than fifty mana paths on his body quickly retracted, and the rest of the cultivators also recovered their minds, and they all looked at Su Ning Yi.

When linked, they can't move, but they can watch it like a movie.

"It's Sister

Yaya!" "I didn't expect Sister Yaya to come too..."

"Haha, I can fight with Sister Yaya again, I'm still not convinced!"

Suning Yi is the fastest, in fact, it can't be said that he has the fastest speed of the sword, it can only be said that the disciples are very measured, and a few of them are faster than him, and they haven't crossed his front.

Passing through the dense canopy, Suning Yi jumped down directly.

Halfway down, Tu Shan Yaya, who was lying on the ground, immediately sat up vigilantly, and when she saw that it was Suning Yi, the aqua blue demon power dissipated, and she turned to stretch her waist and stretch her proud figure.

The wonderful curve provoked Suning Yi to inadvertently take a second look.

The corners of Tu Shan Yaya's mouth hooked for a moment, then quickly put it down, raised her hand and rubbed her red little face, and hummed: "Are you going to chase that demon king?

Suning Yi stepped forward, rubbed his big furry ears, but Tu Shan Yaya did not resist, and smiled: "Okay, I know you're amazing." The Suda Demon King, who so many people didn't handle, was taken down by you alone. "

That's!" said Tu Shan Yaya proudly.

The other cultivators stayed in the distance, not stepping forward to disturb them, but surrounding the Ice Lump of the Sutuo Demon King, all of them were curious, and the cold air emitted by the Ice Lump made even them shiver.

Seeing this scene, Suning Yi rubbed his nose, the fragrance of the wine was too strong.

"Yaya Little Fox Fairy, have you reached

the fifth order?" Tu Shan Yaya raised her snow-white jaw and said with a smile: "That's right! The old lady is now the fifth-order demon king! The demon power has risen so fast during this time! Hmph, you can't catch up with me, little pervert..."

Su Ningyi smiled slightly, if he was at the fifth order, he estimated that he would be able to reach it in less than half a year.

He was open, but he didn't expect Tushan Yaya to be open, and his speed was not slower than him.

"By the way, you said before that you could join our trial?" Su Ningyi mentioned again, don't look at Tu Shan Yaya as the demon king, but he was still quite worried about whether this idle guy would get into trouble.

In case Tu Shan Yaya's temper comes up and confronts the Southern Demon Emperor, it is estimated that it will be lively.

It's better to keep her by your side first, definitely not for any big bear.

"It's okay..."Tu Shan Yaya whispered.

Suning Yi's face was happy, he walked around Tu Shan Yaya's back, put his hands under her armpits, set her up, folded his hands on her lower abdomen, and said with a smile: "That's right, let's go with us, I miss you very much." "

Tu Shan Yaya's big bear size is too big, Suning Yi holds it up from behind, and it is inevitable to run into some.

Tu Shan Yaya was just about to get angry, when she heard Su Ningyi's words, her pretty face flushed, she was no longer entangled, and muttered in a low voice: "Miss me, you haven't contacted me these days, and you still want me to hum..."

With a "click", the head of the Suda Demon King fell off.

"Alliance Master, what are we going to do now? With the amount of tasks we have now, we can leave the Southern Border City in advance, right?"

Everyone else also looked at Su Ningyi inquiringly.

On this trip, they killed hundreds of big demons, even more small demons, and even a demon king... With such a record, even the southern border city has not made such a great achievement for several years.

"Go to the main force of the attack group and expand your advantage, how long can your mana last?"

asked Suning Yi.

The cultivators looked at each other, and then responded one after another, basically there was one or two percent of mana left, at such a level, even if they formed a formation, they couldn't compete with the demon king, and it would be chaos to go up.

Suning Yi wasn't too worried, he had a lot of herbs in his storage bag.

Although they are all raw materials, there are many kinds of herbs that can quickly restore mana as long as they are taken.

"Look at the old lady!" Tu Shan Yaya suddenly said.

She took out a porcelain bottle from her pocket, stuffed it into Suning Yi's hand, met the other party's puzzled eyes, and said proudly: "The pill produced by our Tu Shan is much better than your Dao Alliance pill


Ice and slippery touch, he said softly: "Yaya Little Fox Fairy is so good..."

Tu Shan Yaya snorted softly in a nasal voice.

Now that there are a lot of people, I have to give the little pervert some face, otherwise she would have punched her in a different place!

"Long live the alliance leader's wife!" Liu

Senran suddenly screamed strangely in the back.

Then everyone responded, one voice higher than the other, and started to laugh.

Tu Shan Yaya was ashamed and stepped on Suning Yi's instep fiercely.

"Let's take it and leave immediately..."Suning Yi bared his teeth and quickly changed the topic.


On the other side, on the main battlefield of the Southern City and the Thousand-Foot Demon King.

A fierce battle is underway.

The upper body of the giant centipede stood upright, and its thousand-legged movements like steel chisels danced, unleashing countless black knife lights, overwhelmingly attacking a giant tree phantom, and the branches of the giant tree were also whipping each other.

High in the air, Zhong Wuyan and his party happened to meet Yuan Ying and others.

"Suning Yi, did they meet you

?" "Almost killed the Sutuo Demon King?"

"These guys can really mess around... Looks like we're going to have a big move.

Zhong Wuyan muttered to himself.

After listening to Yuan Ying's story, Zhong Wuyan found that he was still conservative, underestimating the destructive power of Su Ningyi and the others, thinking that he would be ruthless enough to take the big demon nest, and now he almost killed the demon king

! The actions of Suning Yi and the others detonated the battlefield of the southern city!

"Yes, Senior Zhong, let's join the battlefield too? The Thousand-Foot Demon King is stronger, and the toxins are more mixed..."

Yuan Ying hugged his fists and asked.

Zhong Wuyan shook his head slightly, and looked back at Butler Fei and the others.

"Do you want to shoot together?"

"We can't make a move because of tacit understanding, but if you lose, we'll come to the rescue." Butler Fei shook his head and said.

Zhong Wuyan smiled, understood, they could go all out.

Anyway, there are Fei Da butlers and others to take care of it.

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